Volume 6, Issue 17-----December 10, 2020
Thank You!
We have just six days left together before Winter Break...that's just six more opportunities to make sure I say all of this to you....
- Thank you for trying to figure out in-person learning, virtual learning, hybrid learning, and some mix of all of these together and we attempted to do what was in the best interest of our students.
- Thank you for trying to balance home and work. I said trying because I'm not sure any of us figured it out as I continue to get 9 pm emails and 4 am texts. Maybe balance in a pandemic means something a little different?
- Thank you for your openness and flexibility as we developed plans, systems, routines (sometimes multiple times) for worst-case scenarios that we hoped would never happen so that we could have the best days ever as students returned in-person.
- Thank you for observing classrooms with a lens that checks on well-being AND academics. Now, more than ever before, we understand that our mind can only function when our human needs are met first.
- Thank you for continuing to hold teachers and each other to a high bar of excellence. LPIPs push thinking on rigor and student outcomes. Coaching shows teachers that our students deserve the best, no matter the state of the world. We know that in the end, this year's learning will still count. It will still matter. We must make it strong.
- Thank you for having a home office, a school office, a roving office, an office in your car, and an office wherever else you found to work as we had to be agile in our workspaces. I know some of you had 3 devices up and running at any time to be able to see class instruction, run a meeting, and still take care of the other "stuff" you needed to tackle. (And just think...we thought we were multitasking before?!?!)
- Thank you for teaching preschool, navigating 5th grade math, watching students with symptoms until a parent showed up, handing out masks five days in a row to the same student, taking temperatures and asking the same screening questions 6,393 times.
- Thank you for looking up passwords, charging iPads, searching high and low for bricks, giving away your own chargers and then buying another for yourself.
- Thank you for navigating challenging parents and community members who were dealing with the pandemic issues in their own ways. We went above and beyond to take care of human needs, as well as technology, school, and well...you name it! I saw smiles under masks as you met sour situations with poise and grace.
- Thank you for listening to your staff as they expressed their real heartfelt concerns and still telling them, "Everything will be okay!" as you sent them back to their classroom full of students. Your continued listening and ongoing support is heard and felt.
- Thank you for checking on each other, supporting one another, and being your own system of strength. We are better together.
- Thank you for understanding the importance of relationships. They matter.
- Thank you for keeping our schools safe for our staff and students.
- Thank you for trusting that everything and anything was possible in our classrooms for our students. Thousands of learners....one heartbeat.
- Thank you for showing up. Thank you for leveling up. Thank you for rising up. Every day!
- Thank you for being you!
Please know that you have more than earned this Winter Break. Use it for self-care. Use it to find joy. Use it to sleep. Use it for reflection. Use it for family, friends, and pets (socially-distanced, of course). DO NOT use it for work (or hugs)!! However you see fit--it is yours!!!! ENJOY!!
Supporting the Learning to Increase Student Access
A few key points:
- Instructional modifications change the grade-level goals so that students can “stand on their own.”
- Instructional supports (or scaffolds) provide what each student needs to access the work without changing the grade-level goal. They support students’ access until they can access the goals with fewer or no scaffolds.
- When educators use supports, we preserve grade-level expectations and foster persistence. We maintain opportunities for all students to read the grade-level texts and engage in the grade-level tasks that prepare them for college and career. This is equitable instruction—instruction that grants all students access to grade-level reading and thinking.
We want this mindset in each and every classroom in our schools. We need teachers who understand the importance of holding grade-level expectations high. Level up!
Thanks to our network for all the calls, emails and texts offering support last week. You guys made a challenging week more bearable. We felt so loved! (nominated by Jill Toney)
Thanks to the LPIP leaders for being prepared, engaging and flexible! (nominated by Jill Toney)
212 To our amazing network of principals! During this difficult time, we have rallied around each other to create a supportive and encouraging environment. Thank you for always having your hand on my back pushing me forward! ❤️ (nominated by Julia Kaiser)
Upcoming Dates
Friday, December 11
- 2nd Writing Prompt Due, K-5 (Email Esther & Upload to Teams)
- AIC PD (all day; district)
- Non-comprehensive LPIP Form Completed through 18th (anticipate time so payroll can be entered)
Tuesday, December 15
- Elected Board Vote on School Consolidation and Closures (6 pm)
- Record Keeping Day (no students)
- AIC/AP Mid Year Evals Due (email to Zitta & Pendleton)
- Upload Drills to L Drive
- Curriculum Pacing Check-In
- RGR Due <School.RGR.12.18.2020>
- Winter Break
January 4-8
- Virtual Learning Week
- Site-Based PD Plans Due (3 hours)
January 11
- Hybrid Learning Resumes
- Site-Based PD (all day)
30 Mildred Moore
6 Julia Kaiser