Birch Meadow Newsflash
January 27, 2025
Notes From Dr. Burnham
*I was excited to have such a productive first parent/caregiver circle with the principal this past week as we started with 5th grade. Our discussion rounds were:
1. What are your worries about your 5th grade student as they prepare to transition to middle school?
2. What are your thoughts / ideas about the annual 5th grade celebration / moving on ceremony?
3. What would you like the principal and 5th grade team to focus on as we head toward the second half of the year?
The conversation was both rich and thoughtful, with parents/caregivers offering lots of helpful ideas for the 5th grade team. Our second parent/caregiver circle with the principal will take place in February and be for 4th grade families. I'll be reaching out to 4th grade families soon!
*School Improvement Plan Presentation - I'm excited to present our 2024-2025 Birch Meadow Elementary School School Improvement Plan at our upcoming PTO General Assembly on January 28th at 8:30 AM in the cafeteria. Stop by for the presentation and a cup of coffee! Additionally, we will be joined by Killam Principal Lindsey Fulton who will share a brief update on the Killam Building Project!
*We recognize that families may provide their children with smart watches or cell phones for communication reasons. At times these devices can become distractions during the school day and students may be asked by teachers to place their smart watches or phones in their backpacks. Recording or taking pictures of other students at school, especially without their permission, is a violation of personal privacy. We ask for your partnership with us on this by not texting your child or calling your student(s) during the school day and reminding them of how to use smart watches and phones properly. If you need to contact your child, please phone the office and your message will be relayed promptly. Thank you for your help with this!
*Attendance Reminder: A student is considered "Chronically Absent" when they've had 18 absences (10% of the school year or 2 per month). Students who have already accumulated 9+ absences for any reason at this point in the school year are more than halfway to being chronically absent for the year. We want our Birchie Bears to be here at school for their academic progress and their social emotional health. Please help us in supporting your learners by prioritizing their attendance at school.
Schedule family vacations during school vacation windows. So far this year family vacations are the leading cause of absences.
Make a consistent routine with your student every night and every morning.
Schedule appointments outside of school hours.
*For planning purposes, below are our projected MCAS dates. Please help us by trying not to schedule appointments on these days if you can help it. As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions about MCAS.
Grades 3 & 4 April 2nd and 3rd (W/TH)
Grade 5 April 7th and 8th (M/T)
Grades 3 & 4 May 7th and 8th (W/TH)
Grade 5 May 5th and 6th (M/T)
Grade 5 May 14th and May 15st (W/TH)
*Please the the health information from our nurse, Peggy Costello, attached as a PDF below.
Breakfast Links:
Birch Meadow Day at Fenway Park! โพ
ORDER TICKETS by Monday 1/27. Order fast as tickets are limited. If families would like to sit together, please coordinate tickets and place one order.
Game: Boston Red Sox vs. Orioles
Date: May 25, 2025
Time: 1:35 PM
Section: Grandstand Section 3, Rows 1-10
Tickets: $48 per person
Please click here to order your tickets!
Ongoing - Red Sox v. Orioles tickets go on sale! Game date: Sunday, 5/25/25 1:35PM
Jan 28 - School Improvement Plan Presentation 8:30AM Birch Cafeteria โ
Feb. 17 - 21 - Presidents Day/February Vacation. NO SCHOOL
First Week in March - BOOK FAIR & Read-A-Thon Kick Off!
Date TBA - Shamrock Shuffle ๐(to replace the Turkey Trot/Winter Walk)
To learn more about Reading SEPAC, please visit our website: Reading SEPAC Website
Should you wish to receive our monthly newsletter, please send an email to SEPACReading@gmail.com
Please note that Reading SEPAC IS OPEN TO ALL parents/caregivers and not only families who have a child with special needs as we offer various opportunities to connect with other families and provide learning experiences.
Building Literacy Success for Every Student
Feb 26 (Wed), 7pm (Online; Registration is required)
As a follow-up to the movie screening of โThe Right to Read,โ Dr. Sarah Hardy (Assistant Superintendent for Learning and Teaching) and Renee Limauro (District Special Ed Literacy Coach) from RPS will continue the literacy discussion on February 26. This will be a wonderful opportunity to learn more about reading disabilities, literacy screening in our schools, literacy programs, and updates on the new literacy program (ARC Core) that was adopted by the Reading Public Schools in 2022 that is in keeping with the science of reading as discussed in The Right to Read.
To Register:
Register for the Building Literacy Success for Every Student Presentation using this link; you can also use this link to pre-submit general questions for presenters to address.
Past Events:
The Right to Read - Award Winning Documentary:
The Right to Read Film: The Right to Read video is now available for free on Youtube
The Right to Read Panel Discussion Moderated by Thomas Wise (Chairperson, Reading School Committee): Available on RCTV Youtube page
Past Relevant Presentations:
We have a Birch Meadow storefront and will post items and fundraisers throughout the year. We also welcome direct donations and company match: https://birch-meadow-elementary-school-pto.square.site/
Drop off your donations of clothing and textiles to the two large bins to the far right of the main entrance on Arthur B. Lord Drive. Birch Meadow earns funds through Helpsy, a for-profit company that offers local non-profits like our PTO this easy, no-cost fundraising program!
Enjoy 20% off Minted cards & gift orders throughout the year, and Minted will donate 15% back to Birch PTO.
Social Media Pages
Please "like" Birch Meadow Elementary PTO" Facebook page and follow our Instagram: @birch_meadow_pto