Black Bob Family Newsletter
September 30, 2024
You are invited...
Parent Teacher Conferences:
If you would you like to schedule a time to meet with any or all of our specialists, here is the link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E4DA8AC2BA0FB6-51803513-fall#/
Watch DOG Kick Off -- October 3 at 6:00-7:00
Dads and Grandpa's--please join us for our Watch DOG kick off. We will spend a little time going over expectations, answering questions, and eating pizza. We will have our sign up genius ready by that night. It is not required that you attend to be a Watch DOG this year, but we would love to have you! Let Mom take a break from dinner and bring your children for pizza!
Please RSVP using the link: https://forms.office.com/r/C4HXcnFBu8
PTA Information
Fall Flower Fundraiser- Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser. We were able to profit a little over $1,600. All the mums are so beautiful! You can see the Red and White donated mums in the front of the school. Donated by the Fucile, Hayden, Irwin and Spoede Families!
Feed me Seymour!
It's here. We need Candy for our candy monster!
All bags go to the trunks to hand out at our trunk-or-treat event on the 23rd of October.
Oct 8th: PTA MEETING 7:00pm- 8:00pm BB's Library
5th Grade Committee: 6:00pm-7:00pm Mrs. Spillman's Classroom
Trunk-or-treat Committee: 6:00pm-7:00pm BB's Library
Oct 9th: First Skate City of the 24-25 school year, and it's a COSTUME party!
- When: Wednesday 6:00pm-8:00pm
- Where: Skate City Overland Park (10440 Mastin St)
*This is a fun and easy way to give back to the BB PTA!
Oct 16th: Feed the Teacher and Restaurant Night (TBA)
Sign-up to help feed our teachers and staff! Instead of raising the price because of inflation we added a few more $10 donation spots.
Trunk or Treat
Oct 23rd: Trunk-or-Treat
- When: Wednesday 5:30pm-7:30pm
- Where: BB's Parking lot
*HELP is needed: We need you and your trunks!
Volunteer Sign-up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4AAFAA2CA2F94-51645927-black
Attention 5th Grade Choir Students!
Once again this year, 5th grade students will have the opportunity to audition for the Olathe District Elementary Honor Choir. Elise Peterson (OS Choral Director) and Alex Piazza (ON Choral Director) will be co-directing this choir that will rehearse and perform during 2nd semester. Auditions for this choir will be held in November,
School Store Donations
Our students turn in their color cash cards for items or experiences at our school store. Please check out our amazon wish list if you would like to help fill our store!
Items that we always could use:
- full size candy and candy bars of any kind
- Individual bag of chips, popcorn, treats
- 12 packs of Pop
- Packs of gum
Thank you for your donations this week:
Newbill family
Pickerell Family
Pineda Family
Attendance Guidelines and Next Steps
Having your student present and on time for learning is a key factor in their success. Please see the updated guidelines for student attendance. There may be additional actions taken depending on the situation.
4 tardies in a semester= 1 unexcused absence, parent phone call
7 tardies in a semester= Intervention meeting and plan established with parents and school team
20 tardies in a semester= 5 unexcused absences, truancy authorities notified
3 absences-- parent phone call
5 absences in a semester= Intervention meeting and plan established with parents and school team
9 absences in a semester= Second/updated intervention meeting and plan established with parents, school team, and any additional parties.
10 absences in a school year= Truancy authorities notified
3 unexcused absences in a row= Intervention meeting and plan established with parents and school team
5 unexcused absences in a semester= Truancy authorities notified
7 unexcused absences in a school year= Updated team intervention meeting
These policies align with BOE Policies JBA, JBAA, JBAD, JBAB, JBC.
If a unique situation exists which may interfere with regular, timely school attendance, the parent should work with the school to develop a plan in advance.
How to report an absence
You can also go to our website and use the icon to the left and email us.
If you do not report the absence, we will call you each day.
If you need to order a lunch for your child, you can send that in the email or message for the office.
Black Bob Elementary
Email: tputthoffbb@olatheschools.org
Website: https://www.olatheschools.org/blackbob
Location: 14701 South Brougham Drive, Olathe, KS, USA
Phone: 913-780-7310
Twitter: @bbelementary