Ranger Roundup
v.3 n.8
Principal's Corner Joseph J. Mueller, GBED
Combined/Alumni Choirs
Buddy the Elf visits
Spectrum of Sound
Christmas in RangerLand
It's Christmas! Winter Break time at NRHS! 2024 ends, and the 2025 New Year brings us hope for the future we all envision for ourselves, our families, and our Rangers.
As I extend heartfelt wishes for a Joyous, Peaceful and Loving Holiday to everyone in Ranger Land, I wanted to share some thoughts and thanks.
I love our kids. They are just so awesome! They are bright, healthy, respectful and caring young people. We are all so proud of them. They are not perfect - like the rest of us - and each needs his/her own kind of care and support. I am thankful to be at a school where we can, for the most part, provide that. Sometimes, for many reasons, we don't know what they need, and rely on you, our families, to help us understand how to best serve each student. Thank you for your involvement and partnership.
I also want to let you know about our outstanding teachers and staff. They are Superstars! They really are. I watch them direct and lead our Rangers with skill, care and understanding, challenging them to GBED. I am honored to part of the NRHS team.
Finally, I am so thankful to be in a school where we provide the kind of high school experience for our kids that make North Ridgeville a "destination location." We value safety, respect, communication, achievement and participation, and it is so gratifying to see the positive, dynamic energy our kids display each day.
We know we can't do it alone. Thank you for the support we share as we help our Rangers "Design Their Preferred Futures."
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. Peace. GBED
News From Your Counselors
Don't forget: First Semester ends January 10th!
CCP (College Credit Plus) and AP (Advanced Placement) Information Night
Thursday, January 16th at 6:30 in the NRAC Cafetorium
Interested in earning college credit while still in high school? Attend our CCP/AP Night to learn more about what is the better choice for you! Any student who plans to apply for CCP should plan to attend! Any parents of students who are thinking about earning college credit in high school should plan to attend!
Counselors will be calling down each 9th grader to check in and talk about your high school plan, we should see all 9th graders by the end of January!
During this meeting, counselors will electronically share a personalized graduation plan document with each student. We will talk about requirements, how to get help, and future plans!
Parents please ask your student to show you the document–students can use this to plan course requests and keep track as they meet requirements.
The FAFSA is open! Seniors planning to attend college should work with their parents to complete the FAFSA as soon as possible!
Financial Aid Information See our guidance website with the presentation from Financial Aid Night and more FAFSA help!
Don’t forget to see our website for all scholarship information! The Community Foundation of Lorain County’s application opens up January 1st–see peoplewhocare.org for more information and the application link.
Reach out to your counselor with any questions!
Last Name A-D: Nikki Roth nicoleroth@nrcs.net
Last Name E-L: Amber Hunker amberhunker@nrcs.net
Last Name M-R: Lora Baker lorabaker@nrcs.net
Last Name S-Z: Amy Sherman amysherman@nrcs.net
Senate Bill 288 and House Bill 123 Programming at NRHS
HB 123 Programming
North Ridgeville City Schools in collaboration with LifeAct will be offering 12th grade students on 12/16/24 and 12/17/24 the opportunity to participate in the Signs of Suicide Program. This program teaches warning signs for suicide and depression, how to get help for themselves or others and is in compliance with Ohio House Bill 123 SAVE Students Act which requires all students in grades 6-12 to have one class period of suicide prevention and one class period of violence prevention per school year.
Click here for more information about HB 123 Programming at NRHS.
SB 288 Programming
SB 288 requires that students in grades seven through twelve receive developmentally appropriate instruction in dating violence prevention education and sexual violence prevention education. This programming will take place at NRHS on February 21, 2025.
Click here for more information about SB 288 Programming at NRHS.
News From Ranger Athletics
Winter Sports Season has Arrived!
Here are some highlights:
- Wrestling defeated Olmsted Falls on 12/12
- Women's bowling remains undefeated so far this year
- Girls' Basketball won two games in a row against Shaker Hts. and Amherst
- Boys' Basketball defeated Lorain and EC to open their season
- Gymnastics has Flip for the Cure coming up later this week
- The Swim team is having a nice year setting school records
Way to go Rangers!
Visit rangersathletics.com for the most up-to-date Ranger Athletics dates!
Follow us on X, formerly known as Twitter, to keep up with daily happenings at NRHS!
Mr. Mueller (GBED) - @NRHSRangers
Mrs. Hignite - @mrshignite_nrhs