IFNSS Principal Newsletter
Updates from January 12th, 2025
فَإِنَّهُ مَنْ عَفَا وَأَصْلِحْ فَأَجْرُهُ عَلَى اللهِ وَصَاحِبُ الْعَفْوِ يَنَامُ اللَّيْلَ عَلَى فِرَاشِهِ وَصَاحِبُ الِانْتِصَارِ يُقَلِّبُ الْأُمُورَ
Hadith of the Week:Whoever forgives and sets things right, his reward is with Allah. The one who forgives will sleep comfortably in his bed and the one who avenges will toss and turn over his affairs.” Source: Ḥilyat al-Awliyā’ 8/112
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Assalamu alaikum respected parents,
Last Sunday, our students completed their mid terms for Islamic History and Studies and some grades also took mid terms for Quran/Arabic. Students who were absent last week can do make ups for their missed mid terms this coming Sunday 1/19. The mid terms for Quran and Arabic are also taking place this next Sunday, January 19th except for a few grades who already completed them last week. Teachers have posted mid term study guides in google classrooms and some have also provided paper copies to students. For any reason, if your child does not have their study guide for mid terms, please reach out to ask for help. A few teachers are doing projects for mid term grades instead of exam. Please make sure your children have all the information they need by checking their google classrooms for each subject area and please feel free to reach out if you need assistance.
Recess was indoors last Sunday and it seems like we will again be indoors this coming Sunday, based on the weather forecast.
MORNING ASSEMBLY: Our morning Assembly on 1/12 was led by Sr Mazozeh Shaban, who talked to students about the month of Rajab and its significance. One of the scholars said: "Rajab is the month of cultivation, Shaban is the month of irrigating the fields, and the month of Ramadan is the month of reaping and harvesting." We don't want to spend Ramadan preparing. We want to enter the month prepared and take in all the benefits of Ramadan from the start! Please refer to the FLYER for additional details. For any parents who would like to come and lead a morning assembly at Sunday School, or get involved in other volunteer opportunities at Sunday School, please fill out THIS FORM and we will reach out to you with next steps.
PHOTO GALLERY "a glimpse into Sunday School"
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Nasheed Opportunity for IFNSS Students
Assalamu alaikum
WAC (Women's Advocacy Committee) is organizing a Potluck Event on February 22nd, 2025 and have invited IFNSS students to present a Nasheed.
Please fill out this form < https://forms.gle/pixQbe3PM5jmLa99A >ASAP, if you would like your children to participate in sha Allah. Sr Asma Fazal will lead the Nasheed preparation and hold practice sessions with selected students to help them prepare in shaa Allah. Dates of the Practice sessions will be announced soon.
Once we have a list of final participants, we will invite participants to join a WhatsApp group for future communications and updates. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
IFN is organizing Sunday Adult Programs and Lecture Series for the Community
Message from Br Zeeshan, IFN General Secretary
Assalamualaikum Dear IFN Community,Alhumdulillah, we are very pleased to announce that our beloved weekly Sunday Morning programs are back.
It will start with Sunday weekly Fiqh session from Imam Azfar from 10:20 am to 11 am after the Sunday school assembly in IFN Banquet hall.
It will be followed by a social hour from 11 am to noon to connect with the community over tea and light lunch/ snacks.
Br Vaseem Iftikhar is leading the weekly Sunday Guest Speakers program from noon to 1 pm where you will have enriching talks that may enhance your everyday life insha'Allah.
We are looking for community and Sunday school parents to sponsor the weekly Sunday Program lunch to make these programs more special for everyone. Please reach out to Sr Loubna at Loubna.Kiliouine@ifnonline.com.
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Meet our Staff!
Sr Jaweria Hamid, our 6th grade Islamic History teacher, a very passionate, caring and dedicated professional, always willing to go above and beyond to offer help, and a true team player. We feel blessed to have Sr Jaweria be part of out IFNSS team Alhumdulillah!
Alhumdulillah we have added some excellent teachers and TAs to our team this year. Please refer to this list of TEACHERS & TA's for the 2024-25 school year along with their contact information. Our goal is help parents gets to know their children's teachers in sha Allah. Hence I will be introducing one teachers or TA's every week in my Newsletter Teacher Spot Light Section. See image below.
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Join Our Parent Announcements WhatsApp Group to Stay Informed!!
Opportunities for Parent Involvement
Parent involvement is essential for students development, leads to increased student achievement and success and offers many benefits. We highly encourage our parents to get involved at IFN Sunday School which is why we are offering several opportunities for parent involvement this year. These include the following:
1. Join Parent Support Group (PSG) by completing this form
2. Become a Teaching Assistant
3. Become a Lunch/Recess Supervisor
4. Lead a Morning Assembly at Sunday School
5. Be a Substitute Teacher or TA
Please FILL OUT THIS FORM if you are interested in any of the above opportunities and we will contact you regarding next steps. Learn more about the above opportunities on THIS Document.
IFN Sunday School team proudly partners with MUHSEN (Muslims Understanding and Helping Special Education Needs) Non profit Program to support and include all students with specific needs. This year, the MUHSEN program is offering two programs to provide a continuum of serivices to support students with special needs including a) an exclusive 1:1 support program in a separate classroom for students needing a higher level of support and b) an inclusive level of support where students will get push in support from MUHSEN TAs inside their regular classroom. For specific questions, please feel free to contact MUHSEN Facilitator, Sr. Sadia Thiryayi <sadia.thiryayi@ifnonline.com>
Resources for Parents
Other Helpful Links for Parents to Keep Handy
You can call the IFN main phone number 847-406-3730 and then Dial Extension 222 for Sunday School Office
Principal - Sr. Saddaf Raheel - ifnss.principal@ifnonline.com
Vice Principal - Sr. Samina Anwar - samina.t.anwar@ifnonline.com
Office Manager - Sr. Saba Fuad - ifnss.office@ifnonline.com
Registrar - Br Siraj Khaja - ifnss.registrar@ifnonline.com
Education Committee Chair - Dr. Sarwar Nasir msnasir53@gmail.com
Education Committee Vice Chair - Dr Haris Jamil haris.jamil@gmail.com
IFN President - Br Ahmed Nader - ahmed.nader@ifnonline.com
IFN Vice President - Br. Mohamed Eslam meslam.mohamed@ifnonline.com
MUHSEN Facilitator, Sr. Sadia Thiryayi sadia.thiryayi@ifnonline.com OR ifn.muhsen@ifnonline.com
Sunday School After School Arabic Program Coordinator - Sister Eman Enaya 312-813-0526 emanenaya@yahoo.com.
Tarbiya Circle High School Youth Program Lead - Taha Tayyabi tarbiya.circle@ifnonline.com 312-804-5206