North Notes
December 10, 2024
Greetings Ranger Families,
I will be sending out an email blast every two weeks with information about upcoming events, class info, Booster info, etc. I hope you find this information useful. If at any time you want additional information, please refer to our school website HERE.
Eric Frei
Tickets on Sale: The Absolutely True Story of KING ARTHUR
The legend of ”The Sword in the Stone” is rich with adventure, magic, heroes, and villains. This fun, non-musical adaptation of the classic tale features Arthur’s nefarious older sister, Morgan le Fay, as a contemptuous, power-hungry villainess who seeks the throne at any cost. Come out and support North Drama Club!
Friday - December 13th, 7pm
Saturday - December 14th, 7pm
Sunday -December 15th, 2pm
PURCHASE TICKETS HERE: https://linktr.ee/NorthDrama
SENIORS - If you missed the deadline to order your cap & gown unit (which includes the tassel that you must wear at the graduation ceremony), please go to www.jostens.com to order it right away! The cost will continue to rise. All caps/gowns will be shipped directly to North with the rest of your class. Pick up day will be scheduled for sometime in March. If you order anything in addition, it will be shipped to your home. North will not accept any orders - all orders must be placed through Jostens. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-JOSTENS.
The December Senior Newsletter can be found HERE.
A list of important dates and upcoming reminders for seniors can be found HERE.
From you school counselors! Schoology is up and running. Please check for the most detailed information. It will be updated weekly
Seniors received information on how to apply for colleges, and a ton of great information that will help with planning for after graduation. Videos and more links are on schoology. Seniors are encouraged to meet with their counselors about how to prepare for college. If you missed Financial Aid Night, we will post powerpoints and handouts from the night soon.
One last college visit! Cleveland State University will be visiting North High School Thursday, December 12th 4th period in the Library.
All sophomores saw a presentation about the Excel Tecc programs. Students learned about all the offerings and what they can expect in the programs. More information, links to the Excel Tecc YouTube channel and upcoming Open House Schedule are posted on our schoology School Counselor Course and in guidance. The application will open on Friday, December 13th. Students will receive an email with application instructions and link to the online application. Please contact Mrs. Vaughan if you have questions. kirsten.vaughan@weschools.org 440 975-3667
Updated schedule for Excel Tecc Open Houses for next week.
Monday – Exercise Science and Performing Arts
Tuesday – NCI Willoughby programs
Wednesday – NCI Eastlake programs
Thursday – Mayfield programs
Friday – 6am application window opens
Ohio State Testing (EOC)
Fall Re-testing for End of Course Exams is underway! Any student that needed to retake an EOC should have received a letter at home stating which tests they needed to take. If you have any questions concerning the tests or graduation requirements please reach out to your child’s counselor.
Upcoming after the new year:
Deadline for Excel Tecc applications - January 10, 2025
Students will be begin the scheduling process for the 25-26 school year in the end of January
College and Career Options Night - Information about College Credit Plus and more - January 22, 2025 at 6 pm - Save the Date
Mrs. Gallucci Last Names A-D jennifer.gallucci@weschools.org
Mrs. Vaughan Last Names E-K kirsten.vaughan@weschools.org
Mr. Zenz Last Names L-Q jack.zenz@weschools.org
Mrs. Phillips Last Names RZ lindsay.phillips@weschools.org
Mrs. Ungar Guidance Secretary robin.ungar@weschools.org
All information related to the guidance department can be found HERE.
School Pictures
LAST CALL for school photo orders from Cirino Photography!
The link to order your student(s) North High School Individual School Portraits will be expiring December 10th. Please follow the link below to place your order - you will need your students first name, last name and student ID number exactly as it appears in PowerSchool. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Cirino Photography - they are happy to help you at 440 953-8200.
Here is the link to order pictures: https://my.photoday.com/gallery/eastlake-north-scho
Sport/Club/Event Pictures for the YEARBOOK
Have pictures for your child's sport, club, or Homecoming that you would like to see highlighted in the yearbook? Please send any photos you have of your season or event as soon as possible! These can be emailed directly to north.yearbook@weschools.org
2025 Yearbooks
2025 yearbooks are currently on sale for $82 for the remainder of the year. Don't forget to pre-order a yearbook in order to ensure your student receives one! We don't have many extras once yearbooks arrive. Jostens also offers to ship yearbooks directly to your home for a shipping fee. Books sent directly home typically arrive before the school receives them.
Yearbooks can be ordered here: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1049546/North-High-School/2019-Yearbook/2018071404223281071/CATALOG_SHOP/?REF=A06405940
Senior Pictures and Panoramic
Senior pictures are due by Friday, December 20, to the Google Form: https://forms.gle/GJe9V82U2AkfT1xZ7
The Senior Panoramic is January 17, 2025 at 7:45 in the gym.
Club pictures will also be taken after the senior panoramic picture.
We will be holding mid term exams December 18-20th. Mid-terms are comprehensive exams that assess students on their knowledge of all content from the first semester. The mid term will be averaged with the final exam to determine the "exam" component of final grades (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, E).
For mid-terms, and final exams, we utilize an "open campus" model. We will run special bell schedules, and students will only be required to attend their scheduled exams. A mid-day transportation schedule will be posted closer to mid-terms.
Volunteers Club car magnets are here! Show off your club pride and spirit of service! Cost is $5 cash or check. Contact Ms. Schendel at jennifer.schendel@weschools.org if you have any questions. The order form is attached via link, or students may purchase at school in room 217 (no order form necessary for this option). Help support the club kids and the great work that they do for the school and community!
NORTH ATHLETICS WEBSITE: https://rangernation.org/
ALL ATHLETES must be registered on Final Forms and have a current physical on file in order to participate in a sport. Please see link to register for Final Forms:
PARTICIPATION FEES for winter sports are due on 12/6 and can be paid online on Final Forms or in the athletic office. All sports fees are $125. Any student athlete qualifying for reduced fees must pay their fee in the athletic office by cash or check made payable to North Athletics. Reduced fees are as follows: $55 for those qualifying for free lunch and $85 for those qualifying for reduced lunch. If you need more time, please contact the athletic office.
Download the HomeTown Fan App or go to: https://rangernation.hometownticketing.com/embed/all to purchase tickets. Tickets can be printed at home or your phone can be scanned at the gate. There will be cash sales at the gate and a credit card scanner.
Freshman/JV/Varsity Basketball:
Adults $8
Students $6
Senior Citizens Free
Kindergarten aged students and older require an admission ticket
Ticket and pass information
Most opponents will have similar ticket policies.
* subject to change
LIVESTREAM of our games in the gym and stadium (all levels) can be viewed through our subscription service on the NFHS network via the following link:
RANGER NATION DIGITAL STUDENT PASSES are now available online only. The Ranger Nation pass allows general admission to all home sporting events throughout the year (excluding any home OHSAA tournament). If you are interested, go to the link below to select the pass. All passes are digital and will be placed in an app on your phone that will be scanned at home events. If you have any questions, please contact the North Athletic Office at 440-975-3679. Click on the link for our online box office below:
Pass will scan one time to every home North athletic event for the 2024-25 school year.
Winter Sports Families, Welcome to the 2024 season of winter sports at North! North Boosters is cheering on all the athletes and wishes everyone good luck for a fun and memorable year.
Did you know you can SAVE MONEY per game by becoming a Boosters member? Here’s how:
Purchase a Silver or Gold Membership and your PER GAME cost is only $5.50 versus the $8.00 door price
Silver Membership - $55 with 10 game passes VS. door price of $8 x 10 games = $80
Golf Membership - $110 with 20 game passes VS. door price of $8 x 20 games = $160 (Save $50!!)
Sign up today and start saving: https://rangernation.hometownticketing.com/embed/all?depts=5
Game passes can also be used for the upcoming spring sporting events too
Your membership is just ONE WAY you can support North Boosters. All membership money goes to North Booster’s to help all students at North High. We appreciate your support and GO RANGERS!
-North High School Boosters
Cirino Winter Sports Photos
Great News - Winter Sports photos have been uploaded in the online galleries and It is now time to view and order your players photos. Cirino Photography has released the Online Viewing/Ordering Gallery - Here is the online photo gallery link you can view and place your orders here and the orders will ship right to your house:
https://my.photoday.com/gallery/north-winter-sports-2 You will need your students first name, last name and student ID number exactly as it appears in Power School to log in - if you have any questions Cirino Photography is here to help just give them a call at 440 953-8200
Winter Head Coach Contacts:
Cheerleading BKB: Liz Veres ehelt@outlook.com
Boys Basketball: Nick Mayer nick.mayer@weschools.org
Girls Basketball: Paul Force paul.force@weschools.org
Swimming: Justin Ramey jramey0203@yahoo.com
Wrestling: Sean Jackson artzeus1234@yahoo.com
Bowling: Brian Dailey Bed025@aol.com
Gymnastics(Club): Heather Trem heathertrem@yahoo.com
Winter Activities & Fundraising Opportunities
Winter sports and extracurriculars have started! Good luck to all the North athletes, students and coaches this season. Come on out and cheer on your North teams; it’s amazing how supportive fans can lift a team or individual up. All game and meet information is posted on rangernation.org, while other clubs and organizations can be found HERE.
North Boosters is a parent-led volunteer group that supports the sports, clubs and organizations that students participate in. We are in charge of fundraising for all these groups and we can’t do it without help and support from parents, families, students and the community. Below are some of the ways we raise money and how you can help. As always, thank you for your support!
Become a North Booster member and SAVE MONEY on admission!
North Booster member admission fee prepaid = $5.50/game
Non-Booster member admission fee at the door = $8/game
Click HERE to purchase a staff, gold or silver membership. 100% of your membership purchase goes directly to the Boosters fund to support the students.
Forgot to join before heading to a game? No worries! Be on the lookout for the new signs posted around North with the Booster Membership QR code! Scan the code with your phone, sign up, save and support!
Opportunity #2 - NORTH CONCESSIONS . . . 2 ways to help
Boosters will pay $30 per sign-up slot when you volunteer and donate it to your selected club/sport/group. This is a great way to help your student’s club/sport/team earn money for new uniforms, equipment, accessories and more. All volunteers must sign up online to receive credit.
Here’s the new sign-up for winter: Winter Sports Concession Volunteer Sign Up
Purchasing an item from Concessions also helps Boosters raise money. It is stocked weekly and offers a variety of items depending on the season.
The winter menu will include loaded nachos, pizza, hot dogs and mac-n-cheese, along with a variety of candy, snacks and drinks.
North Spiritwear is now available year round and readily available to order online at our new vendor 1st Place Spiritwear. They have a large range of North designs in various apparel, spirit and accessory items. Booster’s receive 10% back from each order.
25% Holiday Sale - Grab some swag now for holiday gifts and get 25% off during the holiday sale through 12/10, with guaranteed delivery by 12/23.
2024/25 North Boosters Meeting Dates
All parents/guardians are welcome to attend our monthly meetings which take place on the first Monday of each month at 7p.m. in the North Student Union. If there is no school on that Monday, an alternate date will be announced. Below are the meeting dates for the 2024/25 school year.
Monday, December 9 at 7:00pm in the Student Union (rescheduled due to holiday)
Monday, January 6
Monday, February 3
Monday, March 3
Monday, April 7
Monday, May 5
Social Media Accounts
Check out our pages on social media to learn more and stay connected!
Hello Ranger Families!
The Eastlake North Music Boosters are having a Five Below Fundraising Shopping Event from December 10th - December 17 at the Points East Five Below (7333 Mentor Ave). What a great way to turn your Holiday Shopping into a way to help the Bands and Choirs! You must show a physical flyer (below) to an employee at time of check out in order for them to donate to our group! Thank you!
The North Music Boosters will be hosting a Bowling Fundraiser at Wickliffe Lanes on January 18th. Bowling and Pizza & Pop are included in the cost of the ticket. We will also be having a Chinese Auction and 50/50! SPACE IS LIMITED so please purchase your single tickets or secure an entire lane at the link below!
Thank you to all that purchased Texas Roadhouse Gift Cards. A great way to use your new gift cards is at our upcoming Texas Roadhouse Dine to Donate fundraiser in January. More details to follow.
Please follow our Facebook page to keep up to date about upcoming Dine to Donates, fundraisers, important information and updates we send throughout the school year! Our Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/EastlakeNorthMusicBoosters/.
Also don’t forget to check out our North Music Boosters’ website at: https://northmusicboosters.com
The best way to help support your Band or Choir student is to attend a Music Boosters Meeting! There is no December meeting. Our next meeting is in January on Wednesday, 1-15-25 at 6:30pm in the North Band Room. Again we do not have a December meeting. Joining Music Boosters is $10 per family, per year. You can find more information and the contact form to join on our website. https://northmusicboosters.com/boosters-1
Thank you for your support of the Eastlake North Music Boosters as we strive to help give our Music Students the best experience possible!
Your 2024-2025 Music Boosters Board Members:
Choir Director: Mrs. Levine
Band Director: Mr. Sell
President: Tina Galletti
Vice President: Lisa Mooney
Secretary: Melanie Champa
Treasurer: Sherie Scott
Trustee: Diane Lloyd
Trustee: Amy Harris
Trustee: Leann Hardy
Thank you to all the parents, students, staff and guests who joined us at this year’s The Craft Fair Before Christmas! It was very successful and many of the vendors praised the work of the students helping bring in their items for set up. Go Rangers!!
Next Meeting
No meeting in December. We will convene in January. Enjoy the holidays!
Fundraiser Updates
Texas Roadhouse Gift Card Fundraiser - December 9-17
Need a gift for family, friend or co-worker but not sure what to give? Purchase a Texas Roadhouse gift card and support After Prom 2025 at the same time! We are holding an online gift card fundraiser December 9-17. Watch our Facebook page and your email for more information on how to order. We will follow it in January with a Dine to Donate night.
Celebrate Your Senior Yard Sign Fundraiser
Showcase your North senior by purchasing a yard sign with your student featured on it, perfect for graduation parties or yard displays! Starting in January we will send out information on how to purchase a sign, submit a picture and further plans on how we plan to showcase the North Class of 2025!
After Prom Trip - Kalahari Prep
Amazon Raffle Prize list - on Black Friday we set up a “wish list” to start collecting items for raffle prizes for the students who attend Kalahari in May. If you feel inclined and are able, any donation is greatly appreciated. Please email ideas or other sale items to add to it.
Amazon Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/17Q45FD7VO42G?ref_=wl_share
Stay Connected with Us!
Facebook: @NHSClassof2025
Email: nhs2025afterprom@gmail.com
Our next meeting is January 9th at 7p.m. in the student union.
There is also a Jr Afterprom committee, formed and run by students, at the same time. The afterprom is for them, and they should have a voice in it as well. All are welcome! Our committee requires meeting/fundraising participation in order to have priority on chaperoning the afterprom. Hope to see you there!
It's time for our biggest fundraiser of the year!!!!
The 2nd annual Wrapping for Donations event at the Great Lakes Mall.
We've put together an Amazon wish list with items that are needed for a successful event. Your generosity will go a long way in making this event special for everyone involved.
We can't do this without the help of Rangernation.
Please consider signing up for a shift. Students all shifts count towards your required volunteer hours, please put VH behind your name.
Tell one and all to bring all their gifts to be wrapped by an amazing group for a great cause. It doesn't matter where your gifts were purchased, we will wrap it all.
Join our Facebook group https://tinyurl.com/classof26afterprom
Email us at north2026afterprom@gmail.com to be added to our email list
Next Meeting
Wednesday, December 11 at 7pm in library
All 2027 parents are welcome to attend any meetings we have. We would love for more parents to become involved! The more help we have, the more we can raise!
Cleveland Monsters Ticket Raffle for Premium Seats to future game
Purchase a ticket for a chance to win 4 premium seats to a future Cleveland Monsters hockey game - only $10 each
Deadline: Friday, December 20
Payment Options: Venmo (@nhs2027ap) or cash
Comedy Night - Mark your calendar!
Saturday, April 5 (2025) at American Legion in Willowick
Facebook Page: NHS 2027 After Prom
Email Address: nhs2027afterprom@gmail.com
AFTER PROM '28 Freshmen
Dear Class of 2028 Parents,
We are excited to announce the formation of the After Prom Committee for the Class of 2028!
The After Prom event is a wonderful opportunity to keep the fun celebration going in a safe and sober environment. We believe that with the help of our dedicated committee members and wonderful families, we can create an unforgettable experience for our classmates.
Your involvement is crucial, and we welcome all ideas and talents! Let’s work together to make their After Prom a night to remember!
Thank you,
Kristiana Seguinot
Class of 2028 After Prom President
The research on cell phone use and teens is clear. In order to provide the optimal educational setting for learning to occur, we are no longer permitting cell phone (or any non-school issued electronic device) use in classrooms. This will be shared with students by teachers on the first day, at grade level meetings by administrators on the second day, and repeatedly over the announcements in the days ahead. Students will be instructed that devices need to remain out of sight within the classroom, or while using collaboration spaces during class time. Students MAY use phones during passing time, study hall, or lunch.
Violations of this policy will be handled as any other policy infraction would be - with classroom level consequences, parental contacts, and if necessary, referrals to the office.
It is our hope that we can work together with families to help our kids find the balance they need with these devices in their daily lives. It takes a village.
Get ready for an exciting opportunity to support our students! You could drive home in a brand new 2025 Chevrolet Trax 1LS while helping our students succeed. Thanks to our generous partners at Serpentini Chevrolet of Willoughby Hills, 100% of the proceeds from this raffle will benefit our students. The lucky winner will be selected on January 24, 2025, during halftime of the North/South Boys Basketball game. When you purchase your raffle ticket, you'll have the chance to choose a school or group to represent. Your selected group will receive a percentage of the total ticket sales, making your participation even more impactful. Don't miss this chance to win and make a difference! Get your tickets now and show your support for our students and community.
Click HERE to enter.
It is critical that our students attend school regularly in order to reach their full potential. Kids will get sick, and occasionally, there are legitimate reasons to miss school. However, we would ask that you reserve those for only the most necessary cases. As I tell kids all the time, some days you feel like a 4 out of 10, but you can still get through your day! It will be harder, but you'll feel better at the end of it than if you stayed home!
Under no circumstances is there EVER a legitimate thing called a "senior skip day."
Parents - don't buy that nonsense! Send those kids to school! Feel free to blame me - say "Mr. Frei said so!"
Only absences with legitimate reasons are excused.
Thank you for your help! It takes a village!
Having a loud home crowd is definitely an advantage for our teams! That being said, please make sure that your student is aware of our expectations for behavior at Athletic Events.
- We cheer FOR Rangers, we never disrespect our opponents.
- We never make disparaging comments towards officials. We are appreciative of their willingness to officiate our events, and we would like them to come back. It is not easy to find officials for high school events.
- We pick up after ourselves, "leaving the campsite better than we found it."
- Students must be in the bleachers unless they are in line for concessions, or going to the restroom. Standing around in groups far from the student section is bad for school spirit! We need everyone in the student section! This includes middle school students too. The top few rows are reserved for future Rangers!
- Halftime is when the Marching Band and Auxiliaries perform. Our band is AMAZING. Our student section will face the field and support the other 100 students who also worked hard all summer to make these nights everything that they are for our community.
- Finally, at the end of our football games, the team will raise their helmets in front of the band and student section for the playing of our alma mater. The North student section stays for this important tradition.
As always - GO RANGERS!
Free fresh produce market coming soon! The Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools and the Cleveland Food Bank will provide monthly produce for any family in the community. See the posting for more dates and information.
Student Parking Passes are $20. Students must provide their vehicle info, insurance info, and parent signature by submitting the form found HERE.
Parking without a pass, or in an unauthorized area, could result in towing at the owner's expense. Make sure your parking pass is easily visible in your front window.
For general information about Health Services click HERE.
All current seniors will need proof of a meningococcal booster shot (MCV4), unless their first dose was received on or after their 16th birthday. Meningococcal disease is a serious bacterial illness that affects the brain and the spinal cord. It is spread through saliva and can be contracted by sharing food, drinks or makeup, kissing, sneezing and coughing. Meningitis can cause shock, coma and death within hours of the first symptoms. Please have your student bring a hard copy of their updated vaccine record to the clinic; you may also fax the record to our clinic at: 440-975-3831.
As with all immunization requirements, students who do not provide documentation of these immunizations are subject to exclusion from school, unless proper documentation is submitted to the school in accordance with Ohio Statute 3313.671, which allows for parents or guardians to object to the immunizations--for good cause.
Any medications (including over the counter medications, prescription medications, inhalers and epi-pens) to be consumed during the school day require a completed medication form. These forms can be found on our website HERE. Along with the completed form, a supply of the medication should be delivered to the clinic.
Clinic Visits
Our clinic utilizes software to document student visits. If your child visits the clinic with a minor issue, you will be notified via email of the visit. For major issues (fever, substantial injury, vomiting, etc.) you will receive a phone call from clinic staff. These protocols are in place to keep you informed of your child’s status during the day!
Contact Us
Please reach out if we can assist you in any way! The clinic phone number is: 440-975-3683.
Chromebook Repairs
Students should report broken devices to Ms. Bouplon in the library immediately. This should be happening in-between periods or at the beginning of a class period only. Hardware repairs only. Software repairs go to Mrs. Medic in room 134.
Students will be issued a loaner device until their original device is repaired.
Chromebook Loaners
In the event that a student needs to use a device because theirs isn’t charged, they can check one out in the library. Ideally, students will come to school each day with a fully charged device, but things happen. We understand. Repeatedly coming to school without a charged device, or any device altogether will not be permitted.
Loaners must be returned by the end of 8th period, 2:20pm.
An electronic notice is generated and sent via email to both student and parent if a device is being kept overnight or if not returned on time.
All absences, late arrivals and early releases should be reported to the 24-hour attendance line at 440 283-2178. Please allow 30-40 minutes processing time due to high call volume at times. If you have an urgent attendance situation you may call the main office or attendance desk 440-283-2209. Otherwise, please be patient while we process calls. If your child is under the weather, they must go to the clinic. An early release will not be granted unless they leave through the school nurse.
Doctor’s Notes
If your child is absent due to illness or needs to leave due to a dental, medical or counseling appointment, they may turn in the provider's excuse to the attendance desk for an excused medical absence. These documents will prevent your child from being penalized for hours missed, as Ohio House Bill 410 requires us to track attendance hours. Should your child exceed the limit for hours, you will receive a letter, and we can no longer excuse your students' absence unless proper documentation is provided. Please Note - Drivers Education is not an excused absence.
Vacations and College Visits
All students needing time off for vacations or college visits should pick up a form to be signed by staff and guardians. Anything over five days must be approved by the student’s grade level administrator. Failure to report could result in an unexcused absence. These forms can be found in the main office.
Late Arrival
All students should enter the building through the main office upon arrival no matter the circumstance (Tech, CCP, class change, etc). They will be expected to sign in. No student should allow any student into the main doors. They must properly identify themselves at the attendance desk.
Early Release Process
Parents are not required to come in and sign their students in/out. However, we require a documented guardian to authorize the release from the building prior to departure.
Students in the Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools can anonymously report anything that could potentially be harmful or dangerous to any of our staff or students. Students can access the Safe Schools Helpline through the district website HERE. Students are encouraged to say something if they see or hear something. We are all in this together and need to take care of each other.
Students can also call or text 844-723-3764 to anonymously report concerns.
The doors at North High School open for students at 7:00 AM. Buses will not allow students to depart buses bound for North prior to 7:00 AM. Please do not drop students off prior to 7:00 AM as they will not be permitted in the building. This creates problems on days we have inclement weather. The school day ends at 2:20 PM. Students not staying after for a supervised club, sport, or activity must exit the building by 3:00 PM. Below is the North bell schedule.
Note - we are transitioning from 5 minutes of passing time between classes to 4 minutes this year. We feel this will help students maximize their time during the day.
Breakfast and Lunch are served every day at North High School. For the 2024-2025 school year, breakfast is $2.25 and lunch is $3.75. A la cart menu items can be purchased for additional cost. Cash will be accepted, but no change will be given at the register. Change will be credited to student accounts. You can add money to your student’s account at PaySchools Central. Information about PaySchools Central can be found HERE.
All meals include one main entrée and up to 3 total fruit and vegetable sides and a milk. Students may qualify for free or reduced priced meals. Please fill out a paper application and return it to your school or find the online application and instructions HERE.
The Food Services Department ensures that its operations are following the federal guidelines for operating the nutrition program. Federal guidelines prohibit the district’s Food and Nutrition Department from writing off bad debt as a result of charged meals. Please review the Food Services Policy Regarding Meal Accounts.
At North, we schedule our parent-teacher conferences at the halfway point of each quarter. The logic behind this is to provide students, parents, and teachers time to develop a plan to improve grades before they are finalized at the end of the quarter. Our conferences are always from 4-8PM, in-person, first come, first serve. Specific information about conferences will be sent out in a separate message. Our conference dates this year are as follows:
September 26
November 14
February 6
Last year we experienced an influx of students attempting to order food delivery services such as Uber Eats or Door Dash to the school. This is NOT PERMITTED. Food deliveries will not be accepted in the office, and any students attempting to open doors for delivery drivers will be suspended. This is a serious safety concern and consequences for violating this policy need to be severe. Parents wishing to drop off food for a special occasion may do so in the main office but we would encourage students to either purchase lunch in the student union or pack their own.
Communication is critical at any school, but with over 1,300 students, 100 staff members, and dozens of sports, clubs, and activities it is especially important at North! Each week there are so many events going on, that keeping up with them all can be challenging.
End 68 Hours of Hunger is a national organization with the goal of assisting with food security issues families may encounter from the end of school Friday, until the beginning of the school day Monday morning. For some students, the dependable hot meals served during school are the only ones they can consistently count on.
There should be no stigma attached to asking for help when needed. Our kids need us, and it takes a village! If you would like assistance from this organization please contact Robin Ungar at robin.ungar@weschools.org. She is our guidance staff member who organizes this for our families. Students come down at the end of the day on Fridays and pick up their food items in non-descript, unmarked bags (like giant eagle bags). Some parents prefer to pick theirs up a the end of the day as well. That can be arranged.
When CCP students use their district issued Chromebook, or try accessing CCP content from our district network, they sometimes encounter issues with things not working properly. To help with this, we have created the following form for students to use if they are experiencing any TECH issues with their CCP classes: NORTH CCP TECH ISSUES
Students can share the program they are having trouble accessing, the link that is blocked, and even submit a screenshot of any messages they are receiving. This will hopefully alleviate these types of issues more quickly.
Are you looking for activities for your children? Interested in family programs in the community? There are so many options for Willoughby-Eastlake families, such as city departments of recreation, sports teams, scouting, camps and special events in all of our surrounding communities, plus so much more!
Information from approved organizations who host activities for Willoughby-Eastlake youth and the community are posted electronically. Paper flyers from organizations are not sent home with students. To access the flyers, visit the COMMUNITY link on the district and building website pages Community Activities Flyers
For specific information about the events, you need to contact the sponsoring organization. Flyers are updated periodically during the month so remember to visit often to check for new postings.
Enjoy what our community has to offer!
Check back each week in case things are added/changed.
Date Event
August 21 First Day of School
August 27 Picture Day
August 30 Activity Fair (Lunch Periods)
September 2 Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
September 4 Open House 6:30-8:00PM
September 9 Booster Meeting 7PM
September 12 Blood Drive
September 17 AVIS Awards 8:30 AM (By Invitation)
September 21 Homecoming Dance 7PM
September 26 Conferences 4-8PM
October 2 Financial Aid Night 6:30 PM
October 7 Spirit Week Begins
October 11 NEOEA Day - NO SCHOOL
October 29 Picture Retakes
November 4 Booster Meeting 7PM
November 14 Conferences 4-8PM
November 18 National Honor Society Induction Ceremony 7PM
November 19 Choir Concert 7PM
November 27 Thanksgiving Break Beings
December 3 School Resumes
December 5 End of Course Exam Fall Window Opens
December 9 Holly Jolly Week Begins (PBIS)
December 9 Booster Meeting 7PM
December 13 Blood Drive
December 13 Fall Play Opening Night 7PM
December 16 Band Concert 7PM
December 23 Winter Break Begins
January 6 School Resumes
January 6 Booster Meeting 7PM
January 20 MLK Day - NO SCHOOL
January 22 CCP Night 7PM
February 6 Conferences 4-8PM
February 17 Presidents' Day - No School
February 21 Winter Formal 7PM
March 7 Cap and Gown Pick Up
March 14 Prom Fashion Show 7PM
March 24 Spring Break Begins
March 31 School Resumes
April 2-5 Senior DC Trip (Dates may move, but will be this week)
April 7 Booster Meeting 7PM
April 18 Good Friday - NO SCHOOL
April 21 Teacher Comp Day - NO SCHOOL
May 2 Prom 7PM Croation Hall
May 5 Booster Meeting 7PM
May 7 Choir Concert 7PM
May 8 Band Concert 7PM
May 9 Band to Cedar Point
May 14 Seniors' Last Academic Day
May 15 Senior Exams (5-8)
May 16 Senior Exams (1-4)
May 16 Senior Picnic
May 26 Memorial Day - No School
May 27 Final Exams (Periods 1, 2, 4)
May 28 Final Exams (Periods 7, 8, 6)
May 29 Final Exams (Periods 3, 5)
May 29 Commencement Rehearsal 9AM
May 29 Commencement 6:30 PM (Connor Palace Theater)