Warrior Weekly # 37
#WarriorsTodayLeadersTomorrow-Week of May 20- May 24
Week of Week of May 20 - May 24
Warrior Culture and instructional aspects:
-Community Circle Implementation
-Class transitions (in-class assignment to assignment & building transitions)
-Clear learning objectives posted (DASH)
-Clear opportunities for student to display learning (Checking for Understanding)
-Clear student incentive system (PBIS rewards)
-Classroom specific systems (Attention getters, pass system)
Upcoming weekly events:
Further out Dates:
May 29- Memorial Day Holiday- Schools closed
Warrior Quote of the Week
Warrior Staff End of Year Event
Warrior Educator End of Year Check Out Form
Pocket PD-Corner
Community Circle Morning arrival support
Rewarding PBIS points reminder
Warrior Educators, please be sure to liberally provide PBIS points to Warrior Students that are consistently making positive choices. Warrior students will fully participate in PBIS Spirit Week events.
Also, Warrior Educators that serve as Check-in/Check Out mentors, please be sure to connect with your Warrior Students on your caseload during each week. Please speak with Mrs. Lawson or a member of the PBIS team if you have questions.
Warrior Way Staff Shout-outs
Daily Attendance Matters
*Please be sure that you are taking accurate attendance every day during the first 10 minutes of each bell. Also, please be sure that you are making contact with families that have students that have missed class and maintain a call log of your contacts.
If you have questions about attendance please be sure to contact Mr. Cobb and don't hesitate to contact the front office.
Warrior Staff member Big 3 ( Norms & Expectations)
1. Be on Time & Professionally Dressed
* Please be prepared for your class/duty no less than 15 minutes prior to the start of school. Warrior Staff arrival time: 7:45 a.m.
"If you look good, you feel good, If you feel good, you play good, If you play good, they pay good!" - Deion Sanders
Please remember that every day we model success for our students and colleagues. Please be sure that every day we are professionally dressed for the occasion(educational magic).
Attire: Business Casual
-No Denim
-No Sweat pants
- No Sandals/Slippers
Friday Spirt Wear Attire
-Warrior T-shirts/polos
-Denim is acceptable on Fridays
You represent the Warrior Community...please be sure to represent the best.
Reporting to work
Reporting to meetings (Virtual & In-person)
Reporting for Building Duties
2. Present Professionally
* Please be sure that you are communicating in a professional manner when speaking with all Warrior Family members (students, staff, colleagues, and families).
* Communicate early and often with all Warrior Family members to assure that you are constantly having all professional needs met. (Communicate, Communicate, and Communicate)
"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that you will do things differently" - Warren Buffet.
Each day we model the professional communication of World-class educators. Students, families, and colleagues will always remember how you make them feel through communication. We are a community and we depend on one another.
3. Be Over Prepared & Over communicate
* Please be sure that you are over-prepared to support a 90-minute course. The unique features of our campus require concise Bell to Bell instruction to constantly engage Warrior Students
"People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan"- John J. Beckley
Each day we have an opportunity to model our high expectations for the Warrior Learning Community by demonstrating an intentional level of preparation. We work to be two steps ahead of our students to assure Safe, Smart, and Successful experiences for ALL Warrior Students.
Lesson Planning & Guiding presentations
Supporting Materials and Documentation (meetings)
Process for reporting Absences
If you need to request leave or report an absence, please begin the process by contacting Mr. London @ 804-229-5991. Same-day absences should be communicated no later than 6:30 a.m. Once your absence is reported, we will work to arrange coverage for your class. Also, please utilize this link The link with let you send your leave date directly to a school calendar so our administrative team can plan for your absence.
Preparing for absences: Please be sure to have lessons for the day uploaded prior to your absence.
Requesting time off: If you are requesting personal leave, please be sure to send a formal email to your respective content administrator at least a week in advance. We want to be sure that we can accommodate your request.
Warrior Administrator Quick Contacts
Principal London: 804-229-5991
Assistant Principal McCloud: 804-584-3161
Assistant Principal Lawson: 804-588-2100
Assistant Principal Cobb: 804-592-0148
By August 2025 Henderson will be fully accredited with at least a 75% pass rate for each SOL-tested subject (First Middle School in the City of Richmond)
By August 2025 Henderson Middle School will triple the number of students qualifying for acceptance into Specialty programs and on track for an advanced diploma by completing the transformation into a full STEM Academy (Magnet School)