January 2025 Newsletter
Janesville School Wishes You a Happy New Year!
From The Principal's Desk
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We hope you enjoy Winter Break with your family and friends. December has been a busy month full of excitement, activities and events as our students have prepared for the holiday season.
Classes have been busy preparing for our annual Christmas program and their hard work was evident as the morning was enjoyed by all who attended. The primary students had a special guest visitor after the program, Santa arrived in a fire truck and was a huge hit! We had two ELOP camps full of winter and Christmas activities and students left with Christmas crafts to share with their families. Many classes have been busy making gifts for their families and had a chance to shop at the Holiday Shop. This is an annual tradition that many students look forward to.
When we return from winter break, we look to the end of the second quarter on January 24th and report cards will be sent home on January 31st. We have a Family Game Night planned on January 16th from 5:30-7pm and hope your family can attend.
Our schoolwide reading challenge is still going strong. As of December 20th, when we left for break students had read 31 million words. As a reminder if students read 90 million words by the end of the school year, they get to silly string me. Our two classes who won the Book Challenge for December are Mrs. Foreman and Mrs. Malone. Keep up the great work Wildcats and keep reading!
Mrs. Lewis
Campus doesn't open until 7:45AM. Students should not arrive before that time. In the rare event that they do however, students who arrive before that time need to wait on the benches in front of the school as their is no supervision before that time. Students may go to the cafeteria to get breakfast, the playground, computer lab or library at 7:45AM.
Family Game Night!
Bring Your Favorite Game
Or Play One Of Ours!
Jan. 15th is a minimum day
No School Jan. 20th
Upcoming Events
January 6 - School Resumes
January 9 - School Site Council Meeting at 3PM in the Staff Lounge
January 15 - Minimum Day
January 16th- 5:30-7pm Family Game Night
January 20 - No School
Board Game ELOP Day
January 21 - School Board Meeting at 6:30PM in the library
January 24 - End of 2nd Quarter
Regular Day
8:15 - 2:20 K - 3rd
8:15 - 2:25 4 - 8th
Minimum Day
8:15 - 12:40 K - 3rd
8:15 - 12:45 4 - 8th
What's Cooking?
Breakfast and Lunches are free to all students for the 2024-2025 school year
Milk & Juice .40
Guest Breakfast = $3.62
Guest Lunch = $5.67
Student Activities
The wait is over- Cheer Camp has returned! To secure your spot, please submit your registration by January 17th, as the first 60 campers to register will receive a cheer shirt, poms and support the Wildcat Cheerleaders!
Wildcat Reading Challenge
How Many Minutes Did We Read In December?
In December, the scholars at Janesville school read a total of 31 MILLION minutes!
If you have been in the main hallway, you may have seen a vending machine! No, we are not giving the students soda and candy. We are, however, giving them a true gift; the gift of a love for reading! At Janesville we pride ourselves in helping children build strong academic foundations to instill a passion for reading to become lifelong learners. There are many ways that students can receive a book from the vending machine. They might get a chance for being Wildcat card winners or if their class won the monthly Reading Challenge. There are so many opportunities. We are all so excited to see the love of reading grow here at Janesville School.
November Reading Challenge Winner Slime Party
December Attendance Winners
Congratulations Mrs. Wood's class with 98% attendance!
December Wildcat Monthly Card Winners
The Real Meaning of a Season of Giving
With the help of our very generous community, we were able to make Christmas extra special this year for 56 children and 33 families in total. With the combined efforts of Janesville Dollar General and the Janesville Lights Parade, every child received a toy, a winter hat and gloves including some little siblings who aren’t in school yet that we knew about and about 70% of the students were gifted a jacket!
Thank you Jessica and your amazing crew at the Janesville Dollar General for collecting toys, gloves, and hats for some of our students from our generous community members! Many children will ready for the cold weather!
A HUGE thank you to the LIGHTS PARADE Committee and Community!
Chris and Cheryl Barcia along with other committee members did it once again this year! Not only did they provide a cherished memory and tradition to the Janesville community, but they also helped make Christmas special for some very deserving children and their families. The parade collected huge boxes of new coats and toys for students at Janesville School. The annual lights parade brought out the community and the holiday spirit in us all. Thank you for spreading joy throughout our community and to our school families! We were able to have Santa's elves make Christmas merrier for 33 families! Merry Christmas!
Merry Grinchmas!
Wildcats Have Talent AND Spirit!
Mrs. Rubio's Class Wrote Christmas Stories
Mrs. Rubio's class had a wonderful time creating three different Christmas time stories this month. To celebrate, the authors read their stories to classmates and parents! These young scholars should be proud!
Santa Came For A Visit!
Boys' Basketball
Girls' Volleyball
Volleyball season is around the corner! Unleash your potential, join Coach Tiffany and elevate those skills! *Athletic Agreements and Sports Physicals must be turned in before tryouts*