The Heart of Hale'iwa
March 10, 2023 Volume III Issue XII
In this Issue...
- WASC Accreditation Update
- Spring Break
- Career Fair
- Order your Yearbook
- Kindergarten Registration
- Kindergarten: Butterfly Garden Parent Activity and Flower Craft
- First Grade: Career Fair Presenters
- Fourth Grade: Native Hawaiian Plants and Its Uses Parent Activity
- Sixth Grade: Save the Date- Graduation Ceremony
- Literacy Corner: Read Your Way Across the Mainland
- Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
- Nurse Corner: Drinking Water and Test Scores
- Save the Date: Spring Fling Fest Parent Night April 5
- Mahalo Parent Volunteers
- Volunteering at Hale'iwa
- Bee Happy! by Mrs. Nakamura
WASC Accreditation Update
by Mrs. Wetzel
Aloha Hale`iwa Families,
In October 2022, Hale`iwa Elementary was visited by a WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) Accreditation Committee. The purpose of the visit was to ensure that Hale`iwa Elementary is “on track” in meeting the needs of students, families and faculty and staff as measured by the WASC criteria. It is a rigorous process with two major components. First, the school had to complete a comprehensive accreditation report to submit to the WASC committee. The report detailed what Hale`iwa is doing to meet the WASC criteria to ensure that we are a consistently improving school. The second component was the WASC visit from October 24 to October 27, 2022. During the visit, a committee comprised of a chairperson from California and two principals from the outer islands, came to our campus to observe our classes, meet with our faculty, staff, students and families to validate that what we wrote in our report is true. After the visit, the committee submitted their own report to the WASC Accreditation organization along with a recommendation for a term of accreditation.
Hale`iwa is very excited to share that we have been awarded the highest accreditation term that can be earned. Hale`iwa is fully accredited for six years through June 2029. We must submit a mid-term report during SY 2025-2026 to report on our progress in the areas that we identified as needing additional improvement. A six year term with a mid cycle report signals that the visiting committee and the WASC organization has the highest confidence that Hale`iwa is doing what is right for students.
This accreditation term would not have been possible without the hard work of our faculty and staff and the support of all of our families. Thank you so much for all that you do to make Hale`iwa Elementary School such a special place to be.
Link to Hale`iwa’s official accreditation term letter from WASC
Career Fair
Order your Yearbook
Kindergarten Registration is Open
Kindergarten: Butterfly Garden Parent Activity
by Ms. Mori
Kindergarteners and their families learned about the different parts of a plant life cycle for a butterfly garden. We read a story together and took our learning outside to plant our own butterfly garden in our garden beds. We planted Cosmos, Marigold’s, and Zinnia’s. After planting in the garden beds everyone was also able to plant their own flower to take home and begin their very own butterfly garden. We can’t wait to see the beautiful flowers!
Kindergarten: Flower Craft
by Ms. Brooks
Kindergarten made a fun flower craft after their flower parent activity. They used cups, q tips and paint to draw their flower pots and zinnia flowers.
First Grade: Career Fair Presenters
by Mrs. Lee
Thank you to our first grade career fair presenters!
Fourth Grade Parent Activity - Native Hawaiian Plants and Its Uses
by Mrs. Tuvera
Our 4th graders shared their learning about the uses of plants found in Hawaii. They shared how natural dyes were made with plants. On paper towels dyed with olena, or tumeric, students printed patterns on mats to mimic native Hawaiian prints. Also, a lesson was done by Ms. Daugherty, our aina volunteer. The lesson introduced Hawaiian native plants. Students and parents identified plants by its Hawaiian name, scientific name, indigenous or endemic types, and learned if it was endangered. They were also taught about its habitat, growing conditions and its uses. Families were able to sample mamaki tea.
Sixth Grade: Save the Date- Graduation Ceremony
Literacy Corner: Read Your Way Across the Mainland
Read your way across the mainland this Spring Break. As you log your books, you'll earn badges from special places across the United States.
Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s):
Federal funding to help families who are struggling to pay for home internet service is available to qualified households. Funding is available through the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and is a direct benefit to households that qualify.
ACP Benefits
ACP benefits include: • Up to $30 a month towards broadband service from a participating provider • Up to $75 a month towards broadband service for households on Hawaiian Home Lands • A one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet
If your family has a student who has been approved to receive benefits under the free and reduced-price school breakfast or lunch programs, your household may qualify for ACP benefits. Households receiving other forms of assistance may also quality and should visit the ACP website to determine eligibility.
How to Apply
There are two ways to apply for this program: 1. Contact your service provider directly to learn about their application process and what benefits they will offer 2. Apply online at ACPBenefit.org More Information More information can be found on the Hawaii ACP website at https://broadband.hawaii.gov/acp/ and on the program flyer provided.
Nurse Corner: Drinking Water and Test Scores
by Nurse Connie
Kids are more likely to become dehydrated compared to adults. Dehydrated kids experience headaches, and they may feel fuzzy and tired. Hydrated kids pay attention and learn better in class. Much scientific research in recent years has explored the benefits of kids drinking adequate amounts of water in boosting school and test performance. Dr. Caroline Edmonds’ research suggests school aged children drink “a little extra water” before a big test to give them a boost in memory, concentration, and other brain functions.
Many kids arrive in school under-hydrated everyday. Parents and guardians can help by giving kids water before bed, and first thing in the morning when they wake up. Supplying kids with a filled water bottle from home to take to school will help keep students stay well-hydrated throughout the day. Well-hydrated students are more alert, energetic, and more able to focus. Teachers can also direct students to drink water before tests.
In addition to enhancing school and test performance, drinking water instead of consuming sugary drinks could lower excess sugar in our diets. Overall, the simple change of drinking more water is an effective way for both kids and adults to promote better health and performance.
For more information on drinking water and test performance, click on this link: http://www.carolineedmonds.co.uk/publications/
Save the Date: Spring Fling Fest Parent Night April 5
Mahalo Parent Volunteers
A big MAHALO to our Volunteers. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to help us with both our Career Day AND Sunshine Breakfast. Your help with the set up and clean up made for “light work” and everything flowed smoothly from start to finish! And, IT WAS FUN having you here!!
~ Kool
~ Rewarding
~ Fun!
Register for our next Volunteer Orientation: https://bit.ly/VolOnlineReg
Wednesday, March 22
Call (808) 637-8237
Ask for Cyndy
Bee Happy! by Mrs. Nakamura
Mahalo to our Sponsors!
Contact our "THOH" Team
Email: haleiwaschool@haleiwa.k12.hi.us
Website: haleiwaelementary.com
Phone: (808)637-8237
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haleiwaelementary
Twitter: @HaleiwaElement1