Daniel Warren Weekly
Week of September 9, 2024
This is our first official DW Weekly for the 2024-25 school year. For those that are new to our community, each Friday at 4pm you will receive a weekly newsletter from me. Please find a quiet moment to read through it as it contains information about upcoming dates and some pictures recapping the week.
Week at a Glance
Monday, Sept. 9th - Day E
Lunch 1 - Chicken Patty
Lunch 2 - Meat & Cheese or Hard Boiled Egg & Cheese Box
Lunch 3 - Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich
Rye YMCA Recess Program Begins *A recess coach joins us to facilitate optional games for the students to join.
Tuesday, Sept. 10th- Day F
Lunch 1 - Waffles w/ Turkey Sausage
Lunch 2 - Meat & Cheese or Hard Boiled Egg & Cheese Box
Lunch 3 - Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich
Wednesday, Sept. 11th - Day A
Lunch 1 - Pasta w/butter & Popcorn Chicken
Lunch 2 - Meat & Cheese or Hard Boiled Egg & Cheese Box
Lunch 3 - Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich
Thursday, Sept. 12th - Day B
Lunch 1 - Soft Shell Tacos
Lunch 2 - Meat & Cheese or Hard Boiled Egg & Cheese Box
Lunch 3 - Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich
PTSA 1st & 2nd Grade Playdate - 3:00 p.m. - DW Playground
Rye Neck International Committee (RNIC) - 9:15am - FE Bellows Annex (revised date)
Friday, Sept. 13th - Day C
Lunch 1 - Cheese Pizza
Lunch 2 - Meat & Cheese or Hard Boiled Egg & Cheese Box
Lunch 3 - Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich
1st Grade Principal’s Conversation - 9:15 a.m. - Auditorium
Looking Ahead
Sept. 19th - K-5 ENL Title 1 Meeting - 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. - F.E. Bellows Library
Sept. 20th - 2nd Grade Principal’s Conversation - 9:15 a.m. - DW Auditorium
Sept. 25th - Professional Learning - 1:30 p.m. Early Dismissal
Sept. 26th - Co-Teach Meeting - 5:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. - DW Auditorium
Sept. 26th - Daniel Warren Open House - *See Schedule Below
What a wonderful first week of school!
Here are some pictures of the first week fun!
Notes & Reminders
Safety Drills
NYS has enacted a new law that requires schools to give communities notification about when SAFETY DRILLS will be happening. This is being done in an effort to mitigate potential anxiety for learners, parents and caregivers. Though schools may not release the exact time and/or nature of the drill, they can give a window of time for the drill. Such announcements will be made here in the DW Weekly.
As part of our commitment to ensuring the safety and preparedness of our students and staff, we will be conducting a safety drill next week. The purpose of this drill is to ensure that everyone is familiar with our emergency procedures for an evacuation and can respond quickly and effectively in the event of an actual emergency. We ensure all communication to our young learners is developmentally appropriate. Following the drill, we'll let you know that it took place so that you are aware should your child mention anything to you.
Details of the Drill:
Type of Drill: Fire Drill
Time Frame: Within the next school week
Open House
Save the date! Hope to see you there.
- All walkers must use a crosswalk. Safety is a priority and using the designated paths reduces the possibility of a driver not seeing you.
- Please do not block the patio stairs.
- Drivers must drive slowly, stay alert, and remain in line. When you have your child you can carefully drive around line to exit driveway.
- Drivers remain in the vehicle and continue to pull down the driveway as we deliver students to you. We aim to keep the line moving as quickly and safely as possible.
- If you have children in multiple grades at Daniel Warren, we recommend that you arrive in the car line at the time of the older student. We cannot dismissal our second graders until the end of period 8. If you come earlier, you'll need to return to the car line following the first pick up.
- Please be sure to complete your Dismissal Plan form that your child's classroom teacher will send home and return it to school promptly.
Community Organizations
Come buy your Rye Neck merchandise for the year here, https://rye-neck-spirit-wear-fall-2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/ there are lots of fun items to show your school spirit throughout the year. If you need spirit wear before homecoming then please look out for our pop ups outside F.E. Bellows on Tuesday September 17th and Daniel Warren on Thursday Sep 19th --both at pick up.
Rye Neck Strategic Plan Updates
From the Office of Special Services
Dear families,
Welcome to the 2024/25 school year. As part of the District Strategic Plan Goal of Strengthening Connections through enhancing the social and emotional care of students, we want to share with you that the Rye Neck Middle School and High School will be conducting social-emotional screenings for students each fall and spring. These screenings are part of our commitment to supporting the overall well-being of all Rye Neck community members.
In the coming weeks, you will receive further details about the schedule of the screenings, options for participation, confidentiality, and content. Please keep an eye out for more information via email, links in principal updates, and on the new Rye Neck website under the Special Services Department link.
See you in the coming year!
H. William Siegel
Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Early Pick-up
When picking up your child early, please notify the main office by phone or email in advance. Early dismissal should take place prior to 2:30. After 2:30, we ask that you to wait till the regular time since staff are assisting and preparing for student dismissal.
Quick Links
Attendance: dwattendance@ryeneck.org to report student absence/lateness
Main Office: Debbie Hutchinson, 914-777-4202
Daniel Warren & RNUFSD Website
Phone: 914-777-4200