Evening Street Weekly News
Feb. 2, 2025

Dear Parents,
Children were happy to be back outside on the playground equipment this week. Thank you so much for attending conferences this week and for supporting our Book Fair. I hope you gained valuable insights into what your child is learning. It brings me so much joy to see their pride in their work and the bright smiles they wear as they leave the conferences. I'm constantly amazed at the incredible progress the children make in just a few short months. It’s especially rewarding to watch the kindergarteners—at the start of the year, they were scribbling, and now they are writing full sentences!
A heartfelt thank you to Danielle Segelhorst from Burn Bootcamp for generously providing breakfast from Kitties on Tuesday, and to Katie Hertert and Lara Slonaker for coordinating Villa Nova pizza and salad for Tuesday evening’s meal. The staff truly appreciated your kindness. This is a longer work week than usual for us, as every staff member stays late to meet with each and every parent. Please remember that next Friday, February 14th, there will be no school to allow teachers to rest after the extra hours put in.
We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Thursday, February 13th. As you prepare to send valentines with your child for classmates, we ask that you please avoid food-related valentines due to potential allergies. The teacher will work with the room parents to coordinate the party snacks, and a list of the approved items will be sent home in advance to ensure all allergies are considered.
This newsletter is arriving early this week because I will be out on Friday and Monday. In all my years in education, this is the first time I will be away from school for two days. My nephew asked me this summer if I would attend his destination wedding, and I enthusiastically agreed. Although I thought it would be a summer wedding, he’s getting married this Saturday in Cancun, Mexico. So, off I go to catch a flight tomorrow! Rest assured, your children will be in good hands with the Evening Staff during my absence, though the car line might be a bit longer without me.
Thank you again for your continued support!
Mary Rykowski
Would you like to get more involved at Evening Street? Would you like to meet more parents? How about joining the Evening Street Carnival planning committee. Commitment involves monthly meetings closer to the event and being available the day of the event. The Carnival for the 2025 - 26 school year will be held at Evening Street on September 28, 2025. Please sign up below if interested and we will contact you!
Sarah Fisher, Committee Chairperson
Audition times are now open for the Evening Street Talent Show to be held Thursday, April 24th at the Worthington Kilbourne Middle School auditorium.
- The Talent Show is open to students in grades 1-5.
- All music needs to be the "radio-edited" version.
- Any act that runs significantly over their 3 minutes during audition, the act will be "conditionally approved based on a follow up video".
- Sign up for an Audition Time here; some time slots are full, so make certain you register soon!!!!
Special thanks to parents Erin Florey, Amanda Slusher, Emily Saving and Dave "ShumDaBoom" Schumer for their willingness to serve on the committee!
Save the Date
Second Grade Mini-Musical
Thursday, April 3rd from 6:30-7:00 in the gym
Arrive at 6:00 for the art show
More details to come!
Please reach out to Mrs. Jarzecki for questions.
Kindergarten Registration Now Open!
Incoming kindergarten students can be registered at the Welcome Center website. Starting in the 2025-26 school year, Worthington Schools will be offering universal, no-cost all-day kindergarten for all students. This program will provide a strong foundation for learning and allow us to better meet the needs of every child in our community.
For more details about Worthington's All-Day Kindergarten, you can read Superintendent Dr. Bowers blog or watch a presentation about kindergarten from a recent board meeting.
We can’t wait to welcome our newest learners to our schools! Please encourage neighbors to register early. Also, if you know of someone who chose private kindergarten last school year and would like to join the Evening Street first grade for the 2025-26 school year, please encourage them to register early.
Please click below to read the Worthington Alliance of Black Families & Educators (WABFE)
latest newsletter.