The Red Raider Review
Earlville CUSD 9 Week of February 20, 2024 Family Edition
From the 6-12 Principal's Office
Mark your calendars: The Annual Spring Blood Drive will be Wednesday, March 6th from 9-2 in the East Gym!
It is that time of year again when we ask you to complete the 5 Essentials Survey. This is a survey put out by the State, and the results will be shown on our school report card. Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey.
Click the link:
County name: La Salle
Enter the School name: (what is written below after the
EELC and Prek = The Earlville Early Learning Center
Grades K-8 = Earlville Elem School
High School = Earlville Jr/Sr High School
Fill out how many children you have at that "school". You will fill out a new survey for each school.
Then complete the survey.
We appreciate your time in completing this survey. if you have any questions please reach out to your child's Principal.
Specific Grade Level News
Junior High Only
- Erin's Law
- Homework Hall has started! Please make sure you are also using the JH Homework document.
- Homework Hall is up and running if you are interested in more information please contact Mrs. Vulcani at
- JH Girls BB has started, lets fill those stands to cheer the kids on!
High School Only
- Seniors make sure you read through the email I sent about the end of year celebrations.
- Family Day has been planned for Monday, March 4, 2024 6- 8. Students- be on the lookout for an email asking for your shirt size. Parents/Community- If you are interested in donating to the night please contact Mrs. Fruit. All donations received go to the night (prizes for the kids, money to offset the cost of shirts so they are free to the kids)
- HS Boys BB and Cheer Schedules
- HS Girls BB Schedule
- HS E- Sports Schedule
BOTH Junior High and High School
Let's make next Tuesday a "Positivi-tee Tuesday!" Wear your favorite sweatshirt or t-shirt with a positive saying! (ex. Be Kind, You are AWESOME!, Kind is the New Cool, etc...)
CHANGE FOR LAST DAY OF SCHOOL DUE TO SNOW DAYS- 1/9/24 Snow day = Make up day 5/24/24, 1/12/24 Snow day = Make up day 5/28/24, 1/15/24 Snow day = Make up day 5/29/24, =Make up day 5/30/24, =Make up day 5/31/24 MAY 31, 2024 WILL BE THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL.
Do you get a weekly email from Skyward? It comes on Saturday mornings and it displays your child's grades, attendance, and how their assignments were for the week. If you do not receive this and you want to please contact the office.
We have tightened up our attendance policy with automated emails from Skyward. As a reminder...
- Every 3 tardies you will be issued an automatic detention. Detentions are every Wednesday and Thursday till 4:15 pm
- Automated letters will also go out if you miss 5 days. The letter will explain the days you missed. Another letter will go out if you miss 10 days. As per Illinois State Law, students can't miss that 10th day with out further action.
PDF's from your daily announcements
Coming up...
Upcoming PTA Events:
Book Fair week of 2/12. Details to follow
K-5 Glow Dance 2/15 6-8pm (Permission Slip Attached Below)
PTA meeting 2/27 at 6:30pm at The Lounge
BASH Night Fundraiser 3/13 4-7pm
12 Winter/Spring Sr Night - 5:30pm
14 K-5 Valentine’s Day Room Parties - 2pm
16-19 No School/IVVC
You can purchase pictures online at You will need your students id which is found on the student ID# or on the student profile in Skyward.
Mendota District #289 Affiliate Small Steps program offers services in Mendota and Earlville districts. Small Steps serves children 0-3 and their families through home visits, group connections, resource networks and child screenings. Our staff is certified by Parents as Teachers. Parents as Teachers National Center is an international nonprofit organization that promotes optimal early development, learning and health of young children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers.
If you are interested in being part of our program, please contact us at the numbers listed below:
Mendota 815-538-1849
Earlville 815-246-8361 ext. 32
D2E Snapshot- Mr. Farrell
Weekly reminders…
Breakfast is served from 7:30 - 7:55, if your child wants to participate they need to be at the school before 7:55 am. We have started serving the students upstairs so they don't have to walk to the cafeteria. The goal is to get all of the students to have breakfast.
Please remind your child to bring a water bottle everyday.
Athletics for the week with locations: (Click this to see the updates)
Red Raider Nation
Monday 02/12 JH Girls Basketball vs Parkview Christian 4:30 Earlville School, 415 W. Union St., Earlville HS Boys Basketball vs Woodland 5:30---SENIOR NIGHT Earlville School, 415 W. Union St., Earlville Tuesday 02/13 HS Boys Basketball @ Hiawatha 5:30 Hiawatha High School, 410 1st St, Kirkland HS Girls Basketball Regionals 6:00 Earlville School, 415 W. Union St., Earlville Wednesday 02/14 JH Girls Basketball @ Lisbon 4:30 Lisbon Grade School, 127 S Canal St, Newark Thursday 02/15 Elementary Glow Dance 5-8 Earlville School, 415 W. Union St., Earlville HS Boys Basketball @ Midland 5:30 Midland High School, 1830 IL-17, Varna HS Girls Basketball Regionals 7:00 Earlville School, 415 W. Union St., Earlville Friday 02/16 Saturday 02/17 3/4 Grade Basketball Earlville School, 415 W. Union St., Earlville
Social Emotional Learning
Move This World Family Resources
We use this in our Academy classes. We purchased the Family account if you would like to log in and explore.
Dear Families,
To support our students’ social emotional needs and mental health, we are using a video-based social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum from Move This World. I’m excited to share that you’ll be able to access this helpful curriculum at home, too!
Social emotional learning is how students learn to process and manage emotions as well as important social skills. It includes everything from goal setting to stress management, and it provides both children and adults with tools they can use to express themselves authentically and safely. SEL helps students build healthy relationships, communicate effectively, and live a meaningful life.
Below, you’ll find log in instructions:
Jr/Sr High.....
Username: EarlvilleHS.Family
Password: movethisworld
Coffee With The Principal
Coffee with the Principal:
Coffee Conversations: Click the picture to the right to see all of the monthly topics.
February 23, 2024 8:30 am
Drama and strategies to deal with it
Please mark your calendars for the last Friday of every month (except holidays) for our monthly Parent Coffee Chats with the Principal. Each month we will have a guest speaker or a specific topic to discuss. These are informal meetings where you can bring your questions for the Principal in an open forum. Parent Coffee Chats will be on the last Friday of each month (unless otherwise noted) from 8:30–9:30 a.m. The Parent-Principal Chats provide parents with monthly opportunities to meet with the principal as a group to discuss topics, initiatives, and issues related to student learning at the schoolwide level. The Chats are a two-way exchange whereby families and school leaders listen, learn, solve problems, and share information with each other. Every month will have a theme that is based on the feedback from the survey.