October 18, 2024
Important Dates
- October 18, 2024 - Professional Work Day/ Schools Closed for Students
- October 28, 2024 - Flu Clinic
- October 31, 2024 - Professional Work and Development Day/Schools Closed
- November 5, 2024 - Election Day (Schools & Offices Closed)
- November 25, 2024 - Schools close 3 hours early. Parent/Teacher Conferences
- November 26, 2024 - Schools close 3 hours early. Parent/Teacher Conferences
- November 27, 2024 - Schools Closed for Students. Parent/Teacher Conferences
- November 28-29, 2024 - Thanksgiving Holiday – Schools and Offices Closed
- April 26, 2025 - Junior/Senior Prom
Winter Sports
Winter Sports Tryouts Start November 15
Winter Sports Registration opened on October 1 in the Parent Portal in HCPSS Connect. Click Here to Register. All Winter sports tryouts start on November 15h. All registration paperwork is due into the parent portal in Connect by November 13th.
Winter Sports Parent Meeting is on November 12th at 6:00PM in the MHHS auditorium for all Winter Sports Athletes and Parents/Guardians.
Sports & Activities
Monday, October 21
- JV Football vs. AHS - 4:30pm
Tuesday, October 22
- Volleyball @ South River HS - JV/5pm, Varsity/6:30pm
- County Golf Championship @ Fairway Hills - 9:00 am
Wednesday, October 23
- County Cross Country Championship @ CHS - 3pm
- Cheerleading County Championship - 6pm
Thursday, October 24
- Volleyball vs. Old Mill Senior HS - JV/4pm, Varsity/5:30pm
Friday, October 25
- Varsity Football vs. Glenelg HS - 6pm
Student Celebrations!
We want to celebrate our students! All student celebrations will be shared through our instagram account @hcpss_mhhs. If you would like to shout out your child, team, club that has affiliation with Mount Hebron or HCPSS please click the bar below.
The Lip Sync Battle was incredible!
Thank you to all of the contestants who participated. It was a true pleasure to see so many community and staff members in attendance.
Here are the results from our esteemed judges:
- Best Costume- Profe. Carmona
- Best Moves- Reema Dogra
- Best Props- Angela Pope
- Most Expressive- Sean Jones
- Most Synchronized- Sam Hall
The audience voted on the final results of the intense battle:
- Third Runner Up- Mike Tittsworth
- Second Runner Up- Tony Campitelli
- First Runner Up- Kate Martiyan
- Grand Champion- Jen Johannes
Congratulations to all who participated!
Congratulations Mr. Cox!
Matt Cox was recognized on Wednesday evening for the honor of Outstanding High School Educator from the Maryland Council of Teachers in Mathematics.
End of First Quarter - October 30th
Parents - We are approaching the end of the first quarter on October 30, 2024. We encourage you to check your student's grades in Canvas. This is a great time to have conversations with your child about their progress and encourage them to put forth their best effort during these last two weeks.
School Pictures are Ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's student ID number. All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Our retake day is January 9, 2025. Questions? Jennifer_Goodwin@hcpss.org
Mt. Hebron Marching Unit Trunk or Treat and Parade
Mt. Hebron Marching Unit Trunk or Treat and Parade @ Mt. Hebron High School on October 28 from 6:30pm - 7:45pm.
All festivities will take place in the student parking lot.
- 5:15-6:45pm: Set up for Trunk or Treat. Get ready to hand out candy. Feel free to share a trunk with a friend!
- 6:30-7:45pm: Student Lot closed to all traffic for the safety of the students and participants.
- 6:45pm: The Marching Unit will step off the parade in the student parking.
- 7:00-7:45pm: Trunk or Treating
- If you are NOT decorating a trunk for Trunk or Treat, please park in the staff (upper) parking lot and walk down to the student lot for the festivities. Please do not park in the student lot.
This festive evening is sponsored by: Mt. Hebron Orchards and Community Association, Mt. Hebron Presbyterian Church and Mt Hebron Marching Unit Boosters.
If you would like to set up a trunk and hand out candy, please click here to sign-up.
National PTA Reflections Art Program - Enter Today!
Calling All Vikings!
The Mt. Hebron PTSA is excited to announce that we will be conducting the National PTA Reflections Program at our school this year for the second time!
Reflections is a nationwide arts recognition and achievement program sponsored by the PTA. There is an annual theme/topic and students have the opportunity to submit their completed works of art in one or all of these arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts.
This year's theme is: "Accepting Imperfection."
Join us and have fun unleashing your inner artist with PTA Reflections!
National PTA award categories include the following:
• Outstanding Interpretation Awards: Seven Outstanding Interpretation Awards are
given—one to the submission in each arts category, plus one in the Accessible Artist
Division, that best interprets the theme. Each Outstanding Interpretation award replaces
one of the Awards of Excellence described below. Winners at this level receive: A
certificate, trophy, medal, $800 cash prize, $200 for their Local PTA, and a trip to the 2024
National PTA Convention.
• Awards of Excellence: These are given to the top three scores for each arts category in each
age division. Winners at this level receive: $200 cash prize, certificate, and medal.
• Awards of Merit: These are given to the next five highest scores for each arts category in
each age division. Winners at this level receive: A certificate and medal.
Entry forms and guidelines are available on our website at:
Completed Entry Forms and projects can be emailed to reflectionsmhhs@gmail.com. The deadline for submissions is Friday, November 22nd, 2024. For questions please email: reflectionmhhs@gmail.com.
AP Registration Information 2025
The Registration period for the 2025 Advanced Placement (AP) Exams is open.
Exam Schedule and AP Classroom
Exams are scheduled for May 5-9 and May 12-16, 2025. To take the exams, you must register for a College Board Account and join your specific class in AP Classroom. Use the join code that teachers provided to connect your account with your AP course. If you do not follow this step, a test cannot be ordered for you.
AP Timeline
- September - October 11th: Students join portal with class join codes to receive invoice on October 14th
- October 14th – November 11th: Students pay exam fees after receiving an invoice from My School Bucks. Payment can be made via cash, check or through My School Bucks.
- November 11th: DEADLINE to make/confirm exam decisions
- November 13th – March 15th: Late exam registration ($40 late fee charged)
- January 18th: Deadline for Accommodations Request & Required Documentation[TG1]
- May 5-16th: AP Exam window
Free AP Exams
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future requires HCPSS to cover the cost of exams if ALL of the following criteria are met:
- You are in 11th or 12th grade
- You are currently enrolled in the assessed AP course
- You Meet the College and Career Ready standard through the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) or GPA.
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher AND earned A, B or C in Algebra 1
- Earned 3 or 4 on BOTH English 10 MCAP and Algebra 1 MCAP
Students who meet the criteria above will not receive invoices for AP exams.
Paid AP Exams
For students in grades 9 or 10, or for students in grades 11 and 12 who have not yet met the College and Career Readiness criteria, the exam fee is $99 per exam. Payments will be collected from October 14th – November 11th. Exams that are not paid for will not be ordered.
Payment can be made in the following ways:
- Online by paying the invoices emailed to parents through My School Bucks
- If you do not already have My School Bucks account, please create one by clicking here: Create an Account. This will allow you to receive the invoices from My School Bucks when they are sent.
- By cash, or check made out to Mt. Hebron HS.
- Check and cash payments MUST be dropped off in the Student Services Office to Ms. Christine Pinsky.
- Put cash/check in an envelope
- Put a note in the envelope with student name as well as the exam(s) that your student is registered for.
Waiving Costs
Fees are waived by HCPSS if your family qualifies for the College Board Fee Reduction. Please use this form to determine if you are eligible.
Please print and complete the linked form, or have your child pick one up from Ms. Balchunas in the Media Center ASAP if you are eligible for the Fee Reduction.
Late and Cancellation Fees
The College Board charges fees for decisions made after November 11th.
- Switching from Yes to No after November 11th = $40 cancellation fee per exam
- Switching from No/Undecided to Yes after November 11th = $40 late fee per exam
Please confirm your choices in AP Classroom before the November 11th deadline to avoid late and cancellation fees.
Class of 2025 Information
Senior Formal Yearbook Portraits are coming soon! (November 6, 7, 8)
To register for a photo sitting appointment, please open the attached flyer for details. Yearbook-only pose is FREE. We would love for ALL Seniors to be represented in the 2025 Yearbook.
Questions? Jennifer_Goodwin@hcpss.org
Caps, Gowns and Tassels
Click here to order a cap and gown unit (which includes a tassel) or use the QR code to the right.
Order by February 1, 2025.
Graduation Information
Click this link to learn more about the Class of 2025 graduation.
Information Worth Repeating
School Improvement Team
Are you interested in being a part of our school improvement team. We are looking for 4-6 parents to join our team to review our school data and engage in conversation with teachers, students and administrators. Our first meeting will be on October 31. Please reach out to Allison McCoy for more information if you are interested.
Buy your tickets to Alice in Wonderland!
Mt. Hebron Theatre presents “Alice in Wonderland” November 21-24!Join Alice as she tumbles down a rabbit hole into the whimsical world of Wonderland! Here, she encounters a cast of quirky characters, from the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat to the tyrannical Queen of Hearts. With nonsensical tea parties, curious riddles, and the constant threat of being sentenced to "off with her head," Alice navigates this topsy-turvy realm. As she seeks a way back home, she learns that in Wonderland, nothing is quite what it seems, and imagination reigns supreme. Prepare for a delightful adventure filled with magic, madness, and memorable encounters!
Tickets can be purchased online at mthebrontheatre.org.
We will be having a Mad Hatter Tea Party on Sunday, November 24 at 12pm before the show. We will have crafts, treats, character meet and greets, and tea- of course! Participants will get preferencial seating as well. Kids of all ages are welcome to join. Tickets for kids are $20 and guardians are $16 and include tickets to the show. You can buy these at mthebrontheatre.org
Free Chromebooks for Eligible HCPSS Parents/Guardians of MHHS Students
As part of a grant from the State of Maryland’s Connected Devices Program, our school is partnering with the Bright Minds Foundation and the Howard County Government to provide qualifying families with one free Chromebook and charger per household. This free new HP Chromebook can be used by your family to connect with our schools, access community services, or for any other purpose that would be of benefit to you.
In order to qualify for a free Chromebook and charger, you must meet the following criteria:
Your family has not already received a free device from one of these organizations: Community Action Council of Howard County, Howard County Office of Children and Families, or Making Change;
You are the parent or legal guardian of a student currently enrolled in HCPSS;
You meet one of the income qualifications outlined on the application form; and,
The application form is fully completed.
If you qualify for a Chromebook and have completed the Google Form application, you will be notified by Mt. Hebron High School when the device is available in November/December for pick up. At that time, an adult family member (at least 18 years old) will need to come to the school to receive the device. When you pick up the device, you will receive information about setting up the device and how to access technical support. These are not HCPSS devices, and will not come loaded with any HCPSS educational applications. HCPSS is not responsible or liable for the operation, loss, or repair of your Chromebook or charger. Families will be responsible for their own internet service. Families will have 5 days to exchange any non-functioning devices. Please read the instructions and complete the Free Chromebooks for Eligible HCPSS Parents or Guardians Google Form at this link by Friday November 1, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Allison McCoy at Mt. Hebron High School.
We look forward to partnering with the Bright Minds Foundations, Howard County Government, and you for this incredible opportunity!
Hello Backpack
Through a generous grant, we are able to offer weekly small group counseling to students that focuses on healthy coping. The group is run by qualified therapists from the Hello Backpack group, and they can also be contacted by caregivers for students' individual therapy needs. If you are interested in your student being included in the group, please email your student's school counselor for the permission form.
We still have over 300 families that need to update their Family File!
Parent Facebook Groups
Freshmen 2028
Sophomores 2027
Juniors 2026
Seniors 2025
October is National Bullying Prevention Month!
We are spending time this month and throughout the year reminding our staff and students about the importance of preventing and reporting bullying. The role of our parents, guardians, and families is essential in addressing this issue with our students. StopBullying.gov has many great resources for adults and children related to preventing and responding to bullying. Please remember to reach out to your child’s administrator or counseling if you’d like to discuss anything further, and any acts of bullying can be reported through this form Report an Instance of Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation | Stop Bullying | Howard County Public Schools (hcpss.org). Thank you for being our partners in this important work!
LGBTQIA+ History Month is a month-long annual observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements. Taking the time to uplift and celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of the LGBTQIA+ community plays a significant role in creating positive school climates for LGBTQIA+ students
BSAP College and Career Opportunities Night
The Howard County Public School System's Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP) invites all students in grades 8-12 and their families to attend the upcoming BSAP College and Career Opportunities Night on Thursday, November 7, 2024 from 6-8 p.m. at Long Reach High School (6101 Old Dobbin Lane, Columbia, Maryland 21045). The theme is: Building a Legacy of Excellence! Attendees will explore post-secondary opportunities, connect with representatives from colleges and universities across the nation, network with businesses and community organizations, and learn more about HCPSS pathways. Additionally, students and families can participate in a variety of college and career workshops. Registration is encouraged, not required. For more information, please visit: BSAP College and Career Opportunities Night, Nov. 7 – HCPSS News
Career Academy Info Sessions, Nov. 12 and Dec. 11, 2024
Current 8-11 grade students and their parents/guardians are invited to attend in-person information sessions on HCPSS career academies on Tuesday, Nov. 12 or Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2024 at the Applications and Research Laboratory, 10920 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City, MD. The evening will include two 15-minute information sessions beginning at 6:45 p.m.
Participants will learn how Career and Technical Education (CTE) career academies provide high school students with opportunities to earn college credit, scholarships, and industry-recognized credentials, participate in worksite and mentorship experiences, and become creative problem solvers by participating in hands-on project-based learning.
Complete information on all career academies is available online. Students/parents are encouraged to review the Career Academies Overview.
- 6:15-6:40 pm Walk about to explore academies and find first session
- 6:45-7:05 pm Session I
- 7:10-7:30 pm Session II
HC DrugFree Updates
Free Online Parenting Classes (Open to HoCo grandparents too) - HC DrugFree offers an evidence-based, interactive prevention program that helps parents, guardians and/or grandparents develop stronger relationships with their kids, while also providing skills proven to reduce the risk of youth engaging in substance use or other risky behaviors. These classes are for families with children 9-14 years old (slightly younger and older may register and will be considered) and held on Zoom on November 12, 15, 19, 22, and December 3 from 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. For more information and to register, go to https://hcdrugfree.org/currentevents/
Medication and Sharps Disposal Take Back Day - HC DrugFree will host another convenient drive-thru medication and sharps collection on Saturday, October 26, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Wilde Lake Village Center parking lot (near the CA Swim Center). Bring unwanted and expired prescriptions and over-the-counter medication, “sharps” (needles, syringes, and EpiPens), vapes without the batteries, inhalers, and more. Medication will be guarded and transported by the Howard County Police and DEA. For more information and to volunteer, go to https://hcdrugfree.org/currentevents/
Teen Advisory Council - The Teen Advisory Council (TAC) receives Community Service Hours for providing the youth perspective to HC DrugFree's staff and Board of Directors. Youth input increases the effectiveness of HC DrugFree's educational programs, newsletters, website and other services. TAC is open to Howard County students in grades 8 through 12 (public, private and homeschool) who meet monthly during the school year to discuss teen use of alcohol and other drugs and to develop educational messages that promote a vision of a county where youth are drug-free by choice. For more information and to register, go to https://hcdrugfree.org/currentevents/
- Mount Hebron High School Website
- HCPSS Calendar 24-25SY
- HCPSS Student and Parent Handbook
- Mount Hebron PTSA
- Mount Hebron Viking Backers
- Follow us on Instagram: @hcpss_mhhs