Dot Dollars Redemption Time
Dec 29 thru Jan 6
Attn Dot Dollars Earners:
You Shopped... You Earned!
If you're receiving this, let me first say thank you for shopping with me over the last 4 weeks! I appreciate you and thank you for supporting my business. On the 29th, you'll be receiving your Dot Dollars codes to shop at 50% off! Be sure to check your email to view your Dot Dollars code(s).
As a reminder, you earned $25 Dot Dollars for every $50 that you spent with me. Which means you'll be able to shop at HALF OFF!! Yep, for every $50 that you place in your Stella & Dot shopping cart between 12/29 - 1/5, you'll be able to redeem $25 Dot Dollars! Let's get you all your wish list items and those pieces that you've had your eyes on, because YOU DESERVE IT and 50% off makes it even better!
We've added some new items to our sale list, so be sure to check those out too. Head over to www.stelladot.com/lululauren to start picking out your Dot Dollar items!
Dot Dollar Trunk Show Link:
I created a Dot Dollars Trunk Show Link and added each of you to the invite. It only needs 4 order and $300 in sales to qualify. I'll choose a winner when Dot Dollars ends, and that person will win the trunk show hostess rewards. 17 customers are receiving promo codes from me... more orders= more sales; which means more hsotess rewards! :)
Shop through this link: http://www.stelladot.com/ts/71yc6
Helpful Tips:
Dot Dollars can NOT be used toward the Spring 2016 Line.
You can log in and place the order, or I can do it for you, as I have access to your codes as well.
You need to have $50 in your cart to apply a $25 code. (You're spending $25 to get an additional $25 off.)