Cedar Reader
Cedar Park Middle School - May 2019
Message from the Principal
May is finally here, and the end of the school year is right around the corner. As you have heard, Beaverton Schools will be experiencing a $35 Million budget shortfall for next year. For more information about how it will impact the district overall, check out the weekly BSD Briefs newsletter. For specific information about how the cuts will affect Cedar Park and your students, read on.
What are the cuts to Cedar, and what to expect the impact to be:
- Losing 6 classroom teachers overall - you can expect larger class sizes.
- Loss of 15% of school budget - we will have to do more with less. May see some cuts in our after school programs.
- Loss of Spanish teacher and MYP Coordinator - elective offerings will be impacted.
- Loss of 1 counselor - caseloads will be much higher (around 500 each).
What will NOT change:
- Staff commitment to collaboration and consistency across content areas.
- Infusing units with a global perspective.
- Delivering rigorous, inquiry-based coursework.
- Character education.
- Interdisciplinary teams that help make a big school feel small.
- Community and service focused.
What parents can do to help:
- Get involved and rally the legislature to fund our schools.
- Sign up with the Cedar Park PTC to volunteer in classes and content areas you feel most comfortable.
- Get involved and support the annual PTC Fun Run Fundraiser to help offset budget losses.
MYP Corner
The MYP trait we are focusing on in May is Principled. As the end of the school year approaches, it is extremely important to remember that students need to stay focused, determined and be persistent in reaching their goals. With nice weather and longer days, it seems like summer is so close, but we have almost 20% of the school year left.
As a staff at Cedar Park, we are also being Principled by staying true to our mission and beliefs. Teachers are collaborating regularly, developing assessments together, and reflecting on what students still need. Besides early release Wednesdays, the schedule at Cedar Park allows for teachers to come together to talk about ideas and build alignment between classes. This is one of the many benefits of being an MYP school.
Persevering with hard tasks is part of being Principled. It is something we talk with students about all of the time. It is exciting to watch students as their hard work pays off, and they meet their goals.
Resources for helping students build perseverance:
Important Dates for May
May 2 - 3 - SBAC ELA testing
May 2 - Art Auction 6:00-7:30 PMMay 6-10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 10 - Soccer tournament @ Whitford MS 5:00 PM
May 14 & 16 - SBAC Math testing
May 14 - 8th grade panoramic picture
May 16 - Innovation Expo @ Aoha HS 5:00 PM
May 27 - Memorial Day - No school
May 30 - Band concert @ 6:00 PM
A Student Becomes The Teacher
Information from the high schools
You are invited to Beaverton High School’s Spring Fest 2019!
Spring Fest is a new event at BHS. It showcases Beaverton’s clubs and sports. This is a great chance for future Beavers and their families to connect with BHS. There will also be delicious food from great vendors. We are inviting all incoming and future BHS students and their families to come have some fun and learn about our school.
Spring Fest is Friday, May 31st from 6:00-8:00 pm, The event includes the traditional Powderpuff games. The final game of Powderpuff begins at 6:30 pm. Powderpuff is a BHS tradition where teams of women play football. Entrance into the event is free. You are encouraged to bring money to support the vendors and play the carnival games run by and for the profit of BHS clubs. We can’t wait to see you there!
BHS Cheerleading Information
Important information:
*No cheer experience necessary!
*Interest Meeting: May 13th
*Open Practices: May 15th and 17th
*Tryouts: May 21st-23rd
*All necessary paperwork on our website.
*BHS Cheer Instagram: @beavertonhigh.cheer
*BHS Cheer Website: https://www.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=beavertoncheer
*BHS Cheer FB: https://www.facebook.com/beavertonHScheer/home
*Questions? Contact Head Coach Shannon at shannon_mccauley@wsu.edu