🍁Hathaway School Community News🍁
🍂 November 2024 🍂
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🍁 Principal's Message 🍁
Hathaway Community, it's November now, and there are many reasons to celebrate! Thank you to our educational partners, parents, and family members who joined us at our Parade of Books! Check out the great pictures below!
November will keep us busy with the end of Trimester 1, Family Picnic Day, and much more! There are also important celebrations, such as Veterans Day and Thanksgiving Break at the end of the month. This is a reminder that Immediately following Thanksgiving Break, Hathaway will host parent-teacher conferences on Monday, December 2! Your student's teacher will contact you to set up a virtual or in-person conference. We will do our best to accommodate you and your family's needs.
The Hathaway staff and I want to express our gratitude to our parents and community members for your unwavering support. We are here for you, ready to address any questions or concerns about your child's progress or provide any support you may need at school or home. Please feel free to stop by, call, email, or text us!
Reminder that EVERY Wednesday is an early release day!
Bell schedules and Cafeteria Menus are below
The online Hathaway Spirit Store is now open! Check out the information below!
If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress or need support at school or home, please stop by, call, email, or text us! If you or your student have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the office staff or me at 805-488-2217
Mr. Beneke - Principal
Important Dates
- 11/01: - Staff Development Day #3 - No School
- 11/08: - Family Picnic
- 11/08: - End of Trimester 1
- 11/11: - Veteran's Day - No school
- 11/25 - 11/29: - Thanksgiving Holidays
- 12/02 - 12/13: - Parent Conferences
- 12/20: - Minimum Day
- 12/20 - 01/03: - Winter Break
- 01/06: - First Day of School 2025!
- 01/20: - Martin Luther King Day Holiday - No School
- 01/24: - Progress Notices
📖 2024 Parade of Books 📖
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our incredible Parade of Books! Pre-kinder through 5th grade students and staff celebrated our love for books, and having fun! Please enjoy the pictures of our celebration! Thank you again for joining us!
Hathaway Family Picnic Day!
Would you like to enjoy an awesome lunch with your student? Please come and join us for Hathaway Family Picnic Day! Please feel free to bring a blanket, lunch, or snacks and enjoy the sunshine with our students on the field! When? Friday, November 15! Check the lunch schedule below:
TK/KINDER: 11:00 – 11:45
GRADE 1: 11:10 – 11:55
GRADE 2: 11:20 – 12:05
GRADE 3: 11:30 – 12:15
GRADE 4: 12:00 – 12:45
GRADE 5: 12:00 – 12:45
Veteran's Day - No School Tuesday, November 11.
Veteran's Day is a time to pay our respects to those who have served. For one day, we stand united in respect for our veterans. Veterans Day is on the same day every year- November 10- regardless of which day it falls.
We celebrate and honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.
In honor of Veteran's Day and our Veterans, there will be no school Tuesday, November 11.
School will resume on Monday, November 12.
Thanksgiving Break - November 25 - November 29
Hathaway staff members are thankful for your support this year! We have had a great Fall season, and we are grateful for our students, fellow staff members, and the integral role our community plays in the success of our school. We proudly serve you!
Reminder: Thanksgiving Break 2024 - November 25 - November 29.
Following our Thanksgiving Break, school starts Monday, December 2, at 8:05 am.
Parent Conferences - December 2 - December 13th, 2024
Fall parent conferences are just around the corner!
Parent conferences: December 2 - December 13th, 2024
We are excited to share what we have learned this Fall and how we can continue to work together to bring out the best in your student.
Parent Conference Daily Schedule:
Kinder: 8:05 am. - 12:05 pm.
First, Second, Third: 8:05 am. - 1:20 pm.
Fourth, Fifth: 8:05 am. - 1:40 pm.
Your student's teacher will contact you to set up a virtual or in-person conference. We will do our best to accommodate you and your family's needs.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon. Please remember to schedule your conference at your earliest convenience to ensure a time that works best for you.
Please Report Your Absences
If your child will be absent, please call the school and report the absence to our front
office: 805-488-2217 Please bring any doctor's notes or necessary documentation to
excuse any absence to the school office or email it to Veronica Hernandez
Cafe con Leche/Coffee and Cream Parent Gathering
We are proud to bring our educational partner, "Cafe con Leche," to Hathaway! These parent and staff gatherings are designed to help you learn more about Hathaway, how schools operate, and valuable community resources, ask questions and receive any support you may need.
Please join us in our library on Friday, November 22, at 8:00 am. the Team from Safe Routes to School will be joining us to share important information with us. We are asking parents to sign in at the front office and then join us for some fresh coffee and pan dulce!
Start the day off right!
Hathaway Spirit Wear Now Available!
The online Hathaway Spirit Store is now up and accepting orders! Be on the lookout for weekly sales on special items. Every Friday! Items will be sent straight to your home. Your order will be received them within two weeks. Families and friends can order things together and save on shipping costs. We can't wait to see you all in your brand new Panther Gear!
Link to online store HERE
Dressed and Ready to GO!
Gentle reminders for dressing for success when coming to school: Please wear school appropriate clothing when at Hathaway.
Items that are not allowed:
gang-related insignia/graffiti on clothing, backpack or school supplies/work,
clothing with inappropriate writing (alcohol, drugs, weapons, disrespectful statements)
No clothing, hats or personal items with team/sports logos
Pajamas (except on celebration days)
sleeveless tops, see through blouses/shirts, low cut or bare midriff tops; spaghetti straps
Nothing that distracts from the learning environment is allowed.
If you or your student have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the office staff or me at 805-488-2217
Lost and Found
Is your student missing a sweatshirt or jacket? Please check in our lost and found location by the front office and see if we can find it!
Safety First
Hathaway Community, one of the most important goals at Hathaway is for us to work together to keep all students, staff and educational partners safe as we enter and exit campus.
Please remember:
During morning drop-of and afternoon pick up, please do not park in red zones or double park on Dollie Street in front of the school.
Parking lots are for district staff and individuals who need accessible parking only.
Please remember to use crosswalks and sidewalks when walking to campus.
Please be respectful to staff as we work together to enforce safety for all.
Thank you in advance for your help making Hathaway a safe and excellent school!
No Bullies!
Anti-Bullying Policy:
Hathaway and the Governing Board recognize the harmful effects of bullying on student well-being, student learning, and school attendance and desire to provide a safe school environment that protects students from physical and emotional harm. No individual or group shall, through physical, written, verbal, or other means, harass, sexually harass, threaten, intimidate, cyberbully, cause bodily injury to, or commit hate violence against any student or school personnel, or retaliate against them for filing a complaint or participating in the complaint resolution process.
If you or your student have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the office staff or me at 805-488-2217
Its that time of year again! Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten 2024-25 enrollment is now open!
Students who turn 5 between September 2nd and February 2nd may enroll in Transitional Kindergarten.
Students who turn 5 by September 1st may enroll in Kindergarten.
TK is offered at Bard, Haycox, Hueneme, Larsen, and Williams Schools.
Enroll for both TK and Kindergarten at Hathaway. If TK is not offered at Hathaway, office staff will assist in enrolling your child in one of the TK classes at another school site. Based on enrollment, TK classes may be added to additional school sites like Hathaway. To see a TK and kindergarten classroom in action, please watch this short video:
Further enrollment details can be found here: https://www.hueneme.org/page/registration
Registration Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Counselor's Corner Mr. Bravo
Please let us know if you or your student needs any support.
School Counselor: Clemente Bravo
805-488-2217 Extension: 1889 Email: cbravo@hueneme.org
To access the full resources of HESD Counseling Corner students and families click here: https://sites.google.com/hueneme.org/hueneme-school-counselors/home
You can also find additional support here: https://covid19k12counseling.org/.
November Lunch Menu
For detailed information about the 2024-2025 School year click below ↓
🕗 Hathaway 2024 - 2025 Bell Schedules 🕝
Every Wednesday is an early dismissal day!
Contact Us: 📬📞💻
Julien Hathaway Elementary School - 805-488-2217
Office Manager: Veronica Hernandez, vhernandez@hueneme.org
School Counselor, Clemente Bravo, cbravo@hueneme.org
Principal, Thomas Beneke, tbeneke@hueneme.org
Need to contact your teacher?
- Contact your teacher during during school hours
- Seesaw or Google Classroom
- Call your teacher: 805-488-2217 +classroom extension
Julien Hathaway Elementary School
Email: tbeneke@hueneme.org
Website: http://hathaway.hueneme.org/o/hathaway-elementary
Location: 405 East Dollie Street, Oxnard, CA, USA
Phone: 805-488-2217