Bison Stampede
Rosemont Weekly Newsletter
11/13/2023 ENGLISH
Our Vision
At Rosemont, our vision is to be an exemplary campus with established leaders that exemplify a commitment to academic excellence and educating the whole child.
Lower Campus
1919 Stevens Forest Drive
Dallas, TX 75208
Upper Campus
911 N Morocco Ave
Dallas, TX 75211
(972) 749-5000
Campus Front Office
Ms. Doss, Lower Campus
Hello Rosemont families!
Can you believe it is already November? It feels like the school year just began! It is hard to believe that we are almost done with the first semester of school. It has truly been a joy getting to know the students at Rosemont Lower these past couple of months. As the school counselor, one of the many services that I provide to ALL students is monthly guidance lessons in the classrooms. During the first two weeks of school, we focused on learning about what a school counselor does and the many ways that I am able to support students. Some of the topics discussed during these past few weeks were self-esteem, confidence, positive self-talk, self-control, responsibility, whole body listening, and making healthy choices. Ask your child about some of the lessons that they have learned with me! Students will continue to receive guidance lessons on a variety of topics throughout the school year. In addition to teaching monthly guidance lessons, I meet with students based on teacher, parent, or staff referrals; provide short-term individual and group school counseling to support students with skills that are developmental and/or impact school behavior and consult with school staff and families to support students' mental health, academic achievement, and social-emotional development. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns you may have for your child.
Parent Tips/Resources:
I appreciate the support you provide to your child/children. Your support is an integral part of your child’s success as well as the overall success of the school. Please take moment to read the articles below that explains ten ways to help your child succeed in elementary school.
10 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Elementary School
10 maneras de ayudar a su hijo a alcanzar el éxito en la escuela primaria
Dr. Villanueva , Upper Campus
This week is anti-bullying week. At the campus, we are going to walk about what bullying is and how to prevent it. As parents, we want you to know what you can do to support anti-bullying for every student, every day. This can be a difficult topic, but it is something that young people are facing, which is why it is important to educate ourselves and our students. We all play a role in preventing bullying in schools and online. This week, please join us in learning about what bullying is. At school, we talk about differences between conflict, a mean moment, and bullying. We encourage you to use this same language at home. Next week, we will talk about how to respond to bullying.
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Parent Resource Link
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Campus Events
VIRTUAL Meeting:
Dyslexia Fall Parent Meeting
Monday, November 13 · 5:30 – 6:30pm
Time zone: America/Chicago
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 765-999-1114 PIN: ‪466 291 443#
More phone numbers:
Anti-Bullying Week (Pk - 8)
Food Drive
Upper Campus Teacher & Student of The Week
We are excited to highlight a student and teacher each week as we move through the year. Please join us in celebrating the accomplishments and leadership demonstrated by these each week.
Book Fair
ESL Parent Class
Grandparents Day
Thanksgiving Break
Rosemont Dance
Special Education Services
Clubs and Extracurriculars
About Us:
Twitter: LC- RosemontLower UC- RosemontUC