Patriot Press
Week of October 14, 2024
Greetings Poynter Families!
We are excited to host your students at the fall dance next week. There is definitely excitement in the air. Please remind students that to maintain their ability to attend the dance, their behavior needs to be good these next two weeks. Students who receive a referral from tomorrow (10/15) until the dance for unsafe behavior or significant disruptions will not be able to attend.
Go Patriots!
Jeremy Corwin
Upcoming Dates
- 10/24 - PoynterGreen Advanced Band Concert
- 10/24 - Fall Dance
- 10/28 - Spirit Day: Future Falcons
- 10/28 - Spirit Day: Jammies & Stuffies
- 10/30 - Spirit Day: Old vs. Young
- 10/31 - Spirit Day: Halloween Costumes
School Calendar Feedback
We are soliciting feedback for what the school calendar should look like for 2025/2026 and 2026/2027 school years. After reviewing the slide show below, feel free to fill out this survey to give your feedback.
Previous (And Still Relevant) Announcements
Spirit Week
- Monday (10/28): Future Falcons (come dressed in Liberty gear or colors)
- Tuesday (10/29): Jammies & Stuffies
- Wednesday 10/30: Old vs. Young (come dressed either as a young child or an older person)
- Thursday 10/31: Halloween Costumes
Dance Volunteers Needed
Poynter Leadership students would like to officially invite you to help chaperone our first dance of the 2024-2025 school year! The dance will be on Thursday, October 24th from 3:30-5. The theme this year is 'Costume Party'.
We need volunteers to help get this thing going- it takes a lot of adults to make this successful. Volunteers will need to be able to be at school from about 3:00-5:15ish. Leadership kids and the rest of the students love this type of event. These events are part of what they'll remember about their middle school experience, so we want to make them fun and memorable. We are so grateful for those willing and able to help out! Below you will find a sign-up sheet- please fill your name in a spot that you could help out with but please make sure you aren't deleting any names that are already filled in.
Reach out to Kelsi Burkhardt (burkhark@hsd.k12.or.us) via email if you have any questions. And make sure your Volunteer status is current with the district. Thanks so much for being willing to experience this fun event with your kids!
Seize the Awkward
In Oregon, the second leading cause of death of you people 5-24 is suicide. Our counseling department will be delivering lessons aligned to Oregon Health Standards and Senate Bill 52 (Adi's Act) that will help students:
- Recognize possible signs of depression or suicide risk.
- Know where to get help at school and what to expect
- Know where to get help outside of school.