Hamline Family Newsletter
September 28-October 2, 2020
A Note From Principal Reilly
Greetings Hamline Families! As you most likely have heard, St. Paul Public Schools has decided that for now, we will remain in distance learning. This is sad news for us all as we want students back in our buildings. Here is the message from SPPS:
"This summer Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) announced two dates this fall when we would consider a decision to transition some of our students to hybrid learning.
Our ultimate goal is to welcome students and school staff back to our buildings when it is safe and possible to do so. As fall planning progressed this summer, it became clear that bringing staff and students back in stages would be the best and most logistically feasible way to accommodate the diverse needs of our large school community.
After careful consideration using local data about COVID-19, and these 23 readiness targets, SPPS has decided we cannot safely transition students to hybrid learning at this time.
Our readiness for Stage 1 transitioning to hybrid learning will continue to be guided by our Readiness Targets. SPPS will reevaluate our Readiness Targets weekly in order to ensure students and staff can return to hybrid learning as quickly and safely as possible. On October 2 we will look at our Readiness Targets and determine if we are ready to transition Stage 1 schools to hybrid learning. We will continue to use Monday, October 19 as our start date.
SPPS will use the same process to make a decision on Wednesday, Oct. 14 whether any of the other stage groups of students can return on Nov. 16.
More information about plans for transitioning to hybrid learning is available on spps.org/reopen2020."
Though unfortunate news, what I have seen this past week, as I have joined in on whole class google meets, is joy and community. I saw students engaging with one another and their teacher. I saw teachers and students having fun. I saw parents waving at me from the side, and I saw learning. Sometimes in the most difficult of times, we have to remind ourselves of the beauty that still exists.
Thank you for supporting your children through this process, ensuring that they get up and are online ready for their live meets with their class. You are carrying a heavy load and we appreciate you.
If you need extra support please fill out the help form on our webpage, that is highlighted in yellow at the top. Our main goal right now is to communicate clearly and to stay connected to our families. If you fill out the form we will respond quickly.
Please stay safe and remember that we are in this together!
In Partnership,
Principal Kristin Reilly
Hello from Principal Reilly and Assistant Principal Ewald
Distance Learning Resources
Inquiry Corner
Tom Cozzolino/Inquiry Lead
Reminder to fill out the annual iUpdate student form at Campus Parent. It is important we have updated contact information so you will receive updates from the school. If you need any help with your login or password, email karen.azen@spps.org or leave a message at 651-744-4287.
Family Engagement Plan 2020
Wellness Matters
The counseling lesson students had last week highlighted the importance of being organized in their schedules, routines and work space. During these difficult times of Covid19 and being socially isolated, we will benefit greatly from having a sense of normalcy over our days. It is perfectly fine to have some lazy pajama days, however, doing so on regular basis can put us in a low energy and mood. Encourage the children to create a daily plan that includes their meals, work time, outdoor and exercise time as well as family and chores time. Since the children are spending a lot of time using technology, be intentional in having some technology free hours of the day.
- Kaltun Abdikarani, School Counselor
Resource Corner
Lynnette Medcalf/School Social Worker
A Note from Mrs. Stiff and Mr. Frank
We are excited to be completing are second rotation between physical education (gym) and science. We have seen some amazing work from students and we are excited to see what else will be accomplished in the coming weeks.
Please remind your child to check their science and PE courses each day on Seesaw or Schoology. This is a separate class than their homeroom classes. Announcements are placed there throughout the week.
If there are any questions or concerns about activities not working or unable to complete, please reach out to Mrs. Stiff, Mr. Frank, or your homeroom teacher. We don’t know when links, activities, and the like are not working until we hear from students and parents. We will work together to help all students be successful while at home.
Thank for your continued support.
Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
About Hamline Elementary
Website: hamline.spps.org
Location: 1599 Englewood Ave, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-293-8715
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hamlineelementaryschool
Twitter: @HamlineElem