Skyview Band and Dance Newsletter
It's Marching Band Season!
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Band and Dance Registration
Band and Dance Parent Meeting
Senior Parent Meeting will follow after the general parent meeting.
Important Dates
- Monday's and Thursday's Competitive Marching Band Rehearsal 4:00 - 7:00 pm
- Parent Meetings are the second Tuesday of every month in the Band Room @ 6:00 pm
- October 13th Marching Band Rehearsal and trailer loading from 1:00 - 5:00 pm
- October 14th 1st Competitive Marching Band Competition: Century Showcase at Hillsboro Stadium. Check Charms Calendar for more information.
- October 20th Pep Band Call Time 6:00 pm
- October 21st Marching Band Competition: Sunset Classic at Sunset High School
- October 27th Pep Band Call Time 4:00 pm
- October 27th Senior Night and Homecoming
- October 28th Festival of Bands Championships at University of Oregon
- November 7th Jazz Festival volunteers receive a free T-Shirt. To guarantee your size, sign up no later than the 7th.
- November 9th Apple Pie Concert
Volunteers Needed
We need YOU!
Volunteers are needed for the following upcoming events:
October 20th: Football Game Concessions
October 27th: Football Game Concessions (9th, 10th and 11th Grade parents.)
Saturday Marching Band Competitions.
November 9th: Apple Pie Concert.
Jazz Festival volunteer needs are listed below and watch for sign ups on Charms. Must sign up by November 7th to get a T-Shirt that fits!
Sign up at https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms2/login.asp
You can also reach out to our SVBD President, Leah at svbdbpresident@gmail.com or our volunteer coordinator, Ginger at svbdbvolunteercoordinator@gmail.com
If you are volunteering alongside students please make sure your VPS Clearance is up to date. https://apps.raptortech.com/Volunteer/Login/NTY1OlZvbHVudGVlcjplbi1VUw%3d%3d
Thank you for supporting our kids in this musical journey!
Friendship Building!
Having Fun!
Working Hard Grilling!
2023 Jazz Festival
The Jazz Festival will come up quick! Your help is needed.
All volunteers will receive a free festival T-shirt. To guarantee your size please sign up on Charms by November 7th.
Sponsorships: works with the band director to get private and corporate sponsorships. Our costs are increasing for this event. However, we don't want to balance that by increasing the ticket price. Most student jazz performances have no entry fee at all so we want to keep our ticket price low so as not to raise the ire of our attendees. We already have regular sponsors that we work with every year. However, we need to augment that program by finding additional sponsors so we need a person solely focused on this effort.
Lobby Decor: plans the overall look of the lobby area and coordinates and directs the volunteers during setup and teardown.
Event Food: takes the lead on planning the menu and food purchases for the concession stand. We have a menu from last year and an experienced advisor who does the concessions for Skyview High School events (e.g. basketball games). We also provide food for the judges and volunteers but this is handled by others.
Please contact our Jazz Festival Coordinator, Brian Malcom at svbdjazzfestivalcoordinator@gmail.com
This is where Parents can view the calendar, sign up to volunteer, donate food/water, sign up to help at various events including competitions, keep track of student funds and more. The boosters communicate through Charms to parents. It is very important for families to sign up. After students are registered through this form, boosters will update student information and parents will then be able to get started in Charms.
Once you have accessed your student's Charms account, you will receive emails, get to sign up to help at our events and access SVBD's calendar. Contact svbdbcommunications@gmail.com for assistance accessing your student's account.
Students: https://web.groupme.com/join_group/94573764/T2ZPENTn
Parents only: https://web.groupme.com/join_group/92967099/gAmxDSIp