Principal's Weekly Update
February 16th, 2024
A Message from Dr. Nadjarian
Dear Families,
As this week comes to a close, it is an amazing experience to walk through the classrooms to wish the students a wonderful February Break! Some students are excited to go on vacation or rest at home, while others are sad to leave their St. Mary's community. I look forward to welcoming the students back, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated!
On a different note, I have some bittersweet news to share with you. As you know, Fr. Bobby is an incredibly involved, compassionate, and faithful priest to our community. His dedication does not go unnoticed. As a result, Cardinal Sean has assigned him to become the pastor of the Reading Catholic Collaborative beginning June 1st. While this is very sad news for us, it is good news for the people of Reading, who will be getting a great pastor. He will likely be the youngest priest (by years of ordination) to become pastor of a parish in the Archdiocese of Boston. Make sure to congratulate him the next time you see him!
Have a great weekend!
Looking Ahead
February 16th
- Reminder: No EDP Today
February 19th - February 23rd
- February School Break
February 29th
- Coffee with the Principal at 8 a.m.
March 5th
- "Family: The First School" (Session 2) at 8 a.m.
March 6th
- Trimester 2 Grades Close (K2-8)
March 8th
- Special Someone Dance: 4 - 6 p.m.
March 13th
- Report Cards Released (Grades K2 - 8)
March 14th
- Parent Teacher Conferences (Grades K2 - 8)
- No EDP Today
March 15th
- No School - Parent Teacher Conferences (Grades K2 - 8)
March 18th
- No School - Pastor's Day
St. Mary's School Gala
We are looking forward to hosting this year’s Gala on Saturday, April 5th, 2024. Please visit the following link to purchase tickets: Gala Tickets 2024 We hope to see you there!
News From Nurse Catherine Wu
Some fun ideas for February vacation:
Boston’s Chinatown is celebrating Chinese New Year 2024 the Year of the Dragon on Sunday, February 18th from 10am-3pm. There will be lion dancers, great food and cultural activities. The following link has all the information you need for your visit to Chinatown or visit Rove.me for a list of times and locations.
City of Boston Children’s Winter Festival is on Wednesday, February 21 from 11-2:00 on the Boston Common Parade Ground. This is a free event for children of all ages. Visit boston.gov/winterfest for more information.
February is Black History Month. Boston has one of the largest museums in New England honoring African American History and culture. The Museum of African American History is located in the Beacon Hill section of Boston at 46 Joy Street. It is open Tuesday through Sunday 10am-4pm. It is closed on Monday for Presidents Day. You should reserve tickets in advance for adults $15.00 and children under 12 are free. Visit their website for more information or to reserve tickets.
https://www.maah.org/ Take a walk down Charles Street after your visit for lunch or visit the Beacon Hill bookstore and cafe at 71 Charles Street and don’t forget to visit the Make Way for Ducklings bronze statues in the Public Garden.
Enjoy your vacation. Stay safe and healthy.
Ash Wednesday Mass kickstarted the Lenten season for all of our students PreK through Grade 8!
Thank you, Fr. Jonathan, for celebrating such a beautiful Mass.
3rd Grade Leads Parking Lot Prayers
This week, our students learned all about the virtue of faith. The Bible tells us, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). Some of our 3rd grade students helped us understand the virtue by applying it to their lives as students. In addition, they connected the virtue of faith to the season of Lent we are in. Let us pray for greater faith to persevere joyfully during this season of Lent!
Max's incredible air time during the long jump competition with Mr. Holmes!
After the Ash Wednesday Mass, Fr. Jonathan made sure that even our youngest students had time to receive ashes - the symbol of penance and turning towards God. How fitting it is that Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day occurred on the same day this year! Both celebrations are a reminder of how loved we are. For our PreK students, Ash Wednesday reminds them how much God loves them.
This week in Mrs. Schneiders' K1 class, students continued their artist unit, adding two more works of art to their portfolio based on the works of Henry Matisse. First, the children created a collage based on “The Snail” by tearing colored paper and creating a snail collage. Second, they put their creative talents to work, and created their own version of Matisse's “Woman with a Hat”. They were welcomed with much more praise than Matisse received at his first public showing of this piece. Many found his hat to be too gigantic and outrageous. Well done, young artists!
Grade 2
Ms. Connors' students began their week with a lesson on Lent. They discussed what prayer, fasting, and giving looks like for students their age. They learned fun facts about the season and practical tips on applying it to their lives. Ask your children to show you their amazing book they designed to showcase their preparation for Lent! Later in the week, they celebrated the 100th day of school with lots of activities! Students were invited to dress up like they are 100 years old and completed 100th day themed reading and math activities like 100 Bingo! Mrs. Enrique joined in the fun too!
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Middle School Highlights
Spread the Word!
Join us for our St. Mary's Middle School Open House! Discover the excitement of learning as we open our doors to prospective students and families. Explore our vibrant classrooms, meet our dedicated teachers, and experience firsthand the innovative programs and enriching opportunities that await your child. We can't wait to welcome you into our school community!"
Students learned from Elizabeth Brehany, a representative from Boston's Health Care for the Homeless, in this week's Middle School Guest Speaker Series
8th grade students discuss Montag’s inner conflict in Fahrenheit 451
St. Mary's Middle School Youth Group
We are excited to partner with the parish to grow the middle school community! Please see the flyer below!
Follow us on Social Media
Please find the links below to our social media pages. We have been constantly uploading posts and stories so if you are interested in seeing more of our day-to-day happenings, please follow us!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/st-mary-of-the-assumption-school
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryschoolbrooklinema