Weather, bus, and closure info
Conway School District
Bus Route Information at the Bottom of Newsletter
If you don't get our text message alerts please see the sign up info below.
Late Start and School Closed Information
We will send an email, text message, post information on our website and on KOMO's school closure site linked here.
When possible we will notify you the night before if we are going to start late or be closed for the day.
Our plan is to have messages to families as close to 6:30 as possible to help you plan your day. Families can assume that if you have not heard from us by 7am that we are on time and all bus routes are running as normal, there is NO need to call the school and check!
In rare circumstances conditions can change after we have notified families. If that happens will will immediately send out an "urgent" message to families through our normal process. Its important that families sign up for our text messenging as that is the fastest way for you to find out about changes.
Inclement Weather Schedule
When we have emergency events we have two options:
- Delayed Start - school will start at 10:30am (including Mondays) - breakfast is NOT served due to our start time.
- Closed for the day - unsafe road and weather conditions, power is out, etc.
Delayed Start
If we have a late start day due to the weather, school will start at 10:30 and the the bus will be at your child's normal stop two hours later than their normal pickup time (except Monday). If the bus route is modified please see the "delayed start bus routes" at the bottom of this newsletter.
What if we have late start on our regular Monday late start days? School will start at 10:30 as described above. Expect the bus to arrive 45 minutes later than your normal late start Monday pick up time.
Closed for the Day and Make Up Days
We are required by state to make up any days we are closed.
We have scheduled POTENTIAL make up days into our calendar as OPTIONS just in case we have to close school. Families can assume that we do not have school on scheduled make-up days as they are just placeholders just in case we have to close school. Families will be notified once the district has made a decision on which day(s) will be used to make-up for a school closure.
POTENTIAL Makeup Days: February 14th, May 23rd and June 12, 13, 16-20.
Safety First
What if I can't get my student to school or to the alternative bus stop?
Bus Routes Change when it's flooding
Fir Island and other areas prone to flooding will be modified if there are restrictions from the county or if there is water over the roadway. If there are significant changes to your student's route we will send out a text to notify you.
If you have excessive water over your roadway, our buses will not be able to pickup your student at their regular stop. Students will be picked up at the closest intersection to your stop.
If it is not safe for you to get your child to the new pickup location, please keep yourself and your family safe. Please use Pickup Patrol to report your child's absence and indicate it is weather related.
Alternate Bus Routes Normal Start Time
Updated Sept 2024
BUS P Jeff:
- Same PM schedule as normal unless there is flooding or heavy rain, then move to Southwest side of the parking lot.
Bus L - Mark:
- Lake McMurray Fire Hall (7:15-7:30) (3:45).
- Lake 16 meet at Lake 16 and State Route 534 (7:38) (3:35).
- Cedar Ridge students meet at Highway 534 (7:40/3:37).
- Hermway Heights at the bottom of Hermway Heights Drive (7:50-7:59) (3:18-3:20).
Bus C - Pamela:
- All stops at the regular time. Cascade Ridge Students will be picked up and dropped off at Stackpole road no time change.
Bus F - Rhonda: Four stops only
- Conway Fir Island Church (7:15-7:30) (3:15-3:30),
- Snow Goose (7:40-7:55) (3:40-3:55) , and
- Hayton Farms Berry Stand @ Fir Island /Dry Slough Road (8:00/4:00)
- Guardrail @ Broadway/Fire Hall in the PM (8:15/3:15)
Bus S (Nicole):
- Milltown, Pacific Highway Normal times.
- Bulson Road/Starbird Loop pick up at Starbird & Bulson at the four way stop (7:33/3:30).
- Tyee Road students will be picked up at Tyee and Bulson Road (7:30/3:25).
- Starbird (7:36/3:33)
- Bulson North of Tyee Pick up times will run normal but DROP OFF will be 15 mins earlier than normal times.
Delayed Start Bus Routes
Bus L (Mark):
- 9:15-9:30 - Lake McMurray Fire Hall
- 9:38 - Lake 16 meet at Lake 16 and State Route 534
- 9:40 - Cedar Ridge students meet at Highway 534
- 9:50 - Hermway Heights at the bottom of Hermway Heights Drive
Bus C (Pamela):
- All stops 2 hours later than normal.
- Cascade Ridge Students will be picked up at Stackpole road 2 hours later than normal Cascade Ridge time
Bus F (Rhonda): Four stops only:
- 9:15-9:30 - Conway Fir Island Church
- 9:40 - Snow Goose
- 10:00 - Hayton Farms Berry Stand @ Fir Island /Dry Slough Road
- 10:15 - Guardrail @ Broadway Rd & Fire Hall
Bus S (Nicole):
- 2 Hours Later than Normal times - Milltown, Pacific Highway & Starbird, Bulson North of Tyee
- 9:30 - Tyee Road students will be picked up at Tyee and Bulson Road
- 9:33 - Bulson/Starbird Loop Pickup @ Starbird & Bulson at the four way stop & Drop off @ 3:30
- Bulson North of Tyee DROP OFF 15 mins earlier than normal times
How to Get Notified
If you are not getting text messages for our newsletter and would like to sign up, please check out the directions at the bottom of this newsletter.
This only works if:
1) your cell number is already on file with the district
2) you have opted in
3) you have indicated it is your primary number
Alternatively you can email Mr. Cravy with your child's name AND your cell number, he will update your information: jcravy@conway.k12.wa.us
- 988 - Suicide and Crisis Hotline Information
- School Funding Information and Why Schools Need Your Support
School Contacts
360-445-5785 Opt#1 School, Opt #2 District
School Office: Kelli Hutchens
Principal: Andrea Clancy
Counselor: Sallie Miller
District Office: Austin Hight
Transportation/Food Services: Angela Pederson
Superintendent: Jeff Cravy
Non Discrimination Statement
The Conway School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.