Board Briefs
August 20, 2024

Board Briefs - October 15, 2024
Superintendent's Report
- Dr. Hart introduced Dr. Stacey Brown/Supervisor of Humanities and Ms. Sarah Pauch/Supervisor of Math, Science & Technology. Dr. Brown and Ms. Pauch shared the distict's NJSLA testing results. Ms. Staci Beegle and Mr. Tumolo/Pupil Services Department also presented district special education Access for ELLs test results. All principals shared school building focus areas for the year. Please click here to view the presentation.
Administrative Reports
- The September Enrollment - Drill Report was approved.
- The District Goals for the 2024-2025 school year were approved.
- The Board Goals for the 2024-2025 school year were approved.
- The district bill list was approved.
- District travel was approved.
- The 2024-2025 M-1 and Comprehensive Maintenance Plan was approved.
- Bingham Communications/Distinctive Voice & Data Services was approved as the sole source vendor to provide maintenance and repair of building intercom and clocks/bell system to ensure functionality and regulation compliance.
- The Board awards the contract for solar expansion to EZNergy.
- The Board rescinded the professional services contract with Settembrino Architects.
- Flanagan, Barone, & O'Brien, LLC were approved as special counsel for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Fundraisers were approved for Three Bridges School and Readington Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Student teacher placements were approved for Three Bridges School and Readington Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Additional field trips were approved for the 2024-2025 school year.
- The professional service appointment of Shelly Ozdamar from Summit Speech School to provide Audiology Services for the 2024-2025 school year was approved.
- Silvergate Prep was approved to provide home instruction.
- All intra-district buildings and preschool field frips were approved for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Substitute teacher placements were approved.
- The following appointments were ratified and approved: Barbara Tofte/Preschool Bus Aide, Glenn Ciripompa/Bus Driver, and Grace Curran/Preschool Bus Aide.
- The following appointments were approved: Lori Scarrino/Preschool Bus Aide, Kristina Garcia/Preschool Bus Aide, Wanda Figueroa/Preschool Bus Aide, Diana Stone/Preschool Bus Aide, Sheetal Kairawala/Preschool Bus Aide, Clyde Patterson/Bus Driver, Rawaa Mohammed Muneer/Preschool Bus Aide, and Holly Swan/Preschool Bus Aide.
- The following revised job description was approved: Bus Aide
- Teacher stipends were approved for teachers facilitating 2024 Fall Teacher Academy sessions.
- The September 10, 2024 agenda motion 5.10 was amended as follows: Chorus Club Advisor from Samantha Lestrange to Darian Hampton.
- The July 23, 2024 agenda motion 5.12 was amended as follows: Winter Cheerleading Head Coach from Colleen Caballero to Marybeth Schwarz.
- Colleen Ogden was approved as AM Homework Room Advisor for Holland Brook School for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Sheryl Ottenstroer was ratified and approved as a bus aide for student S-093.
- Sheryl Ottenstroer was approved as a Gaming Club Chaperone for student S-008.
- Renee Delia was ratified and approved as a bus aide for student S-093.
- Extra-pay was approved for paraprofessionals to attend additional training on October 14-15 in-service days.
- Denise Hawkins was approved as Art Club Chaperone for student S-253.
- Anne Romano was approved as Theater Club Chaperone for student S-159
- The following preschool paraprofessionals were approved to attend preschool department meetings: Nicole Smith, Kathy Hunter, and Donna Giummo.
- Heather Gibbons was approved to present at the SEPAG meeting.
- The August 20, 2024 agenda motion 5.12 was amended to approve a revised list of bus driver and cafeteria aide hours for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Preschool bus aide substitutes were approved.
- Four policies were approved for first reading.
Next Board Meeting
The next Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., and will be held in person in the Board Conference Room in the Board of Education office wing of Holland Brook School. To join via YouTube, please click here. Please review the agenda that will be posted on November 8, 2024.
Contact Information
Doreen Harris / 908-534-2897
Doreen Harris
Confidential Secretary to the Superintendent