WMS Weekly Wauna Connect
September 26th, 2024
A Message from Mr. Kenas
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope that the start of the school year has gone well for your child. Now that we are a few weeks into the school year, there is some important information regarding attendance procedures that I would like to share with you. For families of returning 8th grade students, this is mostly review, but please still read through it. For our families who are new to the Middle School, some of this may be different than what you are used to, so it will be important that you are familiar with our expectations for students and their families.
As with any school, it's important that we have accurate records of student absences and tardies. To that end, we ask that you please enter any anticipated absences, appointments, or early pickups through one of the three approved methods before the day of the absence or appointment:
IC Parent Portal (preferred method): Log into your account and use the absence reporting tool.
Attendance Email: Send an email to our attendance inbox at wms_attendance@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Attendance Phone Line: Call our dedicated attendance line at 608-849-2060 press 1..
If your child becomes ill while at school, the first step is for them to visit our school nurse. The nurse will assess their condition and contact you if your child needs to be picked up. In that case, we ask that you come to the school as soon as possible to retrieve your sick child.
Entering attendance information in advance helps our office staff plan accordingly and ensures your child's records are properly documented. If you need to pick up your student early for an appointment, we ask that you complete the absence entry prior to arriving at the school.
For appointments that require late arrival to school, students will need to check in at the main office, and get a pass to class. When the appointment requires a student to leave in the middle of the day, students will be called down to the main office to get a pass that they will use to leave class early for their appointment. They will need to sign out in the main office, and if returning to school after the appointment, stop in the main office to sign back in as well. We only call into classrooms for appointments if the student forgot about the appointment and is already a few minutes late - we want to avoid disrupting the learning environment as much as possible.
We understand that life happens, and sometimes things come up unexpectedly. If you are unable to report an absence in advance, please be sure to do so as soon as possible. Our goal is to partner with you to ensure your child's success, and clear communication around attendance is an important part of that.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and for partnering with us to ensure our systems are running as smoothly as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our attendance office and they will be happy to assist you.
Jeff Kenas
Middle School Principal
Staff Appreciation
Please consider this important Classmunity fund request. This is a wonderful opportunity to say thank you to our staff.
Weekly Happenings
Monday 9/30/24
Advisory Day 2
Cross Country Middle School Invitational: 4:00pm @Wyona Park
Volleyball 8th Grade Game @4:15 Waunakee MS Purple vs. Deforest @Waunakee Intermediate School
Volleyball 7th Grade Game @4:15 Waunakee MS Purple vs. Deforest @Waunakee Intermediate school
Football 7th Grade Game 5:30 Waunakee Purple vs Monona Grove
Football 7th Grade Game 7:00pm Waunakee Purple vs. Middleton White
Tuesday 10/1/1014 -
WYN Day 3
First Student Council Meeting before school
Volleyball 7th Grade Game 3:30pm Waunakee MS White vs Central Heights Middle School @ Central Heights Middle School
Volleyball 8th Grade Game 4:15pm Waunakee MS White vs. Central Heights Middle School @Central Heights Middle School
Volleyball 7th Grade Game 4:15pm Waunakee MS White vs. Central Heights Middle School @Central Heights Middle School
*A Teams play first at 4:15pm with B teams to follow at 5:30pm
Football 7th Game 5:30pm Waunakee White vs. Mount Horeb @Waunakee Warrior Stadium
Wednesday 10/2/2024 -
Advisory Day 4
First Middle School Art Club Mtg in the Art Room after school until 4:45
Thursday 10/3/2024 -
WYN Day 5
Volleyball 8th Grade Game 4:15pm Waunakee MS Purple vs Central Heights Middle School @Waunakee Intermediate School
Volleyball 7th Grade Game 4:15pm Waunakee Purple vs. Central Heights Middle School @Waunakee Intermediate School
Friday 10/4/2024 -
Wyn - Day 6
Happy Friday!
WMS Important Dates
Monday 9/30/24 - Bridging Brighter Smiles
Wednesday 10/16/24 - Picture Retake Day
Tuesday 10-29/24 - Halloween in the Halls 4-6 Main Doors at the High School (must be accompanied by an adult)
WCSD Middle School Lost and Found Guidelines
At Waunakee Community Middle School, we strive to ensure that every student’s belongings are
safe and easily recoverable. To help manage our Lost and Found efficiently, we’ve put together
the following guidelines:
1. Label Everything
Label all items clearly and durably: Use permanent markers, iron-on labels, or sewn in name tags
to ensure the identification remains even after washing.. This greatly increases the chances of
items being returned quickly.
2. Reporting Lost Items
If your child loses something, they should:
1. Visit the Lost and Found area, located in the hallway entering door 1.
2. Check with their teacher in the classroom they think they left the item.
3. Stop in the main office for items that may have been turned in.
3. Regular Check-ins
Encourage your child to check the Lost and Found regularly. Items are often misplaced, and
students may not realize it immediately.
4. Monthly Clean-Up
To keep the Lost and Found manageable, we will clear out unclaimed items at the end of each
month. Unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity.
5. Notifying Parents
A reminder will be sent in our weekly newsletter before the monthly clean-up. We encourage
you to remind your child to check the Lost and Found during this time.
6. Special Items
Valuable items such as phones, electronics, or jewelry will be kept in the main office. Students
should inquire at the office if they have lost something valuable.
7. Prevention
Discuss with your child the importance of making sure their lock is on their locker and that it
should be kept locked at all times and to keep track of their belongings, particularly in shared
spaces like the gym, cafeteria, and buses.
We hope these guidelines will help ensure that lost items are returned to their owners in a timely
manner. Thank you for your cooperation!
If you have any questions, please contact the main office.
WMS Co Curriculars
Please double click on the club you would like more information about.
Suicide Prevention Month
September is Suicide Prevention Month
Our number one goal as educators in working with students is keeping them safe. Unfortunately, the most current data in Wisconsin from the 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey showed almost 1 in 5 high school students reported having seriously considered suicide at some point in their life.
With September being Suicide Prevention Month, we wanted to highlight this resource, which highlights tips and strategies for helping students in a mental health crisis, as well as resources to reach out to for help.
If your student is experiencing distress, please also reach out to the WMS Student Services team, which can be reached at 608-849-2060, ext. 3600.
Middle School Art Club
The first meeting for the Middle School Art Club will be Wednesday October 2nd. We will meet in the MS Art Room after school until 4:45. All interested 7th and 8th grade students are welcome to attend. Can't attend the first meeting? No problem! Stop by any Wednesday after school - we meet all year long. Please see Ms. Longtin or Ms. Wagner-Marx if you have any questions!
Universal Screening for 7th Graders
September 23, 2024
To: Families of students in 7th grade
From: WCMS Student Services
Dear Families,
Waunakee Community School District (WCSD) is committed to supporting all students’ wellness and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). During the 2024-2025 school year, WCSD Student Services staff will facilitate universal screening for students in grades 5, 7, and 9. The screener, also referred to as a brief questionnaire or survey for grades 7 and 9, is called the BASC-3 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BASC-3 BESS). It takes about five to eight minutes to complete. 7th grade students will complete the screener during advisory this fall.
The BASC-3 BESS is a tool that asks students to broadly rate their own skills in the following areas: Behavior and Emotional Risk Index, Internalizing Risk Index, Personal Adjustment Risk Index, and Self-Regulation Risk Index. This screener also includes questions to identify potential internalizing or externalizing mental health concerns. Because of this, the screener is confidential but not anonymous. Our student services staff may follow up with students and their families when a screener indicates an elevated concern.
If you would like to opt your 7th-grade student out of participating in this screener, please complete the following google form or contact the WCMS School Psychologist no later than Friday, October 4, 2024, at 3:45 pm. Students may also choose to decline participation at the time the survey is administered. Lastly, upon request, a copy of the screening survey is available at your child’s school.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Paige Van Hammond
School Psychologist, Waunakee Community Middle School
608-849-2060 ext. 3603
23 de septiembre de 2024
Para: Familias de los estudiantes de 7° grado
De: Servicios Estudiantiles de WCMS
Estimadas Familias,
El Distrito Escolar de la Comunidad de Waunakee (WCSD, por sus siglas e inglés) está comprometido con apoyar el bienestar de todos los estudiantes y con el Aprendizaje Socioemocional (SEL, por sus siglas en inglés). Durante el año escolar 2024-2025, el personal de Servicios Estudiantiles de WCSD facilitará una encuesta de detección universal para los estudiantes de los grados 5, 7 y 9. La encuesta, también conocida como un breve cuestionario o encuesta para grados 7 y 9, se llama Sistema de Encuesta Conductual y Emocional BASC-3 (BASC-3 BESS). Toma alrededor de cinco a ocho minutos para completarla. Este otoño, los alumnos de 7º grado completarán la encuesta durante la asesoría.
El BASC-3 BESS es una herramienta que le pide a los estudiantes que califiquen en general sus propias habilidades en las siguientes áreas: Índice de Riesgo de Comportamiento y Emocional, Índice de Riesgo de Interiorización, Índice de Riesgo de Ajuste Personal e Índice de Riesgo de Autorregulación. Esta encuesta también incluye preguntas para identificar potenciales preocupaciones de salud mental de interiorización o exteriorización. Debido a esto, la encuesta es confidencial pero no anónima. Nuestro personal de servicios estudiantiles puede llevar a cabo un seguimiento con los estudiantes y sus familias para quienes la encuesta indique una preocupación elevada.
Si quiere excluir voluntariamente a su estudiante de 7° grado de participar en esta encuesta, por favor complete el siguiente formulario de google, o comuníquese con la Psicóloga Escolar de WCMS a más tardar el viernes 4 de octubre de 2024 a las 3:45 pm. Los estudiantes también pueden escoger no participar en el momento de que se administre la encuesta. Por último, a petición, tenemos una copia impresa de la encuesta disponible en la escuela de su estudiante.
Por favor no duden en comunicarse si tienen cualquier pregunta.
Paige Van Hammond
Psicóloga Escolar, Escuela Media de la Comunidad de Waunakee
608-849-2060 ext. 3603
DC Informational Meeting For Current 7th Graders Trip in June 2026
Meeting will take place in the MS Cafe at 6:30pm Thurs. Oct. 3 2024
There are only 90 slots available, parents and other family members will not be able to join in. Last year we filled the slots in 2 hours. For any questions please reach out to Jason LaFlash at jasonlaflash@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Please join us for a night of fun and entertainment! We will be having a celebration for Hispanic Heritage Month for all families in the district on Thursday, October 3 from 5:00-6:30 hosted at Heritage Elementary. The event will be held on the back playground. If you are able, please bring a chair.
There will be live music from from 5:30-6:30. The band is Son del Atlántico, who perform Vallenato, which is music from the coastal regions of Venezuela and Colombia.
Additionally, there will be a few food trucks (El Alegre--Mexican food, Latin Food--Nicaraguan food, Kona Ice--shaved ice treats) for those who would like to purchase food.
Hope to see you there!
WNC Winter Needs
Youth Night
What is Schoology? How can I access it? How can I support my students' academics?
Attendance Matters
For your convenience, you can submit your attendance request via three convenient options:
Infinite Campus- click here to view instructions on how to submit a new absence request in the Parent Portal, view absence requests, and how to delete a request. For questions or help creating a Campus Parent account, please reach out to Julie Gengler, District Registrar, via email. You can also visit our school websites under the Family Tab/Attendance for more information.
Attendance Line has a 24/7 voicemail that you may use anytime. You may call the attendance line at (608)849-2060 press 1. Please clearly state/spell your child's name, reason for absence, your name and phone number.
Email at wms_attendance@waunakee.k12.wi.us to leave a message with your child's name, reason for absence and your name & phone number in case we need to reach you..
If you'll be seeing a medical provider, please obtain a note and forward it to the attendance email and we'll be happy to code the absence as medically excused.
Fall Aquatic Programs
For information on our Aquatic Program please follow this link
Health Matters
Health Office Protocol
This is a friendly reminder to all students and families that we ask, if a student is feeling ill, please come to the Middle School Health Office in the Main Office area rather than text a parent and ask directly to get picked up without the school's knowledge. Our health office staff will assess the student and contact a parent/guardian if necessary to help determine if a student should go home or stay at school. Thank you all for your support with this!
Vaccine Requirements
7th Grade Vaccine Requirements
Click HERE, for more details.
Medication Forms
Our online registration is live! We encourage you to register as soon as possible. All families of returning and new students are required to register. We need our families to review and update their household and student information. This is a requirement and NOT OPTIONAL for ALL families.
Registration will take place online in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. This process should take 15-20 minutes. To help prevent duplication of information, only the Primary Household member will need to login to their Infinite Campus parent account and click on the “more” tab to access the online registration. We will not hold on-site registration at any of our buildings. If you have questions or need assistance with Infinite Campus, please send an email to District Registrar, Julie Gengler, at wcsd_registrar@waunakee.k12.wi.us. If you would like assistance with the online registration in a language other than English, please contact District Interpreter and Translator, Jose Velarde Aguilar, at 608-206-5730.
Taher Food Service Information
Waunakee Community School District would like to welcome back all students, staff, and parents/guardians for the 2024-2025 school year. We are pleased to continue our partnership with Taher, Inc., as our food service provider.
The Food Service office is located at the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) at 101 School Drive (lower level), next to the Waunakee Community High School.
Our business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on school days. Click here for a welcome back letter from Taher for the 2024-2025 school year.
Contact Us I Thomas Marks, Director of Food Services
Email: thomasmarks@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Phone: (608) 849-2185
Food Services Website I https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/departments/food-services
School Lunch Menus I https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/departments/food-services
Free and Reduced Application Information I https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/departments/food-services/free-and-reduced-lunch
Free and Reduced Application 2024-2024 I
English F/R Application
Spanish F/R Application
2024-2025 Share Form I Application Share Form Application (Spanish)
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
You're Invited to the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Community Tours for our new Heritage Elementary School on Sunday, October 6, 2024.
Bridging Brighter Smiles
Fall Referendum 2024
Learn more about our upcoming Fall 2024 school district referendum question. Join us for a Community and Staff Informational Session - either in-person or virtual. Please visit our website for more information + additional dates to learn more about our upcoming school district referendum.
- Community Info Session #2 - Wednesday, October 2 at Waunakee Community High School (PAC) at 6:30 p.m.
Website I https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/community/fall-2024-referendum
Email I wcsd_fall2024referendum@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Website I https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/community/fall-2024-referendum
Zoom Webinar I https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84141927914
Email I wcsd_fall2024referendum@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Reminder to Drive Safely
On Thursday, September 5, the Village of Waunakee Public Works Committee met. With resident input through public comments, the Committee heard concerns regarding the intersection of South Street and Kingston Way. This intersection, located near Waunakee Community Middle School and Waunakee Community High School, is being further reviewed to enhance safety based on these comments.
In response, the Village will be installing flags on stop signs and adding additional “SLOW for Children” signs at this intersection.
The Village of Waunakee and Waunakee Community School District remain committed to the safety of our students, staff, and community members. We appreciate your cooperation when driving in this area, especially during student drop-off and pick-up times. Your patience and attentiveness to pedestrians are greatly appreciated. Thank you for slowing down and helping to keep everyone safe!
WCSD Safety and Security Measures
Please click here for our latest safety and security policies
Waunakee City News
The Village of Waunakee notified us on Wednesday, August 21 that the construction and road work along South Street will not be completed by the beginning of the school year. The projected timeline for the entire road project will be completed by early October.
Concrete work on the sidewalk near 8th Street will be completed by the beginning of school. Pedestrians are able to use Fish, West, and O’Malley Streets to access the South side of 8th Street. They will then be able to use the sidewalk through to the Middle and High School campuses.
To ensure the safety of all students, we kindly ask parents and guardians to discuss alternative walking or biking routes to Waunakee Community Middle School and Waunakee Community High School with their children, being mindful of the ongoing construction along South Street. Thank you for your cooperation and partnership!
Community members are welcome to follow all Village of Waunakee street projects by visiting the Village of Waunakee website and Facebook page.
Go Fan Passes/Tickets Available for the 2024-2025 School Year
Dear WCSD Families and Student-Athletes,
Thank you for your support of the Waunakee Community High School’s athletic activities. We highly encourage you to purchase passes and/or tickets prior to the games being held at the Waunakee Community High School. Tickets and Activity Passes are now available on the GoFan website. For complete details, please see the Athletic Department's Letter to Families.
Fans & Sportsmanship
The Badger Conference would like to remind all fans, parents, and community members of the critical importance of sportsmanship at our athletic events. High school sports are a time for excitement, competition, and creating lasting memories. To ensure a positive experience for everyone involved, we must uphold the highest standards of behavior.
We emphasize that any inappropriate comments or actions directed at the appearance, religion, race, ethnicity, or any other personal characteristics of players, coaches, officials, or fellow fans will not be tolerated under any circumstances. In addition, the use of profanity, intimidating remarks, or actions is strictly prohibited.
Our Badger Conference schools are committed to fostering an environment where respect, fairness, and integrity prevail. High school sports are more than just games; they are opportunities for our young athletes to develop character, build bonds, and form lifelong memories. Every cheer, every shout of encouragement, and every display of respect contributes to the growth and development of our students.
We encourage all attendees to support our athletes positively and constructively. Let us celebrate their hard work, dedication, and achievements with enthusiasm and respect. Your cooperation is essential in making our sports events safe, enjoyable, and inspiring for everyone involved.
Thank you for your understanding and commitment to upholding the values of sportsmanship and respect at all Badger Conference athletic events.
The Community Education area strives to provide enrichment opportunities to students and adults in the Waunakee area. We offer several different types of classes or workshops throughout the school year and summer, geared toward different age groups. We hope you'll give one of our classes a try! View our offerings! Please check back often as course offerings change.
We believe in collaborative partnerships with students, parents, teachers, staff, businesses and the greater community leading to educational excellence. Community involvement and support is an essential ingredient for the district’s success. Check out our Community Events section on our website to find information about the happenings around our community. Please check back often!
Waunakee Middle School Contact Information
Jeffrey Kenas, Principal,
Michael Zibell, Associate Principal,
Patricia Coffren, Administrative Assistant,
Karen Kashuk, Administrative Assistant Attendance,
Attendance 608-849-2060 Select language, then press1 or email at: wms_attendance@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Tammy Willborn, Health Assistant, tammywillborn@waunakee.k12.wi.us