The Mustang Messenger
April 22nd-27th
Message from Principal Hayden
Important Reminders for STAAR Testing Preparation
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope this message finds you well-rested and rejuvenated after the spring break! As we return to campus, we want to ensure that our students are prepared and focused on the upcoming STAAR tests in April.
2024 STAAR Testing Dates:
April 16th-6th grade Reading/Language Arts
April 17th-7th grade Reading/Language Arts
April 18th-8th grade Reading/Language Arts
April 22nd-8th grade Social Studies
April 23rd-8th grade Science
April 24th-6th grade Math
April 25th-7th grade Math
April 26th-8th grade Math/Algebra 1
To optimize their success, we kindly ask for your support in emphasizing the following points to your child:
1. **Punctuality Matters**: Prompt arrival to school is crucial (no later than 8:50am). We will be conducting DAILY tardy sweeps to help reinforce the importance of being on time for classes. Please encourage your child to be punctual to avoid any disruptions to their learning. If a student is caught in a Tardy Sweep, they are assigned After-School Detention to following day 4:30pm-5:30pm (including Saturdays). Transportation is NOT provided. We make announcements prior to conducting Tardy Sweeps, so students are well aware of the process. If you have questions, please contact your child’s administrator.
2. **Dress Code Compliance**: A focused and conducive learning environment is essential for success. We kindly ask that students adhere to the school dress code to maintain a positive atmosphere for everyone. We have provided below a visual example of our dress code policy. Please contact your child’s administrator if you have questions.
3. **Electronic Device Policy**: In line with creating a distraction-free environment, we remind students to comply with our electronic device policy. Cellphones should be turned off and out of sight while on campus. Additionally, headphones are not permitted during school hours (students need to leave all headphones and earbuds at home). Since students returned from the Winter Break, we have noticed an increase in devices being visible on campus. Please note that the campus is not responsible for any electronic devices that students may misplace while traveling to and from school. Encourage your child to keep their belongings secure and organized. We have also noticed an increase in misplaced electronic devices, leading to disruptions in class time as students search for them. Please reinforce the importance of keeping devices at home and respecting the electronic device policy. Campus administration is NOT responsible for student misplaced devices, meaning campus administration is NOT obligated to search for student misplaced electronic devices during the school day.
IMPORTANT EXAMPLE- An example being a student has their cell phone on the bleachers during PE. If the student was following campus policy, the cell phone would be off and/or in a secured location, such as in his/her backpack, secured away in his/her PE locker with a lock that is secured on the PE locker. If the student has his/her cell phone on the bleachers anyway and the device comes up missing for some reason, the campus is not obligated to search for the device until it is located. We ask that you talk to your child about the electronic device policy so they can be held responsible for their own behavior. We know that there are exceptions. Campus administration, along with FBISD Police, will address cases of alleged theft on a case-by-case basis. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s administrator.
As we progress into the Spring semester, we want to take a moment to remind you of the importance of respectful behavior among our students. At this point in the academic year, our students are well aware of the rules and expectations we have set forth, and it is imperative that they continue to uphold these standards in all aspects of their school life.
Respect is a core value that we strive to instill in our students, both inside and outside the classroom. It encompasses how they interact with their peers, teachers, staff, and the learning environment as a whole. We believe that fostering a culture of respect not only contributes to a positive school climate but also enhances the overall educational experience for everyone involved.
However, it is essential to recognize that there are consequences for behavior that does not align with our expectations of respect. These consequences may include, but are not limited to, verbal warnings, loss of privileges, detention, parent conferences, and disciplinary action in accordance with our school's code of conduct.
We ask for your support in reinforcing the importance of respectful behavior with your child at home. Encourage open communication, empathy, and consideration for others in their interactions both in and out of school. Additionally, please take the time to review the district’s Code of Conduct with your child to ensure they fully understand the expectations and consequences.
We are committed to providing a safe and respectful learning environment for all students, and we appreciate your partnership in achieving this goal. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your partnership in reinforcing these reminders with your child is greatly appreciated. Together, we can empower our students to excel in their academic pursuits and approach the STAAR tests with confidence.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child's education. Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Terence Hayden
Lake Olympia Middle School
STAAR Testing Information
Greetings Parents and Guardians of LOMS Students,
At the middle to end of April, students across Texas will take various assessments within the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) program.
Please note:
• The campus will be CLOSED to ALL visitors on State Testing days regardless of the grade level.
• We will NOT allow for outside food delivery or for guardians to drop off food for students regardless of the grade level.
• Refrain from making appointments specifically on the days your student is testing. Once a student starts their assessment, they will need to submit their assessment the same day.
• It is imperative that your student is at school on the day these exams are given for their grade level. Each subject has a two-week testing window and may be pulled from their schedule to make up if they miss their test within that window.
2023-2024 LOMS State Testing Dates
Tuesday, April 16th
Grade 6 Reading STAAR
Wednesday, April 17th
Grade 7 Reading STAAR
Thursday, April 18th
Grade 8 Reading STAAR
Monday, April 22nd
Grade 8 Social Studies STAAR
Tuesday, April 23rd
Grade 8 Science STAAR
Wednesday, April 24th
Grade 6 Mathematics STAAR
Thursday, April 25th
Grade 7 Mathematics STAAR
Friday, April 26th
Grade 8 Mathematics STAAR/Algebra EOC
Important things to remember:
• FBISD requires all electronic devices to be picked up during any state assessment. Students should leave their device(s) at home or bring their device(s) in a plastic bag labeled with their first and last name. Students in violation of the electronic device policy will receive ‘no credit’ on their state assessments and are subject to disciplinary action. Special limitations are considered and addressed with medically fragile students who utilize their phones for monitoring. Items will be returned to students once testing is complete for the day.
Students are not allowed to have the following on their person at any time during state testing:
*Cell phones
*Air pods or any type of Bluetooth headphones
• Students need to bring a sack lunch to school on their assigned testing days or sack lunches will be available for purchase from the cafeteria. Students involved in testing will eat lunch in the testing room.
• Students are asked to leave their backpacks at home on their testing days listed above.
• Students may bring a book to read once allowed.
• Students are required to arrive on time (between 8:25-8:45 am), have sufficient sleep the night before, and eat a good breakfast to be successful.
• Students who are NOT testing will follow the regular bell schedule.
• For more resources on the STAAR assessments from TEA please use the link.
• All campus rules still apply including, no pajamas, no blankets, no pillows, and water bottles that can be completely closed.
Your cooperation and continued support are greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Kurllenne Martin
Lake Olympia Middle School
Campus Assessment Coordinator
DreamBox Math is an online learning program on our campus. DreamBox is a rigorous math curriculum that students can access both at school and at home. This program adapts to your scholar’s educational needs and provides support within their learning to aid in their understanding of the concepts within their learning experiences. This is self-paced learning; however, progress monitoring is done through tracking student engagement weekly.
The expectation is for scholars to complete at least five lessons PER WEEK!
Your scholar can do more lessons, which leads to meeting their academic goals in mathematics. This tool increases student achievement through learning experiences with mathematics that involve modeling mathematical concepts and exploring concepts through games, basic problems, and rigorous real-world problem scenarios.
Parents, we need your support to ensure students engage in DreamBox weekly to meet their expectations of 5 lessons per week. We appreciate your support in advance and look forward to our scholars' great success with DreamBox.
Please get in touch with your child's math teacher for more information.
Terence Hayden
Lake Olympia Middle School
Campus Calendar
Monday, April 22nd
8th Grade STAAR Social Studies
After-School Detention (4:30pm-5:30pm/Commons)
Tuesday, April 23rd
8th Grade STAAR Science
After-School Detention (4:30pm-5:30pm/Commons)
Boys/Girls Soccer @ McAuliffe MS (5:00pm/McAuliffe MS)
Wednesday, April 24th
Administrative Professionals Day
**LOMS College Career Awareness Wednesdays/college/career shirt**
6th Grade STAAR Math
After-School Detention (4:30pm-5:30pm/Commons)
Thursday, April 25th
7th Grade STAAR Math
After-School Detention (4:30pm-5:30pm/Commons)
Friday, April 26th
**LOMS Spirit Friday/wear LOMS gear or anything blue to show school spirit**
8th Grade STAAR Math/Algebra 1
After-School Detention (4:30pm-5:30pm)
Saturday, April 27th
Saturday Detention (9:00am-12:00pm/Commons)
April 24th
Administrative Professionals Day
May 2024
May 22nd-Early Release 1:30pm
May 23rd-Early Release 1:30pm/Last Day of School
May 24th-Teacher Work Day
May 27th-Memorial Day/School Closed
2023-24 Bell Schedule
Accessing STAAR Results for 22-23 Academic Year
The STAAR scores for the 2022-2023 academic year will be available for access soon. Please note if your child was not attending a Texas school during the previous academic year, there will be no results to access. These scores provide valuable insights into your child's academic progress and achievements in various subject areas. They also serve as a tool to gauge your child's readiness for the next academic level.
To access the STAAR results, please follow the steps below:
• Log into Family Access in the Skyward system.
• Click Online Forms tab on the left.
• You will see that an online form is now available to fill out. The form is named “Student Assessment Results.”
• Click on “Fill Out Online Form” for the Student Assessment Results.
• On the new screen, click on “1. Student Assessment Access Code” on the right-hand side of the page.
• You will see your child’s unique access code as well as a link to the Texas Student Portal. Click the link and use the access code, as well as your child’s date of birth, to access results.
t is important to note that these results are confidential and should be treated as such therefore we are unable to share this information with you over the phone or email.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Thank you for your continued partnership in your child's education.
Best regards,
Kurllenne Martin
Campus Assessment Coordinator
Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up
FBISD Transportation Information
LOMS Student-Owned Device Expectations
Lake Olympia Middle School
Student Cell Phone Expectations
• Cellphones are not considered an allowable instructional device LOMS.
• Cellphones must be powered off and out of sight once students arrive on campus.
• When students arrive on campus in the morning, they will report to their assigned holding area (commons or gyms). Students will NOT be permitted to use their phones in the morning classroom holding areas.
• District policy remains in effect for “bring your device to school.”
• Students may not use their phones or devices to access and use any social media while on campus, including before and after school.
• Students may not use their phones to take photos or videos at any time while on campus, including before and after school. Phone use in the locker room or restroom is considered a severe violation and will be considered the fourth offense.
• LOMS staff will model responsible behavior when it comes to personal devices.
If a phone is discovered in a student’s possession or if a student misuses their instructional device, the following steps will be taken:
First Offense—The device is confiscated and delivered to the front office for end-of-day student pickup and recorded in Skyward with a referral.
Second Offense—Same as the first offense.
Third Offense—Same as first and second offense, and student fined (per policy in the current FBISD Student/Parent Handbook).
Fourth Offense or Severe Violation—Student devices will no longer be allowed on campus and if brought to school, must be dropped off at the front office each day. Student is fined, a parent must pick up the phone, and a referral will be submitted to their administrator.
***Offenses restart at the beginning of each semester.
***Students with electronic watches and other “smart devices” must conform to district and school policy; any misuse will follow the same procedures for cell phones and other student-owned devices.
***Some students will be exempt from these expectations due to documented health monitoring or medical necessity.
***Parents needing to contact their children during the instructional day regarding transportation or for emergencies may call
(281) 634-3520 to deliver a message to their child.
***LOMS is not responsible for the loss or theft of student-owned devices.
Dress Code Expectations
DRESS CODE & GROOMING: FBISD has established a dress & grooming code for our students, detailed in the Student Handbook. Student dress and grooming shall not distract, disrupt, create a safety hazard or take away from the learning process. Appropriate dress and personal grooming by each student for all school activities is required and shall reflect the high standard of the school, the community, and our district. Sagging pants are not permitted.
Students can wear hoodies, but not over their heads. Students may not wear clothing that has been ripped, torn, or cut in any way to reveal undergarments, midriff, or cleavage. If a student has a hole in the pants above the knee, shorts or tights must be worn underneath to conceal their skin.
Tank tops, halters, spaghetti straps, camisoles, tube tops, see-through garments, bare midriffs, bare backs, and bare shoulders are unacceptable. Boys must not have inappropriate carvings in their haircuts.
Excessively tight clothing is not allowed. All skirts and shorts can be worn at length slightly above mid-thigh in the front and the back. All clothing must be worn as appropriately designed.
Slogans, inappropriate pictures, or other graphic portrayals of weapons, violence, sex, drugs, or inappropriate language are prohibited. Gang-related attire, as determined by the administration, will not be tolerated.
Bandanas, headbands, sweatbands, hats, and/or visors will not be allowed. Sunglasses are not permitted to be worn during school. PE uniforms are acceptable only during PE class. Clothing must cover areas from one armpit to another, down to the mid-thigh. Tops must have shoulder straps long enough to adequately cover the waistline and not expose the midriff.
Violation of the dress code will result in disciplinary action. Students will be required to correct their dress code infractions to attend class. Parents will be notified and asked to assist. If the clothing item is inappropriate, the item will be confiscated and only returned to the parent. The student will contact a parent to bring appropriate attire.
While waiting for the appropriate clothing, the student will remain in the administrator’s office. Additional consequences (i.e., after-school detention, Saturday detention, etc.) will also apply for non-compliance. If a pattern of dress code violations continues, it will be deemed insubordination, and consequences will become more severe.
LOMS Athletics Information
Campus Expectations for After-School Events
AFTER-SCHOOL EVENTS: Non-participating students are to leave campus and return, with a parent/guardian, when the event is scheduled to begin. While attending events, students must adhere to the FBISD Student Code of Conduct and Dress Code guidelines. During athletic events in the gyms, students will not be allowed to congregate in the halls or go back and forth to both gyms. The student must sit in the gym of their choice, with a parent/guardian, and watch the event. Students violating these policies will be addressed and, depending on the nature of the violation, may be referred to the police officer on duty. Students will NOT be permitted to attend after-school events without a parent. Re-entry into the building/event is NOT permitted once exited.
Student spectators at football games must sit in the bleachers and will not be allowed to re-enter the game area after departing without a ticket stub. A fee may be charged for some after-school events. All spectators must leave the campus within 15 minutes of the completion of the event.
Join The Lake Olympia Middle School PTA
PTA Membership-$11 per year
LOMS Parents,
We would love to have all of our parents join the PTA. The primary goal of LOMS PTA is to link families and the community with the school to support our children’s educational endeavors and advancements.
Whether volunteering just a few hours per month or during the week, with your support, this year will be better than ever! Join the PTA for just $11.
1. Visit
2. Click on Join PTA
3. Select Fort Bend ISD (District) and Lake Olympia Middle (School)
4. Complete the application and pay online.
If you have any questions, please email
Sign up to Volunteer!
If you want to volunteer at Lake Olympia Middle School, please sign up today via the Fort Bend website or click the link below. All volunteers must complete a Criminal History Background check after July 1, 2023, to volunteer for the current 2023-24 school year.
Volunteer Opportunities include:
Concession Stand
School Dances
Field Trips
Teacher/Workroom Assistance
End of Year 8th Grade Celebration Activities
Staff Recognition and Holiday Events
...much more!
Information on how to volunteer:
Lake Olympia Middle School
Location: 3100 Lake Olympia Parkway, Missouri City, TX, USA
Phone: 281-634-3520
Twitter: @LOMSMustangs
Mustangs will lead with Positivity, Respect, Integrity, Dedication, and Empathy to ensure that all students will be inspired and equipped to pursue futures beyond what they can imagine.
Mustangs will learn to become productive, lifelong learners, empower themselves and others, achieve academic success and dream of futures beyond imagination.
Accountability-The condition of being responsible (students, staff, and community).
Clarity-The quality of understanding (communication, systems, and expectations).
Empowerment-The influence of self-determination in ourselves and each other to be great.