The Muraski Tribune: Issue 6
Important Dates and Information for the 24-25 School Year
A Message from the Principals
I hope your children enjoyed the beautiful weekend and are ready for another great week of school. We have an exciting week this week with Halloween parties, a parade, our October Mustang Market, as well as our experience days on November 1st. I can't believe we are going to be into the month of November.
As a reminder, students don't have school on November 4th or November 5th for Staff Professional Development.
Please take a look at all the information and events below.
Let's have a great week!
Mike Griffen
Dismissal Procedures
I want to provide everyone with a reminder about dismissal procedure in order to assist our staff with better managing the end of the day with our staff and students:
- If you plan you to change your child's transportation/pick-up at the end of the day, it needs to be communicated by 2:45pm. This helps us communicate with staff and remind your child, so they know what to expect at the end of the day.
- If you plan to pick up your child from the main office prior to our 3:30 dismissal time, it needs to be done so by 3:10pm. Getting children ready to go home early can take upwards of 10 minutes, and we need to prepare for dismissal of the whole school. If you plan to pick up early please do so prior to 3:10pm
- Please be mindful of the time it takes to get children ready to go. With the addition of mobile units, as well as the change of weather, students take longer to gather things to go home. Please understand that this is not always immediate.
- If your child is a walker, they must go home prior to coming back to Muraski to use the playground. We have several students who don't leave the property after school and are unsupervised on the playground. Students need to walk home prior to coming back to the school grounds, so we can ensure students are accounted fo.
- If you choose to take your child to the playground after school, you are responsible for supervising your child. Although you are on school grounds, we do not have staff to supervise and therefore are not responsible for the children playing on the playground after school hours.
Facts on the Upcoming Levy
Veterans' Day Sign-up
Halloween Guidelines: Parties on October 31st
We will be celebrating Halloween at Muraski on Thursday, October 31st. We will do a parade around the building starting at 2:20pm. Parents will be invited to line the sidewalks outside of the building to see their children and all of our students in their best costumes.
Following the parade, students will have in-class parties led by the head room parent in the classroom. Please make sure you adhere to the following guidelines:
- Head/Face Coverings can be worn during the parade, but ARE NOT permitted at any other time during the school day.
- No costumes or face paint that depict blood or gore in any manner.
- No weapons (swords, guns, etc.) or objects that look like weapons are permitted at school.
- Attire should be school appropriate and meet our guidelines for dress code.
Please remember that students will not provided support to get costumes on and have limited time to dress for the parade. Students should either be able to wear the costume comfortably and have ease in using the restroom all day or be independent in getting dressed for the parade.
Weekly Volunteer Opportunity
Want to Join PTA?
Application for Free & Reduced Lunch and Breakfast
Click HERE for the Welcome letter from our Food Services Department.
It is important to note the following for those that qualify for Reduced Lunches in the 24-25 school year: The recently passed Ohio biennial budget includes a provision for the State to pay the meal charges for Reduced students ($0.30 for Breakfast and $0.40 for Lunch) effectively allowing them to eat for free. This will be in effect for 24-25 school years.
CLICK HERE for the Free & Reduced Lunch Application.
School Fees
Tech Support: Parent Access to Blocksi
Right At School: Before & After Care
Mike Griffen
Email: mgriffen@scsmustangs.org
Website: https://muraski.strongnet.org/
Location: Muraski Elementary School, Royalton Road, Strongsville, OH, USA
Phone: 440-572-7160
Twitter: @MuraskiPrin