SMS Weekly Newsletter
Week of November 18th
Caring & Sharing Club Fundraising Success
Students at SMS who purchased wristbands, snacks, and participated in the knockout basketball game helped the Caring & Sharing club raise $2,326 to use toward Angel Tree students from our school. This is awesome! Students in this club will be going to shop for their Angels next Friday.
The boy and girl champions from the week's knockout games competed against one another at the pep rally Friday. 7th grade represented well by winning both girl and boy knockout games. Our winners were Chaney Stout and Chloe Harper.
2025 Sheridan Track Tryouts
We will be having our Track Tryouts for the 2025 school year in December. We will
have different tryout dates for the different campuses in order to get a better look at
each individual. Tryouts will be hosted at the High School Track in Sheridan.
Tryout Dates:
December 2-3 East End Middle School (7th and 8th only)
December 4-5 Sheridan Middle School (7th and 8th only)
December 9-10 Sheridan High School 9-12
You can get a physical from the school Jacket Wellness Clinic or from your
preferred doctor, but one is required in order to try out. A copy of the physical will need
to be shown to us before the tryout. If you played school football, volleyball, cheer, or
dance, your physical is most likely still good.
-Tryouts will run from 3:45-5:15 each day.
- For Dec. 2-3 (An East End Shuttle will pick up 7th and 8th grade students at EMS at
3:20 and transport them to Sheridan.) You can pick your child up at the football field, or
they can ride the 5:30 East End Shuttle back to EMS.
-Sheridan kids must be picked up at 5:30 at the football field.
-Bring extra water
- Wear tennis shoes and running clothes
-Wrestling and basketball athletes will try out at a later date once their season is over.
Contact Derek Stokes or Tony Bone for any additional information
Emails: derekstokes@sheridanschools.org
Friday Pep Rally Fun
Friday's pep rally held lots of fun, cheers, and laughs! We celebrated our band, cheerleaders, dancers, and basketball players as well as some teachers that were brave enough to compete in a knockout competition. Students hooped and hollered as teachers played against one another and the crowd really roared when Coach Kinser won with a flawless 3 point shot.
Spelling Bee Tryout/Informational Meetings
Students who were notified last week about being nominated for the spelling bee will meet this week in the library during RTI.
6th Grade will meet during RTI on Monday, November 18th
7th Grade will meet during RTI on Wednesday, November 20th
8th Grade will meet during RTI on Thursday, November 21st
If a student is absent or unable to attend their specific tryout meeting, they are welcome to attend on another day. Students will be notified whether or not they made it into the SMS 2024-2025 Spelling Bee by the end of the week. This year's spelling bee will be held in McKenzie Hall on January 9th. Please email Mrs. Rich with any questions at baileyrich@sheridanschools.org.
Chess Champions!
The SMS Chess team took a journey to Pine Bluff to play in the annual Fall Tournament. The tournament was hosted by Mr. Bill Shelly. Mr. Tony Davis (the ten time state champion) was also there to support the event. There were 145 kids pumped up to play some chess. SMS had two students go undefeated and play each other for first in the final game - Isabella Klinedinst and Hayden Hoffman. Hayden Hoffman won first place individually out of 145 players. The other team members all did excellent, scoring multiple wins. Everyone played a huge part in winning the first place team trophy. Overall, the kids had a blast and even got to watch one of their teammates play the state champion.
Click on the link below to fill out a Google Form about a staff member at SMS that you want to give a shout out to.
What is Teamwork?
Teamwork is the ability to work in unity with others towards a common goal. For us to learn how to become team players, it is important that we learn to listen, encourage our peers, and allow and invite others to contribute their talents and skills.
Why focus on Teamwork?
Teamwork celebrates diversity. Teamwork thrives from diverse ideas that come from a mixture of different genders, cultures, expertise, experience, and problem-solving approaches.
Teamwork in Action:
Teach and encourage affirmations. Giving affirmations helps connect the team and builds trust, promotes engagement, and boosts a positive culture.
Saturday, November 16th
- Jr. High One Act Play Competition at Searcy High School
Monday, November 18th
- ASBOA Region III Jazz Band Auditions at 4:00 p.m. at SMS
- 6th Grade Spelling Bee nominees meet in library during RTI
Tuesday, November 19th
- ATLAS Writing Interim
- 7th Grade Spelling Bee nominees meet in library during RTI
- 8th Grade Spelling Bee nominees meet in library during RTI
Friday, November 22nd
- Caring & Sharing Field Trip
- Interim Reports go home
November 25th - 29th
- Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, December 3rd
- 7th/8th grade Quiz Bowl goes to tournament at Pine Bluff
Friday, December 6th
- CKH Reception for Teamwork
Thursday, December 7th
- ASBOA Region III Junior Concert Band Auditions hosted at SMS
Tuesday, December 10th
- Band Concert, SHS Auditorium at 6:00 p.m.