The BOE Recap
August 17th, 2023

April 18th, 2024 - Regular Board Meeting
Watch The Meeting Recording Below:
1. Call To Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Approval of Meeting Agenda
The agenda was approved.
3. What's Good in 109
Mr. Steckling presented the monthly What's Good in 109 report:
- A big shoutout to everyone that made the solar eclipse viewing very special across the district! Photos & a highlight video are posted online.
- We have a new Work in 109 video that was just finished as we look to bring on new staff members for the upcoming school year. A huge thank you to Dale Fisher, Marcie Faust, Alex Dijohn, Jonathan Wolfe, Nina Burke, Miriam Tallman, and Helen Zwirn for their participation.
- We honored the 1st and 2nd place finishers in the annual Young Authors writing competition that takes place across District 109. Congrats to Madison, Emmy, Shae, Avery, Autumn, Emily, Aubri, Cailey, Lucy, Sydney, Nalini, and Nora!
- South Park & Wilmot are featured tonight for a joint venture, the "West Side Classic"
- Four students from each school talked about how they planned and executed a charity volleyball tournament between the SP, Wilmot, and Caruso staffs!
- Thank you to Cooper, Kylie, Genevieve, Jonah, Maya, Mia, Harper, and Ari for presenting!
4. Superintendent's Report
Mr. Simeck thanked our staff for their hard work in ensuring the eclipse was a great learning opportunity for students. He showed some video clips he took at Caruso of students marveling at the eclipse.
A huge congratulations and thank you to the students and staff members at both Caruso and Shepard for successful spring musicals this year. These are always tremendous productions.
We recently hosted incoming 6th grade family nights at both middle schools, an important first step in that transition in a student's educational journey. It was great to see strong turnout.
We'd like to officially welcome two new administrators: Rob Wegley (Shepard Principal) and Ann Pasquesi (Walden Assistant Principal) who will officially join our team July 1st. Mr. Wegley was part of the Incoming 6th Grade Family night this past week at SMS.
A quick reminder that sooner is better for kindergarten registration. All of the materials are available at dps109.org/kindy.
Staff Appreciation Week is coming up May 6th through 10th. We will never be better than our staff and we are fortunate to have so many dedicated staff members.
On a somber note, we did want to put on everyone's radar a memorial tribute to Maureen Wener. There will be a ceremony at Wilmot School at 4 p.m. on May 23rd.
5. Community Participation Relative to Matters on the Meeting Agenda (Policy 2:230)
There were no speakers present.
Informational Items
6.1. Freedom of Information Requests (Policy 2:250)
Dr. Filippi presented one item. More information is in the board packet.
6.2. Technology Update
Dr. Bialk presented an update on the services the district provides from a technology lens. Topics included:
- How we have significantly reduced costs through our ISP model
- The district has completed its WAN (wide area network)
- 2-Way Radio Project connecting schools and local law enforcement
- The device refresh and purchase schedule - new Chromebook for Grades 2 & 5 and an iPad refresh for Kindergarten & Grade 1 along with a 5-year plan
6.3. Updated Intergovernmental Agreement for Shared Director for School Safety & Security
Dr. Filippi presented the updated IGA, which will refine the role for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year to reduce Ms. Jurmu to a 0.1 FTE from a 0.4 FTE.
6.4. Summer Work 2024 - Bid Results for Buildings & Grounds Facility
Dr. Filippi gave a presentation about upcoming work on constructing a Buildings & Grounds facility. It will be situated on the Caruso campus, in the southwest corner next to the freeway. You can watch the presentation, which has plans and renderings, below.
Action Items
7.1. Consent Agenda*
7.2. Approval of Contract for Associate Principal
The 2024-2025 contract for Mr. Castans, Associate Principal at Caruso, was approved.
7.3. Approval of 2024/25 Administrative Contracts
The contracts were approved.
7.4. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from March 14, 2024 (Policy 2:220)
The minutes were approved.
7.5. Approval of Closed Session Meeting Minutes from March 14, 2024 (Policy 2:220)
The minutes were approved.
7.6. Approval of Special Meeting Minutes from March 22, 2024 (Policy 2:220)
The minutes were approved.
7.7. Treasurer's Report
The report was approved.
7.8. Policy Final Reading: 7:60, 7:190, 7:270, 7:285, and 7:290
The policies were approved.
7.9. Approval of Summer Work 2024
The summer work was approved.
7.10. Approval of FY 2025 Fees
The fees were approved.
7.11. Approval of ISBE Final School Calendar Submission for 23/24
The calendar submission was approved.
8. Committee Reports
Mrs. Jakymiw gave an update from True North. She had the pleasure of welcoming in Dr. Arnold to be part of a presentation at a True North board meeting recently.
8. Open Community Participation
There were no speakers present.
9. Board/Superintendent Other
Mr. Simeck introduced our incoming associate principal, Mr. Castans, to the community and that he has received glowing reviews during the team's research into his background.
President Montgomery thanked everyone for leaning into the eclipse as a learning experience for students. She thanked Dr. Bialk for his thorough technology update. She thanked Dr. Filippi & Mr. Ryan for their work on the B&G facility.
10. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.