Linden Grove Middle School
September 3, 2024 Newsletter from the Principal
Open House
Title IX Presentation
Students will view a 10 minute presentation on Title IX this week. The presentation outlines student protections under Title IX as well as how, and to whom, to report a possible Title IX violation. This is a district-required presentation for all secondary students.
Picture Day
Friday, September 20
Lifetouch Picture Day ID: EVTX8W4TS
Fall Sports Schedules
Students have three minutes of passing time before the first hour and four minutes of passing time every other hour. We expect students to be in class and in their seats prior to the tardy bell. Students who earn two tardies in one day will serve lunch detention the next day. Students who earn five tardies in one day will serve lunch detention the next day and be assigned after-school detention that week. Students who accumulate 10 tardies in one week require a parent reentry meeting.
Food Deliveries
Cell Phone Expectations
Students may use their cell phones during breakfast, until 8:03. After 8:03
there is no student cell phone usage allowed at Linden Grove. After 8:03 cell phones are expected to be silenced and stored out of sight. The safest place for a cell phone is at home. The next safest place is locked in the pod locker. Cell phones may not be carried in hands. If a student violates the cell phone policy the phone is confiscated for the day and returned at the flag pole at dismissal. The following additional consequences apply for cell phone violations:
1st violation- reminder
2nd violation- after-school detention and a parent phone call
3rd violation- 1 week cell phone turn in at the start of the school day. Turn in duration increases 5 days with every third violation.
Students wearing airpods or headphones during the school day are assumed to be connected to a phone are considered in violation of the cell phone policy.
Dress Code Expectations
1: Students may not wear hats, hoods, or head coverings after 8:03
2: Shirts must cover the midriff.
3. Bags and jackets must be stored in lockers.
4: The school reserves the right to ask a student to change if the student's outfit is causing a disruption to the learning environment.
Students in violation of the dress code are offered an item from the school or can call home to have an adult bring a change of clothes. Students who refuse either option will be sent home.
Please see the KPS code of conduct for other dress code rules.
NWEA Testing This Week
Reading, September 3-4
Math, September 5-6
Science, September 9-10
All students should be bringing a charged Chromebook to school everyday. 6th graders should be using the Chromebook case provided in 5th grade.
To keep our hallways orderly and safe, we have very strict horseplay rules. Students running in the hallways, chasing other students, or putting hands on one another will be assigned a one hour after school detention.
Any staff member can assign this detention. Parents will receive notification via email. Parents may contact Ms. Parham in our Student Services Center to change the day the detention will be served.
Gum/Food/Drink Expectations
Gum is not allowed at Linden Grove. We have many carpeted areas and gum does not come out easily.
Students can bring food and drinks to be eaten at lunch. No food or drinks, with the exception of water, can be eaten in the pods.
Kalamazoo Parks and Recreation Opportunities
Educational Benefit Forms-Important!
All students enrolled in KPS schools can receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at no charge.
It is critical that all households, regardless of income, fill out and sign the Education Benefit Form (EBF). The information gathered from the Educational Benefit Form is crucial in determining the amount of money that our school receives from a variety of State and Federal supplemental programs like Title I A, At-Risk (31a), Title II A, E-Rate, etc.
These supplemental programs have the potential to offer supports and services for our students including, but not limited to:
• Instructional supports (staff, supplies & materials, etc.)
• Non-instructional services (counseling, social work, health services, etc.)
• Professional Learning for staff
• Parent and Community engagement supplies and activities
• Technology
We are asking that you complete and submit this as soon as possible to ensure that additional funding for our schools is available to meet the needs of our students. All information on the report is confidential.
Without your assistance in completing and returning the Educational Benefit Form, our schools will be unable to maximize the use of available State and Federal funds.
Mobile Health and Dental Clinics
Kalamazoo Public Schools and Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo partner with the Family Health Center to bring the Mobile Health and Dental Clinics to the schools each year. This is a great opportunity to access preventive healthcare for your child without removing them from school for an appointment. Each unit provides preventive care in its respective specialty: For Health/Medical, that includes a yearly well-child exam and immunizations. For Dental, that includes twice yearly cleanings, exams, and sealants. A more exhaustive list of potential services that can be provided by the units can be found in the form. This is NOT a free service! Families must have insurance to participate (all forms of insurance accepted). Families with insurance will not be billed for the services they receive.
If You Need to Contact the School
If there is an issue with a specific class, please contact the teacher first by email. Teachers will respond within 24 hours. If there is a non-classroom issue, you can email the teacher, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Frison or call the main office.