BRMS November Family Newsletter
November 25, 2024
A Word from the Principal Team
Hello Badger Ridge Families! As we approach fall and winter breaks, we have many announcements to share with you, including summer workshops for scholars, information about how to understand middle school grading, family movie night, and many other highlights/student recognitions that we have noted over the month! As always, please feel free to reach out to any of the principal team should you have any questions about the content of this newsletter.
Important Dates to Remember 📆
November 27 - 29: No School
November 28: Thanksgiving
December 16th - BRMS Family Movie Night
December 23 - January 1: No School
High Quality Instruction
Understanding Standards Based Grades
As report cards have been disseminated, there have been some questions about the meaning of students’ standards based grades. Below is a description of what standards-based grading means as a system and the definitions of mastery levels that are shown on report cards:
Standards-based grading is a system that measures student mastery of a specific set of skills and/or content knowledge of a grade-level Wisconsin state standard over the course of a unit/quarter/semester. Standards-based grading requires the utilization of standards-based rubrics that students receive at the beginning of every unit in which they self-assess and review throughout the unit. At Badger Ridge, the continuum of mastery levels that appear on report cards are as follows:
4 - Exceeds Mastery (EM) -- Students show evidence that their depth of knowledge, understanding, and/or applicability of a particular standard is beyond the proficiency of the grade level
3 - Mastery (M) -- Students show evidence that their depth of knowledge, understanding, and/or applicability of a standard meets grade level proficiency.
2 - Nearing Mastery (NM) -- Students show evidence that their depth of knowledge, understanding, and/or applicability of a standard is approaching grade level proficiency.
1 - Beginning Level (BL) -- Students show evidence that their depth of knowledge, understanding, and applicability of a standard is just beginning and/or is at a basic level.
0 - No Evidence (NE) -- Students have not shown evidence of their understanding of a particular standard (ie: they did not turn the assignment in, or the student hasn’t met any of the criteria listed in the standard)
These levels of mastery are NOT synonymous with a traditional letter grade. For example, EM does NOT equal an A+. BL does NOT equal a D. Rather, the levels of mastery specifically coincide with the description embedded within the rubric that students are able to show on formative and summative assessments. The levels of mastery are able to be measured within student work and are not a numerical value.
Assessments at BRMS 📝
Winter STAR Testing
Students will take their Math and Reading Star Tests during an extended advisory on the following dates:
- Math - 1/14/25
- Reading - 1/16/25
TWI STAR Testing
Students in the TWI program will also take Star Reading in Spanish in their Science classes on 1/21/25 or 1/22/25 depending on which day they have Science.
If your child is going to be absent one of those days, please let their teacher know so that we can find an alternate date for them to test.
School Announcements
Family Community Needs and Engagement Survey
Thank you to the families who have already completed the family community needs and engagement survey! Again, we are shooting for 100% family participation in this survey in order for us to develop a schoolwide plan to improve systems of two-way communication. We have extended our date to gather responses to December 19th.
The What: Badger Ridge is seeking input from families in the form of a survey about your family’s needs, communication, engagement, and sense of connection to Badger Ridge.
The Why: We are committed to improving our systems of two-way communication about your child’s school experience, developing systems that foster family connection and engagement, and supporting connections between home, school and community. This survey also gathers information from BRMS families to determine what needs and gaps in services exist in our school community, in order to develop school-based partnerships, programming and services.
Gratitude: We are shooting for 100% participation (from the caregivers of each of our students). Because we value your time, we want to extend gratitude for those who take the survey by giving all the opportunity to be entered in a drawing to win prizes! These gifts include: gift cards, grocery vouchers, restaurant cards, and other fun items. We will also be holding an advisory challenge for students. The advisory with the most caregivers who took the survey will win a donut party!
Deadlines: Here is the link to the survey. All survey responses must be completed and submitted by December 19, 2024.
Tech Savvy
Tech Savvy 2025 is a collaborative project between the American Association of University Women (AAUW) in Fort Atkinson and Janesville, and the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Science Department, and Office of Camps and Conferences. It is a STEM workshop for girls in grades 6 to 9 and their parent(s), designed to inspire and encourage them to explore STEM fields and careers. Boys may attend. Attached here is the flier.
What: The students who attend Tech Savvy will experience exciting hands-on activities led by professional women in STEM fields. There will be a parallel program for parent(s) to learn about careers in the STEM fields, the value of a STEM career, and how to encourage their children in STEM.
When & Where: Saturday, April 5, 2025 (8:00 am - 1:00 pm) on the UW Whitewater main campus.
Who: We have an enrollment limit of 120 students in grades 6-9 and an additional 70+ parents/mentors.
Registration: Online registration opens mid January and closes March 25. Note: The website still has last year's information. The new 2025 information will be posted after winter break. Tech Savvy (uww.edu)
Cost: $15 per participant which includes lunch. Student participants receive a t-shirt and drawstring bag. There is money available for need-based scholarships.
Precollege Programs at UW-Madison’s School of Business
BRMS Family Movie Night
This year, before heading into winter break, the Badger Ridge Family Engagement Team will be hosting a winter themed movie night on Monday, December 16th! The movie that students have selected in a survey is Inside Out 2 in our very own PAC. Popcorn and hot chocolate will be available and served (although it will need to be consumed outside of the PAC in a small lounge area due to food restrictions inside the PAC). Bring your pajamas, robes, slippers, blankets, and let’s have a cozy night with the Badger Ridge family and enjoy a night of community, connection, and fun before the long winter break!
Notes From Our Nurse
Illness Guidance
When deciding if your student is well enough to be at school during an illness, please reference this document, that can also be found on our website.
Self-Carrying Medication at School
Is your student bringing ibuprofen or Tylenol to school in their backpack? If so, please make sure to review the Verona Area School District’s medication policy and complete the parent medication consent form. Medication that is not reported to the nurse will be held until a parent picks it up or the medication consent form is completed.
Student Planners
We are seeing so much engagement with the student planners and love to see how students are communicating with you all through the planner signature process. We have a goal that 90% of students will regularly review their academic and personal goals, receive teacher feedback, reflect on it, and revise their work accordingly in all core subjects by regularly engaging in planner use and planner checks. By the middle of the year, students will learn about how to better use their planners to help set goals to ensure that each student will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their personal goals, thrive in a diverse global society, and lead a healthy, self-fulfilling life.
Career Fair
In the spring, we will again host a Career Fair! We had such a successful event last school year, and we want to build on that and expand. The date is currently set for April 23rd, so be on the lookout for more information and a way to sign up to be a presenter.
Tech News
Digital Citizenship
As we continue to address digital citizenship in our district, students have been digging into the digital citizenship lessons from Common Sense Media during their Advisory period. In October, students learned about their “Digital Footprint and Identity” and in November they learned about “Relationships and Communication.” For more information, Common Sense Media provides a family activity and tips about each theme.
GoGuardian Caregiver App
Looking to understand how GoGuardian caregiver app works? Take a look at this informational video with the ins and outs of GoGuardian for families.
Canvas Observer
Canvas is the learning management system we use in Verona at the middle and high school levels. All middle school students utilize canvas throughout the day to access class content and assignments. Families are able to join Canvas as an observer to see coursework and assignments as well. Missed the event in December on how to use Canvas? That’s okay! The linked slides include directions for becoming an observer in Canvas and information about the items you will see once you are signed up.
We are looking for volunteers to support students and staff in various capacities throughout the school year! If you are interested in volunteering, please explore our volunteer opportunities and complete a volunteer application and background check. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Hall, School Social Worker, at halls@verona.k12.wi.us or (608)845-4408.
Parent Resources of the Month
Holiday Support
Thanksgiving Support at Badger Prairie Needs Network (BPNN)
Thanksgiving food items will be distributed during regular pantry visits until Tuesday, November 26. One visit per household. New pantry guests are required to register during their first visit using identification for each family member and proof of address by arriving 15 minutes before the pantry opens. BPNN will distribute whole turkeys & turkey breasts, apple & pumpkin pies, frozen croissant rolls, cranberry sauce, gravy, stuffing, butter, canned fruit, cornbread muffin mix and fresh produce. Pantry Hours are TUES: 10a-12p, WED: 6-8p, THURS: 10a-6:30p, FRI: 10a-12p, SAT: 10a-12:30p at 1200 E. Verona Ave, Verona, WI. For more information, call 608-848-2499 or visit BPNN’s website
Empty Stocking Club
Registration Link deadline: December 4th
Distribution: December 11-12th, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Alliant Energy Center
Helping Hands
Are you in need of support with holiday gifts for your family? Register here by December 2. Gifts will be distributed at Verona Area High School in mid-December. Distribution information will be shared with families after registration. We are also accepting holiday gift and gift card donations through December 9th at any VASD school site.
Highlights of the Month
FutureQuest 2024
Our eighth-grade students went on a field trip to Future Quest this week. This event allows students to explore various careers and connect with local business people. Our students did a great job as they asked intriguing questions and learned about academic expectations for careers.
Art Recognition
Badger Ridge will be represented at VASD Central Office! Here is the student artwork selected to be on display at VASD Central Office, on board #8. Congratulations to:
6th Grade: Sloane Bennett, Brayden Klein, Hazel Kemnitz
7th Grade: Brone McDonald, Andrea Burns, Paige Tebear
8th Grade: Jude Moe, Ainsley Palosaari.