Roadrunner Weekly
February 10th, 2025
Roadrunners will learn, grow, and thrive!
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Be Safe, Exercise Responsibility, Engage in Learning, and Practice Kindness!
Reynolds' Report
Hello Roadrunner Families!
The weather lately has been very chilly in the mornings! If your student is struggling to find their sweater or jacket to stay warm, it may be in our lost and found. Our lost and found racks are overflowing and we need your help! Please take a moment to go through the lost and found this week to reclaim your student's lost items! Items not claimed this week will be taken to donate. Happy hunting!
We have had a lot of exciting things happening around campus the past few weeks. On January 28th, we held our annual spelling bee. Our 4th Grade winner was Parker G.B. and our 5th Grade winner was Mia G.O.! Getting up in front of the crowd at school is a hard thing, and all of our contestants bravely faced the nerves to compete in this event. Parker was even a substitute and didn't know he was competing until the morning of the event! I am in awe of each one of our contestants, they all did an amazing job! Congratulations to all of our amazing spellers!
Last week, on February 3rd, we were surprised with the installation of our new digital marquee! We knew it would be coming soon, but it was a special surprise to have it installed on Monday! Our incredible PTO worked for nearly two years to save the money for our new marquee, and many community partners contributed generously to ensure that we could reach this goal. Our digital marquee will be a good spot to learn about upcoming events, days off from school, student birthdays, and more! Check it out if you have not yet seen it!
Remember that this week is a short week, with no school on February 14th or February 17th. We hope you enjoy the four-day weekend with your incredible kiddos.
Have a sweet and loving week, Roadrunners!
Lyndsay Reynolds
Proud Principal
First Street School
School: 916 645-6330
Call/Text: 916 409-6808
Our New Marquee
5th Grade Spelling Bee
4th Grade Spelling Bee
Watch our video newsletter in English and Spanish
Mira nuestro video newsletter en ingles y español
Topic of the Week
BEEP Assembly : Curiosity
Attendance Corner
Important Dates:
Month at a Glance
February 12th - Love Lunch, see PTO update for information
February 13th - Valentines Spirit Wear Day
February 13th - Coffee Chat with Ms. Reynolds, 8:15-9:15am, Cafeteria
February 13th - ELAC Meeting, 6:00-7:00pm, Library
February 14th-17th - Spring Mini-Break, No School
February 19th - Evacuation Drill for Students
February 20th - School Site Council Meeting, 6:00-7:00pm, Library
February 21st - BEEP Store
February 21st - Whole School Morning Meeting for Students, 8:15-8:45am, Cafeteria
February 25th - Cookies and Competition BEEP Trimester Award Party
February 28th - Whole School Morning Meeting for Students, 8:15-8:45am, Cafeteria
Updates and Important Information
February 25th : Cookies and Competition
Our Cookies and Competition event is quickly approaching and we need your help! We are looking for parent volunteers to help ensure that this event is a hit for all students who participate!
Volunteers will help pass out cookies and cookie decorating supplies to students, help students decorate cookies, and provide support to ensure the event goes smoothly.
Primary students (TK-2) will be having their Cookies and Competition event from 9:30-10:10am.
Intermediate students (3-5) will be having their Cookies and Competition event from 1:00-1:40pm.
Use the link below to sign up for a time to come help!
Supply Donations
It is already time to start thinking about next year and the wonderful things we will do with our students in the 2025-2026 school year. Each year, we strive to ensure that all students have their school supplies provided to them by the school. This is part of our AVID organizational goal, as well as part of our culture of abundance on campus.
Due to budget cuts this upcoming year, we are turning to our community to ensure that our tradition of providing students with their school supplies can remain strong.
Below, is an Amazon link, with the items that we typically use throughout the school year. We are asking you to pass this link along to anyone who might be interested in making a donation of school supplies to our school. Items ordered from our Amazon wish list will deliver directly to our school for use in the 2025-2026 school year!
Intra District Transfer Requests are Open!
Does your student attend First Street School on an intra-district transfer?
Each year, any student who attends First Street School on an intra-district transfer needs to reapply for their transfer. If you would like your child to continue attending First Street School, you will need to submit a request using the website below. Please note that there are links for both years, be sure to submit your request under the "Next Year: 2025-2026" Label.
February 12th : Love Lunch
Join your student for lunch on February 12th during our Love Lunch! PTO flyers will come home soon with more information and the schedule to ensure you're able to join your student!
February 12th: Coffee Chat with Ms. Reynolds
Come meet our new family liaison, Mia Melville, at the coffee chat February 12th! We'll have an opportunity to share a morning treat and a cup of coffee while we get to know her. There will also be time to hear about your thoughts and ideas about our school as we head into our third trimester of the year!
Can't wait to see you there!
February 13th : ELAC Meeting, 5:00-6:00pm, Library
We hope you will join us for the Spanish Language ELAC Meeting. In this meeting, we will discuss budgetary changes and go over data about student progress from this year. We hope you will join us to provide your input on budget items for the remainder of the year!
Dinner and childcare will be provided.
The English Language version of this meeting is the School Site Council Meeting on February 13th, where the same data will be shared.
February 14th-17th : Mini-Break, No School
There will be no school on February 14th or February 17th for our Spring Mini Break. We hope you will take some time to enjoy your student during this four day weekend! We'll see you back at school on Tuesday, February 18th!
February 19th : Evacuation Drill
Each month, we are required to do a drill with our students. This month, will be an evacuation drill. Please see our safety protocols below for more information about an Evacuation Drill!
February 20th : School Site Council Meeting, 5:00-6:00pm, Library
We hope you will join us for the English Language School Site Council Meeting. In this meeting, we will discuss budgetary changes and go over data about student progress from this year. We hope you will join us to provide your input on budget items for the remainder of the year!
Dinner and childcare will be provided.
The Spanish Language version of this meeting is the ELAC Meeting on February 6th, where the same data will be shared.
School Safety Information
Standard Response Protocol
Each month, we hold a drill to ensure students are practiced in what to do in case of an emergency. There are many different types of drill that we hold. Check out the flyers below for more information about the drills we will hold throughout the year!
First Street School PTO Updates
January PTO Update
Hello amazing Roadrunner families!
We hope you are having a wonderful start to 2025. Can you believe our hundredth day of school is coming up on January 30th?
The PTO has officially paid the bill for our digital marquee and we are expecting its delivery anytime. It will hopefully be installed within the next month! We cannot thank you enough for your partnership in raising the funds needed for this beautiful addition and cannot wait to see it go live!
Next month we will be having our second of three family picnics for the year lovingly named our Love Lunch. We will need a couple of volunteers to make this event a success. Our volunteers will hand out visitor stickers to those coming to have lunch with their students. You can find that sign up HERE. Details on your child's lunch time along with our flyer can be found HERE. Save the date for our third and final family picnic on April 29th!
Want to be more involved on campus? Our PTO is always looking for more input and more volunteers! We are an inviting group of parents whose #1 goal is spreading joy around campus. One of the ways we communicate is via the Remind app. You can register HERE for more information. We would love to meet you at our next meeting on February 5th @ 5pm. Childcare will be provided!
Have a wonderful week!
Your PTO
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops collection continues digitally all year with the Box Tops app. First Street School gets $0.10 for each Box Top scanned for our school. While that isn't much on its own, the whole school community collecting them from Participating Products throughout the year can earn enough to pay for things like software memberships, supplies for classroom activities, or other low cost school support.
- Earn Box Tops for participating products by scanning receipts with the Box Tops app.
- When you shop online or use delivery services, you can earn Box Tops by forwarding your e-receipt to receipts@boxtops4education.com or by uploading it with the Box Tops app. Learn more about submitting e-receipts here.
Important Links and Information
Updated COVID Protocols
Student Quarantine:
Effective this year, California Department of Public Health has replaced most of the requirements about student quarantine with recommendations. The one remaining requirement is that students who are ill must be fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aide of fever-reducing medications before they are able to return to school. Please see the documents below for more detailed information.
About Us
Email: lreynolds@wpusd.org
Website: https://fses.wpusd.org
Location: 1400 1st Street, Lincoln, CA, USA
Phone: 916-645-6330
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstStreetElementary
Twitter: @WPUSD