Fremont Focus
October 5, 2022
Setting Our District Annual Goals
At it September 26 meeting, the Fremont School District 79 Board of Education approved the District's goals for this school year. These goals were informed by input from many sources of data, including the recent superintendent search surveys and focus groups, student performance, financial analysis, and staffing experiences. The goal areas are centered around four areas of focus:
Community Engagement: Increase engagement and communication outreach with staff, families, and the wider Fremont D79 community.
High-Quality Staff: Increase the District’s ability to attract and retain the highest quality talent.
Student Achievement: Increase growth and achievement for all students through targeted focus in the following areas: Math Instruction, Standards-Based Grading, and Inclusive Practices.
Financial Stewardship: Devise sustainable funding strategies to advance targeted initiatives related to: Tuition-Free Full-Day Kindergarten, Long-Term Facility Planning, and Collective Bargaining.
Concurrently, the District is collecting information and engaging with stakeholders to inform a broader 4-to-5-year Strategic Plan, which will be completed by the start of next school year. It is important to have broad representation in the planning, so please refer to the focus group opportunities (see below) to contribute to this important planning.
📅 Important Dates
- October 10 - Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples' Day - No School
- October 11 - Parent Focus Group (RSVP), 7 p.m. (Middle School DEN)
- October 13 - ELL/Bilingual Parent Involvement Night, 6:30 p.m. (Elementary School Cafeteria)
- October 19 - PTO Meeting, 6 p.m. (Middle School DEN)
- October 21 - School Improvement Planning Day (Half-Day Schedule; no PM Kindergarten; no school for Pre-K/Early Childhood)
- October 21 - Pre-K/Early Childhood Parent Involvement, 10 a.m. (Lincoln Early Learning Center)
- October 25 - Board of Education Meeting, 7 p.m. (Middle School DEN)
Parent Input Wanted
Parents, we invite you to join us in shaping the future of Fremont School District 79. Our new Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Trisha Kocanda, is hosting a series of upcoming parent focus groups. Participants will be asked to reflect and share ideas to inform the District’s next Strategic Plan. Make plans to join us for one of these upcoming opportunities:
Tuesday, Oct. 11 – 7:00-8:00 p.m., Fremont Middle School DEN
Wednesday, Oct. 26 – 7:00-8:00 p.m., Fremont Middle School DEN (Spanish interpretation services provided)
Childcare for individuals ages 3+ will be provided for the two October dates by Fremont Middle School students.
To RSVP, please visit:
Padres, los invitamos a unirse a nosotros para dar forma al futuro del Distrito Escolar 79 de Fremont. Nuestra nueva Superintendente de Escuelas, la Dra. Trisha Kocanda, está organizando una serie de próximos grupos de enfoque para padres. Se les pedirá a los participantes que reflexionen y compartan ideas para informar el próximo Plan Estratégico del Distrito. Haga planes para unirse a nosotros en una de estas próximas oportunidades:
Martes, 11 de octubre – 7:00-8:00 p.m., Fremont Middle School DEN
Miércoles, 26 de octubre – 7:00-8:00 p.m., Fremont Middle School DEN (servicios de interpretación en español proporcionados)
Los estudiantes de Fremont Middle School proporcionarán cuidado de niños para personas mayores de 3 años durante las dos fechas de octubre.
Para confirmar su asistencia, visite:
Board of Education Meeting Recap
In an effort to connect the FSD79 Board of Education and the community, the District is creating a summary of monthly, regular Board meetings. To view a recap of the September 26 meeting, please click here. Additionally, board packet materials are now available to the public beginning at noon on the day of each regular Board meeting via the BoardBook on the FSD79 website. Information is forthcoming regarding the launch of live streaming of Board meetings.
IASB 2022 School Board Governance Recognition
Congratulations to our FSD79 Board of Education for being one of just 33 in the state to earn the IASB’s 2022 School Board Governance Recognition designation. This recognition is designed to acknowledge those school boards that have engaged in activities and modeled behaviors that lead to excellence in local school governance in support of quality public education.
Mundelein High School Homecoming Parade
Parent Outreach Night
Kevin Henkes Book Tasting
Girls Basketball Teams In Action
For all the most up-to-date news and notes regarding the Fremont PTO, please be sure to visit the organization's webpage.
- The Fremont PTO would love to see you at our meetings this year! Meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month in the Middle School Den at 6:00 p.m. Our next meeting is on October 19. Here is the list of all meeting dates for the 2022-2023 school year.
- And our Holiday Boutique is back on Saturday, November 12. More information to follow.
Skip cooking dinner Tuesday, October 11 and pick up Jimano's instead! Support local AND support our PTO! Just show them this flyer or mention the Fremont PTO!
The middle school is running its annual Fall Scholastic book fair on November 14-18 & during Parent-Teacher conferences on November 21. They are looking for volunteers to run the register and organize books. If interested, please use the following to sign up. Parents can sign up for multiple spots and days. Everyone is welcome!
Don't worry if you have not ordered your Picture Day pictures yet, you will still have a chance! When pictures arrive at school, you will receive a picture proof with an ordering code. You will be able to use that code to order photos directly from Color Portraits.
Join the Fremont PTO at the Chicago Wolves Game on October 15. The Chicago Wolves will be raising the banner for the Calder Cup Champs at this game!
Mark your calendars! Our Trunk or Treat event is Saturday, October 22 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. See flyer for more info!
Would you like to decorate your trunk for this event? Please fill out this form! Questions? Contact Elisabeth at
We are looking for donations for a silent auction and need your help! See our flyer for a list of ideas we are looking for by January 10, 2023. Contact Elisabeth or Danielle
October Lunch Menus
Virtual Backpack
• Middle School Halloween Dance
• Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Stevenson HS Play)
Fremont School District 79
Address: 28855 North Fremont Center Road, Mundelein, IL
Phone: (847) 566-0169
Twitter: @FSD79
Instagram: @FSD79