Grant Line Buzz
January 24 - 31, 2025
A Note from Mrs. Satkoski.....
Coming to school on time every day is SO important! Check out some statistics below!
Parent Input
We are in an adoption year for English Language Arts text books. We are in need of two parents to give input on the series as well. If you are willing to help (NAFCS employees cannot do this as they are already giving input at work), please contact me at msatkoski@nafcs.org. This would involve you coming in at your convenience during school hours or until 4 pm to look over the materials and giving your opinion.
Upcoming Events
January 30 - Kindergarten Meet and Greet for 2025 - 2026 School year
January 31 - Basketball Jersey Day
February 13 - Valentine's Party Day; Red/Pink Day
February 14 - No School - Teacher PD
February 17 - 21 - Midterm Week
February 24 - Kindergarten Parent Night - 6 - 7 pm
February 28 - Tie Dye Day
March 3/4/5 - 3rd Grade IREAD
March 7/10/11 - 2nd Grade IREAD
March 11 - ILEARN Checkpoint #3 ELA - 3rd and 4th grades
March 12 - ILEARN Checkpoint #3 Math - 3rd and 4th grades
March 14 - Green Day
Kindergarten Meet and Greet - January 30, 2025
School Family Commitment of the Week
Clubs This Week
January 27 - 3rd Grade Bracelet Club (Room 31)
January 28 - Chess Club (Library)
Counselor's Corner
Greetings Grant Line Families,
I hope you all are staying safe and warm in this extremely cold weather. This week I visited all K-2nd grade classrooms. Our topic is perseverance. We discussed using the word yet when we get discouraged and turning negative thoughts and words into positive ones. For example, if we can't do something and feel discouraged, just think or say I can't do it yet. We will continue to work on this for the next few weeks.
Blessings in a Backpack:
The packaging and contents of the blessings bags have changed. They were prepackaged and contained several snack items. Now, they contain small meal items with a few snacks. The items now have to be individually packed weekly. This requires the help of several parents who have volunteered to help me pack the food bags. I want to thank all of the volunteers. I couldn't do it without your help.
Stay warm and take care,
Lisa McCory, Counselor
On Sat, Jan 18, 2025 at 9:26