Knights Family News
Mission Statement
The Kendall Elementary School community works collaboratively to empower our students to develop the skills and character needed to become responsible, productive citizens and dedicated learners.
News from the Admin Team
Knights Family,
We hope that you have had a great week and are ready to enjoy Super Bowl weekend. We had a busy week at KES with campus learning visits. Students are rocking and rolling through February and we appreciate your support in getting your kids here.
Please follow our campus wide expectations with our arrival and dismissal procedures to ensure that our students remain safe. When dropping your student off in the morning, please remember that we don't have staff on duty until 7:05 to bring students into the building. If students arrive before 7:05, they will wait in the alcove in front of the library.
When picking students up, please make sure that if you are walking up to get your student from parent walkup that you have your sign to present to the monitor. Students will not be released without a sign. As a reminder, if you are walking up to get students, the parent walk up area is in front of the cafeteria.
Students who are waiting with their grade level teachers for car riders will not be released to walk up parents. If you have a change in transportation, please call the school so that we can get the message to the teachers.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Jennifer Escamilla, Principal and
Chelsea Allison, Assistant Principal
Parent Drop Off Safety
Please remember that safety is extremely important when dropping off your students and picking them up. We urge you to slow down and wait to see that your child gets out of your car and into the building safely. We are aware of a recent tragedy that took place at an elementary school in Texas during student drop off. Please partner with us and slow down, use caution, and be vigilant during drop off hours. The safety of all our staff, students, and parents is our number one priority and we are appreciative of your support.
We know that illnesses have been rampant and caused many absences from school this month. A friendly reminder that all doctors' notes and excuses need to be turned into Laura Kanter in person or via email at laura.kanter@boerneisd.net so that these absences can be excused properly. We appreciate you keeping your child home if they have a fever or any other symptoms to reduce the spread of germs. We have not reached our attendance goal of 97% since 2025 began, and we hope that illnesses pass soon so that we can welcome all of our students back to class.
Please remember that school begins at 7:35 and instruction takes place immediately. Therefore, it is important that all students get to school on time. Please partner with us to ensure your child arrives on time and can engage in the instruction beginning at 7:35. As always, we understand things happen occasionally and you may run late. If you arrive late with your child, please park and walk them into the front office to assist them in signing in and receiving a tardy slip.
Lost & Found
Please be sure to label your child's items with their name. This includes water bottles, sweaters, sweatshirts and jackets, lunch boxes, pencil bags, etc.
We want to be sure to get these items back to their owners as quickly as possible.
Nurse Copeland Updates
Lunch Visitors
We welcome parents visiting during their students scheduled lunch time. You must check in at the front office and receive a visitor badge before you are permitted access to the cafeteria. Once in the cafeteria, you may sit at the designated parent tables closest to the stage or make your way outside to the outdoor eating area. Your student is the only one permitted to eat with you. Please refrain from inviting other students to join you. Additionally, we ask that you do not stay in the cafeteria after your student's lunch time is over. You will need to make your way back to the front at this time and allow your student to rejoin their class.
Lunch Times
PK: 10:50 - 11:20
Kinder: 10:30 - 11:00
1st: 11:00 - 11:30
2nd: 11:30 - 12:00
3rd: 12:00 - 12:30
4th: 12:20 - 12:50
5th: 12:40 1:10
Birthday Treats
Birthday treats must be store bought with a nutrition label. This is a BISD procedure that has been in place since 2018. Treats from bakeries must also include nutrition labels.
Please view the BISD Severe Food Allergy Management Plan for more information at https://www.boerneisd.net/Page/8985.
Page 13 states: All foods brought to campus for special occasions such as birthday parties, holiday parties, any special occasion MUST have an FDA approved label with ingredients and allergens legibly listed.
Birthday treats may be dropped off in the front office. Visitors will not go to classrooms. Teachers will celebrate the last 15 minutes of the day, prior to dismissal. Flowers and balloons are not to be sent to school for delivery for any student
Share the Wins
At Kendall, we love to celebrate our staff and share the wins each day. Every time we give a staff member a shout out, we link it to one of our core values. If you see your child's teacher or any staff member going above and beyond to live out our core values, please send a shout out via email to Jennifer or Chelsea. We would love to pass the shout outs along!
Important Dates
February 10-14: CCMR Week
February 14: Career Day 8:30 am -10:00 am students only
February 15: School Resource Officer Day
February 17: Student Holiday