Holy Rosary
Even if we aren’t in a formal mentoring relationship with others, if we keep maturing, if we use all we have experienced for our own soul work, then I think we’re already giving something to the next generation.
—Richard Rohr
Hi Everyone,
Congratulations Rob Flexman on an amazing Carnival today! Thank you as well to the loads of parents who were involved and were keen to enjoy it with their children. It was worth every minute!
Yesterday’s RUOK Day was beautifully and sensitively embraced by our team. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
And - can you believe it - next week is the last week of term! We will be finishing with Pyjama Day and Movie Afternoon on Friday - a lovely way in which to celebrate a very enjoyable and successful term.
On a sad note, as of November 23 next year Father Peter and Father Tom will be relocating back to the eastern states, and the Dominican Religious Order will no longer be in charge of the Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary. They will be handing the Parish over to the Archdiocese of Perth, who in turn will appoint a priest to take over. We have witnessed more than sixty years of support, faith and vision, and will be eternally grateful to Father Peter and everyone from the Dominican order who has gone before.
Best wishes
R U OK Day 2024
💛 Yesterday was R U OK Day 2024 💛 As a school we focused on the importance of checking in on each other. Some classes teamed up with their buddies to complete activities, engaged in mindfulness, and practiced those important conversations about mental health and well-being. The lessons learnt today remind us all of how powerful a simple "Are you okay?" can be in supporting our friends and classmates. Let's keep the conversation going every day! 💛
Last Day of Term 3
On Friday 20th September, the students will be invited to wear their pyjamas and bring in a gold coin donation. All money raised will go to Brother Olly’s Wheelchairs for kids.
Wheelchairs for kids
All over the world, millions of children with disabilities can’t get access to adequate wheelchairs—and the impact on their quality of life is profound.
Wheelchairs for Kids is a volunteer-based not-for-profit organisation providing the transformative gift of mobility to children in impoverished and under resourced communities both in Australia and around the globe.
Built to World Health Organisation guidelines, our wheelchairs are purpose-designed to withstand regular use in the rugged terrain and uneven surfaces common in the developing world—opening up a life changing level of mobility and accessibility that would be impossible with a regular wheelchair.
Health and Wellbeing
You may have heard on the news that Perth is experiencing an increase in the number of people suffering from Influenza A and B as well as COVID. If your child is feeling unwell, please keep them home until they are feeling better and thank you to everyone who is already doing this.
We have also had a couple of confirmed cases of Conjunctivitis and Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease within the school. Please read the below attachments for more information.
4D students displaying creativity and collaboration whilst working on their design and technology project. We can’t wait to see their finished creations!
Congratulations Edward!
Edward won the City of Perth title at the weekend and set a new lap record for class in the process👏👏👏.
Write a book in a day
In Week 7 these amazing students took part in the national Write a Book in a Day challenge. Tasked with drafting, publishing and illustrating an entire book, our students worked together from 9am until 5pm. So far, these students have raised over $1400 for the Kids Cancer Project - an incredible achievement! Donations can be made to our teams through the following links:
Kind Regards,
Joe Kinder
Parent Volunteer Declaration
Please click on the link below and complete the declaration form - it will take you 10 seconds. Every parent volunteering in a school in any capacity is required to complete this. Thank you.
R U OK? In library this week we have been learning how to care for our friends and family by checking in with them and asking them if they are ok? The students have so many good suggestions as to what they should do if their friend says no.
This has also been helpful as we get to the pointy end of the Junior Chess Tournament. It can be very sad to lose but the students have shown excellent sportsmanship even if they feel really sad about not winning. Next week, the last week of term, will be the finals and we will have our Junior Chess Champ for 2024.
We have many overdue or damaged/lost books at the moment. Can I please ask that if you are unable to locate them in the holidays, that you purchase a new copy for our library by the first week of Term 4 so we can get them back into circulation and the hands of the students who are waiting to read them.
Thank you very much for your support of our school library.
Holly Butson
“The strongest human beings, the ones who laugh the loudest and hope the hardest, the ones who are always there for others- those souls often need people there for them. So, please- check on your kind friends.” A Gentle Reminder, by Bianca Sparacino.
2D is almost halfway through their “Feelings and Friends” program and I am very proud of their participation. Please check Seesaw for weekly updates on what we are covering.
The last group of Year 4’s have started Seasons for Growth and are really enjoying it.
Our Year 6’s have started Council Groups for the term.
Environment Council are helping Mr Scutti tidy up the sunflowers in the Veritas.
Pastoral Council are planning a fun last day of Term 3 with a movie and PJ day in the gym.
Community Service students are helping out in the classrooms and Christian Service are organising the collection of donations for our local Vinnies.
Thanks for your support with all the programs here at HR.
Holly Butson
Monday 16 September
Pre-Primary excursion to Caversham Wildlife Park
Year 4 excursion to WA Shipwreck Museum
Tuesday 17 September
Year 2 incursion - Bricks 4 Kidz
Thursday 19 September
Year 4 1st Communion Retreat
Friday 20 September
Last day of Term 3 - PJ Day and Movie - Gold Coin Donation
Important Dates
Term 3, 2024 - Wed 17 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4, 2024 - Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
Smartrider Cards
If you need to order a Smartrider Card for your child to travel on public transport, you can now order this online by clicking on the red button below. Please be careful when ordering as there are two Holy Rosary Schools. Our school is listed as per the below screenshot.
Locavora Lunch Orders
How to setup an account
Please read the attachment below on how to setup an account to order lunch for your child/children from Locavora.
P&F Facebook
If you’d like to be kept up to date on current and upcoming events and important information from the P&F please add us on Facebook.
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six.