Bike Safety Week
Fort Thomas Week of May 13, 2024
Where should you walk your bike?
Chat about the need to walk bikes in School Zones and in our busy business Districts where people may be sitting outside or doors may suddenly be opening.
Be sure to check your helmet fit!
What should I know to stay safe?
Watch one of these videos with your class or family from the Federal Highway Administration.
Bike Safety Village
Come to the Bike Safety Village at the Fort Thomas Armory.
Bike Safety Village: Fort Thomas Armory
First come first serve participants can get a new bike helmet and bell for the bikes! Practice safety using traffic signs, signals to pedestrians and more! Be sure to bring your own bike!
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 03:00 PM
950 S. Ft. Thomas Avenue
Ride your Bike to School & Learn about Hand Signals
Ride your Bike to School!
Review how to use hand signals while riding your bike with your class or family!
What are the Sharrows Anyway?
Review the use of the sharrow for students who old enough to ride in the street.
Sam Scott Celebration of Life Ride
This family friendly community bike ride, honoring the life of Sam Scott, whose life was lost while riding his bike. Meet and end at the Post, with a nice break at the halfway point.