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Mary Hogan Family Newsletter
![Mary Hogan Family Newsletter](https://cdn.smore.com/u/8d0b/f23b288333425631023a5f1bc85977f1.jpg)
Update from Principal Jen Kravitz
Dear Mary Hogan Families,
We are truly getting towards the end of the school year with the end of May. Only 10 school days remain, which feels remarkably short. In these remaining days, we are so fortunate to have events that continue to bring us together as a class, grade, and school community.
A highlight of the week for me was Field Day. We are so lucky for the many volunteers who made this event possible and full of joy. An extra special thank you goes to Casey McDonough, who was the primary organizer of the event that brought new activities in its second year. Thank you, thank you to you all!
There is important information below about:
- Class placement process and info,
- What we did this week,
- Upcoming events, and more!
Be well,
Last Student Day is...
June 14, 2024.
Last week's newsletter noted that Monday was a day off from school but I mistakenly failed to include that it was Memorial Day. This was an unfortunate oversight as we do mark the holiday by celebrating the many service members who have passed away. There were many current and former Hawks in the Memorial Day parade in town and many more who watched and celebrated. My apologies for not marking this date accurately on our calendar.
Deadline is Today - Recognize Awesome Teachers and Staff!
We extend Teacher Appreciation Week to all staff and celebrate all month long! Our teachers and staff do so much to support our students and community. You can help us recognize them! Click here to share your appreciation.
Your appreciations also help to inform our nominations for our fall Teacher & Staff of the Year awards! We share as many of these appreciations as possible (last year we received over 220!)
Upcoming Events
June 3-6- Free Book Give- Away (A grant from RIF and Bonnie's Book Foundation will supply every student with 4 new books that they can keep)
June 3 - Preschool's Bring Your Bike to School Day!
June 4 - Burke & McColly to Middlebury College Maker Space, 5th grade to Marquis Theater
June 5 - Walk and Roll Day
- Franny's class to Ilsley Library, 5th grade goes to visit MUMS, 2nd grade to Marquis Theater
June 6 - 4th grade to Robert Frost Trails
June 7 - Progress Reports go home, All materials due back to the library!
- 9am - Mary Hogan cheers the MUHS parade to the Memorial Sports Center
- 1st to Washington St. Cemetery, 3rd grade to Crown Point, 5th grade to Shelburne Museum
June 11 - Conklin & Leavitt to to Middlebury College Maker Space
June 12 - Final All School Meeting - Chorus & Band Concert
- pm - 5th grade pool party
June 13 - 1.30pm - 5th Grade Promotion
June 14 - Last Student Day!
- 5th grade send off breakfast, kindergarten fun day, 3rd grade pool party
- 5pm - MESA end of year Dance Party at the Middlebury Rec Center (See below for more)
Class Placement Philosophy and Process
As parents and educators, we all want the best possible learning environment for our children.
As school leaders, one of our primary responsibilities is to ensure that the staff has the requisite skills to accommodate a diverse group of learners. We expect all of our teachers to be able to provide differentiated learning opportunities to all of our students, in order to meet a wide range of abilities and learning styles. We also expect that all teachers will be working to create a positive social climate for students. Additionally, all our teachers are professionals. They work in grade level teams to ensure consistency of curriculum.
Because each of our teachers is highly qualified, skilled and dedicated to their work with children, specific teacher requests are not part of the process. Placements are made with input from teachers (classroom, AMS, interventionists, special educators), counselors, and administrators.
We strive to create balanced classrooms for students through assessment of the whole child.
We will be mailing information with your child's class placement and teacher in the second half of June. This will include their class list and a whole grade phone and email directory.
If you do not want your contact information included in this directory please contact Jill Laberge by 6/10. Jill's email is jlaberge@acsdvt.org.
This Week at Mary Hogan
Stretching Our Bodies
Kindergarteners have been loving yoga with Prem on Tuesdays in May.
Learning from MUHS
MUHS students came on Tuesday to share with 3rd graders biography subjects that impacted their community
2nd Grade at Shelburne Museum
2nd graders explored and learned around the museum this week.
Golden Dome Challenge
The following students represented Mary Hogan School at the annual ACSD Golden Dome Book Challenge! Ella Corrigan, Claire Grimmer, Bodhi Kenna, Annaka Norden, Steel O'Roark, Felix Poduschnick, Olin Portz, Kaisa Remsen, Maëlle Remsen, Jack Simpson, and Zara Trump. They all read more than 15 books from the Vermont Golden Dome book list!
A few students read all 25 books on the list- Congratulations to Annaka, Felix, Zara, and Maëlle!
The new list is out and students can begin reading the books now!! Want to watch their good work, check out the link below!
Field Day
Skateboarding Lessons
Students worked to balance an egg and walk around the pump track at the same time!
Lawn Games
Teamwork was key!
So was coordination!
And we tried new things.
Counselor's Corner
Welcome to our June Newsletter! As the school year winds down and summer approaches, we want to provide you with updates and resources to support your child's social-emotional learning (SEL) over the summer. It's a crucial time for continued growth and preparation for the next school year.
MESA Message
End of Year Dance Party
Please join your classmates and their families in celebrating the last day of school with a dance party at the Recreation Center (154 Creek Rd.) from 5-7pm on June 14! Entry is by donation. Parents please remain in the company of your children. Hot dogs, drinks, snacks, and dessert will be available for purchase. DJing provided by Midd Town Melodies. Music requests are allowed with a $1 donation per song request. Come dance, let loose, and enjoy the end of the school year! Sponsored by MESA!
Family Resources & Opportunities
Tiger Football Youth Skills Clinic
Sponsored by – Friends of Middlebury Football (FOMF) and Middlebury Union High
School (MUHS) Athletics
Date & Time: Tuesday - Friday, June 18 - 21, 8:30 AM - Noon
Ages: Grades 4 - 8 (for the 2024-25 school year)
Location: Doc Collins Field - MUHS
Cost: $20.00 ($40.00 max for immediate family) *Scholarships available upon request: contact John Nuceder - 802-989-8642 or jnuceder@acsdvt.org
Register: https://forms.gle/KwZ8S17Qdp4vCSai9
MUHS Assistant Varsity football coach, John Nuceder, other High School and Flag Football coaches, and former Tigers will instructor clinic participants. The emphasis is for young athletes to have fun, be active, and learn skills for each position, offense and defense. Each clinic session will be station based learning organized by age. No equipment is needed. Please wear comfortable footwear for a lot of movement, as well as weather appropriate clothing. No previous experience necessary.
Free Food for Kids This Summer
Summer Food Service Program will be starting on June 17th
Mary Hogan: Breakfast and lunch will be available at the front entrance from 11:00 - 12:30 Monday through Friday
MUMS Breakfast and lunch will be available at the front entrance from 11:00 - 12:00 Monday through Friday
Bridport: Breakfast and lunch will be available from 11:00 - 12:00 Monday through Friday
All sites are non congregate and breakfast will be provided for the next day.
4th Grader & Families - Explore National Parks for Free!
Every Fourth Grader can get a free pass for themselves and their families to all the national parks/lands in the US. Here's a link if you'd like to share with your students.
Want to help out at Mary Hogan? - Sign up to be a volunteer!
Want to know more about the Volunteer Process? Check out more information HERE.
Photos of the Week
For more awesome photos, check out the Instagram account, below!
Connect on Social Media!
STUDENT ABSENCES: 802-382-1401
STAFF ABSENCES: 802-382-1498
TELEPHONE: 802-388-4421
FAX: 802-382-1405