The WJHS Panther Pride Newsletter
Nov. 15, 2024
Principals Newsletter
Dear Panther Families,
They’re thriving in class, but when it comes to the cold… they’re not exactly fans of the ‘brisk’ weather here. Let’s just say our Taiwanese students are now experts at the art of bundling up!"
November Student of the Month
Congratulations to our November Students of the Month!
6th grade - Lexie F., Lucas H., Maria A.
7th grade - Camren H., Chloe L.
8th grade - Derek A., Mary S.
PE Explo
6th grade - Arabella H.
7th grade - Zach D.
8th grade - Aidyn H.
Keep up the good work we are so very proud of all of you!
World Kindness Day 2024
World Kindness Day, celebrated on November 13, is a global observance that promotes and encourages acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity.
Some of our students spent the morning passing out treats to our hardworking bus drivers and families who were dropping off students.
Let's all aspire to make every day a kindness day!
Family Literacy Game Night
Dual Language Filed Trip to Pilsen
Recently, our Dual Language class took a trip to Pilsen to see some of the amazing artwork and experience the culture throughout the community. Here are some of the things students had to say about it:
'It was a fun field trip because we learned about Mexican history.'
'It was an immersive field trip because we got the opportunity to look at the murals, analyze them, learn about Hispanic culture in Pilsen, and look at paintings created by Hispanic artists at The National Museum of Mexican Art.'
'We had a fantastic time on this field trip. If you ever get an opportunity to go to Pilsen, we would recommend it so you could have a great experience eating the food, exploring museums, and looking at the artwork.'
Thank you, Mrs. Conway, for sharing some of the students' thoughts with us. It definitely sounds like a trip to Pilsen should be on everyone's "to-do" list.
News from our WJHS Athletic Director
Our first-ever Vertical Raise Fundraiser kicks off next week!
The representative will be here on Thursday during lunches to explain how this will be one of our most successful fundraisers! Our goal is to raise funds for new athletic uniforms.
Prizes will be awarded for the most discount cards sold. With the holidays approaching these will make fantastic stocking stuffers! Who doesn't love a buy one get one free pizza offer? Maybe a discount on a car wash? There are over 750,000 local and national deals.
Look at the amazing prizes!!
Top seller $500 Amazon gift card
1st place $250 Amazon Gift Card
2nd place $150 Amazon Gift Card
3rd place $100 Amazon Gift Card
4th-10th $20 Amazon Gift Card
See the attached flyer and stay tuned for more details on this exciting event!
Update from your Athletics Director
The Athletic Director will be emailing sports surveys throughout the school year. Any student trying out for a sport MUST have a current physical on file with Nurse Knight. Not sure?, you may email cknight@cusd201.org to check. Your student CANNOT try out for any sport if their physical is not current.
6th Grade SIP Day Field Trip
The 6th Grade Rock Climbing Field Trip is quickly approaching. If your child plans on participating they will need to provide the following:
1. Printed Field Trip Form turned in.
2. $20 Cash or Check made out to WJHS.
3. Parents need to complete the waiver for their child and NOT register themselves as climbers. Students who do not have a waiver completed with an email confirmation will not be able to climb.
Mr. Cornacchia and Ms. Hillertz will notify students and parents who do not have a waiver completed before winter break.
Additional information can be found on the attached flyer.
OE - Outdoor Education Information
It’s time to start thinking about OE–our 6th Grade Outdoor Education Experience! All 6th graders and their families are invited to join us on Thursday, December 5, at 7:00 p.m. in the Media Center to hear what OE is about. Please note there is no obligation to attend the meeting. We want to share information about our favorite WJHS tradition–OE. We hope you’ll join us! Any questions can be sent to jburisek@cusd201.org.
News from our Bilingual Director
We are thrilled to announce a special event for our families! CUSD201 has partnered with Maercker School District 60 to bring the engaging and dynamic performance of 123 Andrés to our community. 123 Andrés is a beloved musical experience that promotes language and cultural connections through song and dance.
CUSD201 encourages our families and staff to come out and bring their younger children, who might enjoy the celebration.
Check out the Save the Date video for additional information!
STEM Club This Week
Westmont High School Presents: The Play That Goes Wrong
The WHS students always perform excellently, so come out this weekend, enjoy the show, and support our WHS students who have worked very hard to put on this show!
Friday, November 15
Saturday, November 16
Please look at the flyer below for details and to purchase tickets.
Come Out and Support Our Band Booster Club
Youth Strength Camp at Mighty Oak Athletic
Unlimited Training
Nov 25-30
One-Hour Sessions
11:30am - 8:30pm
T-Shirt Included
Only $50!
Spaces Limited
Register now: https://www.mightyoakathletic.com/programs/p/thanksgiving-week-strength-agility-campWhen is Sick Too Sick for School
Happenings at the Park District
It is hard to believe that the holidays are right around the corner. If you are looking for some holiday fun for the family, be sure to take a look at the Westmont Park District calendar of events.
Remember to check the WJHS calendar for up-to-date information on Clubs, Events, and athletics and our Facebook page for the day-to-day happenings at the Junior high.
Amy Quattrone
WJHS Principal