NPC Kids Korner
September 2024
Fall Youth Events
Main Event @ John Knox
The youth will be attending this annual fall retreat September 20-22nd. Due to the need for our Sunday School teachers to chaperone, there will not be any Sunday School or Children's Church on Sunday the 22nd.
Youth Sunday
We hope everyone will join us on September 29th for Youth Sunday. We will be using the time in Children's Church to prepare. We will be exploring common examples to describe the Trinity, as well as Scripture that verify it.
Sunday School
Both the youth and children's classes are utilizing The Story and its resources. It is a chronological Bible that reads like a novel. The Story helps us engage with God’s Word easily. Over the next year we will be going through the Bible from start to finish.
Mark Your Calendars
9/20/24-9/22/24 Main Event @ John Knox Ranch
9/29/24 Youth Sunday
11/9/24 Food Bank
12/1/24 Christmas Program
12/20/24 NPC Youth Lock In
1/17/25-1/19/25 Mid Winters Retreat @ Mo Ranch
Laureen Owen
Laureen is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters