EMS - Quarter 3 Update
February 2, 2025
Hello Falcon Families!
I hope this message finds you well as we continue to make our way through the second half of the school year. I’d like to start by extending a huge thank you to the parents of our Quarter 2 Platinum (4.0 GPA) students for organizing and providing a wonderful luncheon on January 16th to celebrate our scholars’ hard work and dedication. Your generosity and support truly make a difference in creating a positive and rewarding school culture!
I also want to express my appreciation for our entire parent community’s patience and flexibility as road construction on Byer Road continues. We know it has impacted drop-off and pick-up routines, and we appreciate your cooperation as we navigate these changes together.
As a friendly reminder, please help us reinforce a few of our school policies with your students:
- We are a gum-free campus – please remind your child that gum is not permitted at school.
- Personal electronics, including cell phones, must remain off and away from drop-off until 3:00 p.m. This policy helps minimize distractions and maintain a focused learning environment.
- Pajamas (including PJ bottoms) are not allowed on campus unless it is a designated spirit day or reward day. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for school each day.
Additionally, if you need to pick up your child during lunchtime (12:16 pm – 12:51 pm), we strongly recommend arriving by 12:10 pm. Locating students during lunch can take extra time due to the various areas they may be in, and we want to ensure a smooth and timely pickup for appointments.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out at jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us.
Ms. Jamie Keith
EMS Principal
- February 6th - SF Shakespeare Company mini-performance of Romeo & Juliet
- February 7th - School Dance, 3:00 - 5:00 pm in the Theater
- February 13th - Quarter 3 Sweet Treat rally
- February 14th & 17th - Presidents Day Weekend (no school Friday or Monday)
- February 20th - BUSD Board Meeting (Excelsior's 2024-2025 Update is being presented this night!), 5:30 pm in the Board Room or on Zoom
- March 5th - PTSA Meeting, 7 pm on Zoom
- March 12th - 13th - Conferences / Minimum Day (11:45 am release)
- March 14th - Minimum Day (11:45 am release)
- March 15th - 30th - Spring Break
- March 31st - School Resumes / Quarter 4 Begins
Lucky 7 Dance - 2/7/25
Leadership will be hosting our February dance on Friday, February 7th from 3:00-5:00.
Tickets will be on sale M-Th for $8 & $10 on Friday. If you have ASB , you do not need to pay for a ticket, but you do need to scan your ID at the ticket table before the dance.
ALL STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR SCHOOL ID. Their EMS ID is needed to purchase tickets and to get into the dance. If your student has lost their ID, a new one can be purchased for $5 in the office from Miss Shelly. All school rules apply including dress code. The two big dance rules are you cannot attend if you are on the Non-Activities List, no Fs on your grades, and you cannot leave early with anyone but your own parents. This is a fun, casual dance.
We will need your donations to make this dance a success. If you would like to support our students by donating food or money for the snack bar, you can use this Donation List . If you would like to volunteer, you must be cleared with fingerprints and current TB test. You can contact our District Office to see if your TB test is current. IF YOU ARE CLEARED, you may sign up on this VOLUNTEER SIGN UP SHEET.
We appreciate your generosity and contributions to our school in this upcoming dance. Our kids are really looking forward to this event.
Sweet Treat Rally
To honor kids’ grades, we are having a Sweet Treat Rally on THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13th!
This is an Activity Rally that students EARN with their Quarter 2 GPA or having Perfect Attendance. The kids who made the rally will eat treats and play games. These kids worked hard, and as parents we all know how much you want your kids to succeed. Rally cards will be passed out Tuesday, February 11th in TEAM.
To reward their hard work, we are asking for treats to give to students. To make this rally a success we need donations from you as parents. Please fill in the sheet on the attached link if you can help with your time and/or a donation. All treats need to be individually wrapped.
Thank you all and thank you for encouraging your children to succeed at school!
No Parking - Bus Zone
We kindly ask all parents to avoid parking in the school bus loading zone in our 6th grade lot. This area is designated for our school buses to safely pick up students, and parked cars create unnecessary congestion and safety concerns. When vehicles block this zone, it delays bus departures and creates hazardous conditions for students and staff.
Please use designated parking areas or the pickup loops when waiting for your child. Your cooperation helps ensure a smooth and safe dismissal process for everyone. Thank you for your support!
Counselor's Corner
Hello Excelsior Families!
I am our school's Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) coordinator and I wanted to share some important information about vaping and substance abuse. While middle school is a relatively safey haven for most of our students, according to the CDC, in 2024, e-cigarettes were the most commonly used tobacco product among middle and high school students in the U.S. 1.63 million (5.9%) students currently used e-cigarettes. This includes 410,000 (3.5%) middle school students and 1.21 million (7.8%) high school students.
Talking to Your Child About Substance Use
As a parent, open and ongoing conversations are key to guiding your child toward healthy choices. Rather than a one-time "drug talk," incorporate discussions about nicotine, alcohol, and drugs into everyday moments.
Tips for Parents:
- Keep communication open with love and compassion.
- Balance consequences with encouragement.
- Use real-life situations as teachable moments.
Preteens (9-12 Years Old)
At this age, peer influence grows while kids start questioning parental rules. Help them navigate risks with clear guidance.
Scenarios & Conversations:
- Exposure at School: "You're at an age where you might see kids vaping or using substances. Our family doesn’t allow this because it’s harmful. You can always talk to me if you're unsure or feeling pressured."
- Hearing About Drug Sales: "I've heard kids are selling prescription pills at school. Have you? What would you do if someone offered you one?" (Practice responses together.)
- Celebrity Drug Scandals: "Some people use drugs to cope with stress, but it harms their health and decision-making. I hope they get the help they need."
Prevention Tips:
- Set clear rules and enforce consequences.
- Build confidence with praise for effort and character.
- Know your child’s friends and their parents.
- Help them distinguish reality from media portrayals of substance use.
Teens (13-18 Years Old)
Teens are savvy and need real-world, fact-based discussions. Reinforce that substance use is not a normal part of growing up.
Scenarios & Conversations:
- Seeing Kids Vaping: "It worries me to see this. What do you think about vaping? Have any of your friends tried it?" (Explain the risks.)
- Starting High School & Peer Pressure: "You’ll face choices about alcohol and drugs. Most teens don’t use them. No matter what happens, you can always talk to us."
- Changing Friend Groups: "I see you’re spending time with new friends. What’s going on with your old ones? Want to invite your new friends over?"
- Coming Home Smelling of Alcohol/Smoke: Stay calm and serious. "I love you and need to understand why this happened. Let’s talk."
Prevention Tips:
- Set firm rules with fair, short-lived consequences.
- Express clear disapproval of all substance use.
- Use media and real-life moments to spark discussions.
- Show consistent interest in their daily lives to build trust.
By maintaining open dialogue and reinforcing your values, you can help your child make safe, informed choices.
Resources for Parents & Families
- Parents and other adults looking to help young people quit should text "QUIT" to (202) 899-7550. Learn more at BecomeAnEx.org.
- Evolution of E-Cigarettes/Vape Pens (with photos)
- E-Cigarettes, What's the Bottom Line? English | Spanish
- Tobacco-Free California
- Flavors Hook Kids
- Stories of Inequity
- CDE Information on e-cigarette use amongst teens
- Contra Costa County Parent Guide on Substance Use and Mental Health
If you suspect your child may be vaping or struggling with substance use, I’m here to help! I offer a 6-8 week tobacco and substance abuse support program for students who need guidance and resources on campus. This program provides education, coping strategies, and a supportive environment to help students make healthier choices.
For more details, please contact me at jsprenkel@byron.k12.ca.us.
From the Desk of Mrs. Voqui, Vice Princpal
Though we've already started Quarter 3, we’ve noticed that many students carry around old assignments they no longer need, have leftover lunch items or crumbs in their backpack pouches, and struggle to find things when they’re disorganized. I encourage parents to take a few minutes to go through their child’s backpack. A simple clean-out can make a big difference and also help lighten up your student's backpack!
Helping your child declutter their backpack reduces stress, improves focus, and ensures they have what they need for success in the next quarter. It’s also a great opportunity to check in on their workload and any support they might need.
Thank you for partnering with us to keep students organized and on track!
Our next PTSA Meeting is on Wednesday, March 5th at 7:00 pm on Zoom!
Interested in joining our PTSA? Please click HERE! The money collected through our PTSA memebership dues goes towards school activities and improvements!
Platinum Lunch - Thank You Parents!
Platinum Lunch - Thank You Parents!
Platinum Lunch - Thank You Parents!
Platinum Lunch - Thank You Parents!
Platinum Lunch - Thank You Parents!
6th Grade Ancient Artifacts Presentation on 1/31
6th Grade Ancient Artifacts Presentation on 1/31
6th Grade Soccer at lunch (they decided on TPE vs. DBE teams)
6th Grade Soccer at lunch (they decided on TPE vs. DBE teams)
Excelsior Middle School
Email: jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us
Website: https://www.excelsiormiddleschool.us/
Location: 14301 Byron Highway, Byron, CA, USA
Phone: 925-809-7530
Twitter: @EMSFalcons