September Cat Tracks
A Brandywine Community Schools Publication
Brandywine Teachers Engage in Fostering Engagement Framework Training
Nineteen Brandywine Staff Members Attend the PLC Summit
This summer saw our administrators and teacher leaders participating in Solution Tree's Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Summit this summer. A PLC is a collaborative approach where educators work together to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of students. The purpose of a PLC is to foster a culture of continuous improvement in our schools, with a focus on learning, collaboration, and results.
This year, we will be implementing our learning from the summit during our Late Start Wednesdays. These sessions will allow our staff to engage in focused, data-driven discussions aimed at enhancing instructional practices and student achievement. By dedicating time to PLCs, we are committed to ensuring that all students benefit from the most effective teaching strategies and that we are constantly refining our approaches to meet their needs.
We are excited about the positive impact this will have on learning in our schools and appreciate your ongoing support.
Brandywine's Ashlee Reed, Alumnus Nick Shelton, Named to Moody's 40 Under 40 List
Be the BEST Bobcat Launch
We are excited for an amazing school year and want to emphasize the importance of developing our students' social, emotional, behavioral (SEB), and executive function skills in our classrooms. These "soft skills" are crucial for managing emotions, building relationships, and succeeding both academically and in life. To support this, we will dedicate 20 minutes daily to activities like Community Circles, executive function lessons, collaboration, mindfulness, and character-building during our BEST Time (Behavior, Emotional, Social, Traits Time). Parent involvement at home is key, and we encourage our parents to reinforce these skills through conversations and activities. Together, we can help our students thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.
Free and Reduced Lunch Forms
Like last year, each student is eligible to receive one free breakfast and lunch each school day. It is important to note however that families should still fill out our free and reduced application forms. It is critical that all families complete and return these forms, as there are other benefits to the school based on the percentage of families that qualify for free and reduced meals. Most importantly, a large portion of our at-risk funding is determined by these qualifying numbers. It’s these funds that have enabled us to add positions such as counselors, social workers, and interventionists, and will support other positions such as SROs once grant funding expires. In addition to these positions, it helps us qualify for grants, and provides scholarships for teacher training, as well as a myriad of other opportunities.
Brandywine Community Approves Operating Millage Renewal
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support in the recent approval of the operating millage on the August 6 ballot. Your commitment to the future of our schools and our students has ensured that Brandywine Community Schools will continue to thrive and provide an excellent education for years to come.
The passing of this millage is a testament to our community's dedication to maintaining high-quality education for all students. This steady funding will allow us to continue offering robust academic programs, enriching extracurricular activities, and essential support services that contribute to the holistic development of our students.
Your support is not just an investment in our schools, but in the future of our children and our community as a whole. Together, we will continue to create an environment where every student can succeed and where educational excellence is the standard.
Thank you once again for your trust and support. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the community to achieve great things for our students and schools.
Cat Chat
Season 2 of Cat Chat will launch with our first Late Start Wednesday on September 11. A new episode will drop every Late Start Wednesday. Septembers episodes will highlight our high school marching band and the drum majors, in addition to a conversation with district leaders about our PLC process utilizing the Late Start Wednesdays. All episodes can be found on Spotify linked below.
August's Action of the Board
At the August 5 meeting, the Board of Education took action during the consent agenda to approve:
- Sarah Holaway Jaymes as Elementary Music Teacher
- Stacey Page as K-6 Grade Art Teacher
- Rachel Williams as 4th Grade Teacher
- Appointment of Additional 2024 Fall Coaches
- Varsity Football Assistant - Stephen Moore
- JV Football Assistant - Collin Babcock
- JV Football Assistant - Cody Galanda
- Middle School Football Coach - John Rader
During the Business and Operations portion of the meeting, the Board took action to approve bread and milk bids from Gordon Food Service. The adult meal prices, as well as, substitute teacher rates, were also approved.
A full description of the August 5 minutes are linked below. The August 19 minutes are not available as of print but will be shared in the October edition of Cat Tracks.
Non-Discrimination Clause
Brandywine Community Schools
Email: twalker@brandywinebobcats.org
Website: brandywinebobcats.org
Location: 1830 South 3rd Street, Niles, MI, USA
Phone: 269-684-7150
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BCS.Bobcats