Everitt Family Newsletter
~ For Everitt Families: May 10, 2024 ~
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Happy Friday, Everitt families!
It was an arts-filled week around here! On Tuesday, we had a jazz band concert with Wheat Ridge High School. It was so wonderful to see the progression of jazz education from middle school to high school in Wheat Ridge. Our students were wonderful! On Wednesday, our theatre guild performed "Then There Was One," a murder mystery spoof. It was so funny and so well done. Ms. Powers and the student Theatre Guild board created a well-thought out and fun show. The audience loved it! On Thursday, our bands, orchestras, and choirs performed their last concert of the year. It was an emotional evening as we bid farewell to our 8th grade musicians. They have been incredible leaders in our program and we will miss them. There are photos of each of the events below.
You will also find some photos of Everitt art. There are photos of the three new murals being done by our advanced art students. We're so excited to see the final product and love the designs that the group came up with this year. There are also photos of the art that was selected to be exhibited at Stylus and Crate. We are so proud of our amazing artists.
We are so proud of our physical education students, too. Students take fitness tests regularly during the semester in PE and we look for growth throughout the semester in the pacer test (running), push ups, and planks (strength). This week, on the final fitness test of the year, first period performed at 90% or better on all 3 fitness tests. 100% of students improved on the pacer test and the push up tests. 2nd period had 95% of students increase on the plank test. 3rd hour had 100% of students increasing on all 3 tests. 5th hour averaged a 95% or higher increase on all 3 tests. Finally, 6th hour had 87% of students increase on the pacer test. Way to go, Everitt athletes!
Next week is a great week for students to get any missing assignments turned in so that they can finish the year well. Finishing well is such an important concept. It has a significant impact on the memories we make and how we feel about ourselves. Our athletes and artists (visual and performing both) are modeling for us what finishing the year well looks like. None of us at Everitt plan on limping to the finish line around here. We are going to use each of the few precious days left to their fullest!
Thank you for supporting and believing in your neighborhood school. It is our privilege to partner with you!
Amanda Pouliot, Principal
Everitt Middle School
What's Happening Next?
5/13-5/17 ~ Sea Camp Week
5/13 ~ Hawaiian Day
5/14 ~ Sports Day
5/15 ~ Tie-Dye Day
5/16 ~ Wear One Color Day
5/17 ~ Disney Day
5/20 ~ Adam Sandler Day
5/21 ~ Colorado Day
5/22 ~ Everitt Day
5/22 ~ 8th Grade Awards 10:00 AM
5/23 ~ 8th Grade Continuation 6:30 PM @ Everitt
5/24 ~ 6th Grade Awards 9:45 AM
5/24 ~ 7th Grade Awards 9:00 AM
5/24 ~ Last Day of School for Students - Picnic & Early Dismissal 1:25 PM
5/27 ~ Memorial Day
End of Year Medication Pickup
Everitt Bell Schedule 2023-2024
Advanced Art Showcase
The following students had their work selected to be displayed on exhibit at Stylus and Crate Coffee shop for one month. You can see these amazing works of art below. Congratulations!
Fiona Siverson Merkl - Mixed media and metal bug Zentangle
Ali Miscles - Pastel Succulent
Thor Owen - Nana Bee acrylic painting
Jill Figurski - Felted Landscape
Kai Nauseda - Felted Landscape
Kai Nauseda - Pastel Succulent
Kayden Parr- Collage Self Portrait
Romelo Bistesto - Bob Marley Collage
Asha Martin - Tyler the Creator Collage
Student and Family Handbook
Conduct Code Slides
And Then There Was One - Theatre Guild Performance
Music Department Final Concert of the Year
7th Grade Healthy Decision Making
7th Grade Healthy Decision Making
Everitt Middle School
3900 Kipling St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Dear families:
The 7th grade Healthy Decision Making unit will be taught beginning May 8, 2024 and ending about May 23, 2024. This unit is a continuation of the 5th grade Growing & Changing unit but with a greater emphasis on how to make responsible and healthy decisions. Students will learn a decision making process that can apply to situations related to alcohol, tobacco, other substances, and sexual decision making.
This unit will consist of the following topics:
Gender & Sexual Identity
Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships
Internal & External Influences that can impact decision making
Consent & Communication
Understanding sexually transmitted infections and transmission
Pregnancy and Prevention (Birth Control Methods)
Substance Misuse
In order to uphold our Jeffco values and to be in compliance with Colorado state law, the unit will emphasize:
Inclusivity of all students
Positive youth development
Medical & scientific accuracy of information
Because we value the family and school partnership, occasionally your student may come home with “family homework”. These assignments are completely optional but may help you to have conversations with your student about your own family values and beliefs around these sensitive topics. Also, all values-based questions that are asked by students will not be answered but we will encourage students to ask their families about the questions not answered during class.
If for any reason you are uncomfortable with your student participating in this unit or you have additional questions, please email us at: Jessica.Mitchell@jeffco.k12.co.us or Michele.Harris@jeffco.k12.co.us
Thank you for your support.
Jessica Mitchell and Michele Harris
Beautiful New Murals by Everitt Students
Summer of Fun 2024
Check out the links below for an awesome guidebook for summer activities, a lot of them being local! One is an English version and the second is in Spanish. Thank you!
Musical Research Project
Our focus is on building lasting connections between families, getting to know our student’s teachers, and creating opportunities to come together as a community, valuing our diversity and celebrating our differences.
Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you to everyone who cooked, organized, and donated to a successful week of treating our teachers through a snack cart, breakfast, and coffee cards, it was very much appreciated by everyone! Special thank you to Liz Mason for helping organize the week!
Help us Preserve Camp Everitt: A PTA task force met earlier this week to discuss how best to preserve Camp Everitt and have a plan to make sure it is available for incoming 6th graders this summer and ongoing. Our next steps will be looking for adult volunteers for 1 or 3 days (likely early August) as well as some High School kids. In addition we will be looking for a handful of local businesses as sponsors. If you are interested in volunteering or have/know of a business who might be interested in learning more please e-mail us at EverittPTA@gmail.com thank you!
Are you continuing on to Wheat Ridge High School? Our Wheat Ridge schools community is strong and continues on to “The Farm” at Wheat Ridge High School just up the road. We encourage you to join their PTSA, attend their meetings and be involved in their many activities and traditions to continue our strong community involvement. More info can be found here: https://sites.google.com/view/wrhs-ptsa/
Renew Your Everitt PTA Membership:
Make your fall to-do list shorter by signing up now for your 2024-2025 PTA Membership. Dues are just $15 and allow us to be part of the state and national PTA networks and have seed money for our PTA projects. Even if you cannot make the PTA meetings regularly, becoming a PTA member is an excellent way to support our school community! To join, complete this form: https://forms.gle/MKp3Fokrn7zSioBY7 and Venmo $15 to @Everitt-Middle. Dues should never be a barrier for participation in PTA, so please email EverittPTA@gmail.com if we may help you with your dues payment.
Find us online:
Check out our PTA page for reminders, important dates and meeting minutes: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/family_resources/p_t_a , and join our FaceBook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everittpta
We always welcome more ideas on ways to bring the Everitt community together and look forward to learning from each other. Please feel free to send any questions or suggestions to the PTA at EverittPTA@gmail.com.
Thank you,
Your Everitt Middle School PTA
We Love Everitt Teachers
Some of these clubs may change due to student interest and students are always welcome to start a club by asking a staff member to be their sponsor. We are always also looking for parents/guardians who are willing to support a club. Please reach out to Amanda Pouliot if you're interested in leading a club. Clubs begin at 8:05 - 8:30 am unless otherwise noted.
French Club (Pouliot - Conference Room)
Tri-M Music Honor Society (Letendre - Orchestra Room)
Jazz Band (Reardon - Band Room)
Strength and Conditioning (Bauer - Weight Room)
Track & Field (Coaches May & Trenc 7:30-8:45 am on field)
Theatre Guild - (Pouliot/Adducci/Powers - Powers' Room)
Fiber Arts -Knitting, Crocheting (Gallagher - Gallagher's Room)
Upcycling Fashion Club (Allen & Cannon - Cannon's Room)
Mixed Martial Arts/Taekwondo (Big Gym)
Junior Optimists Club (Lobby)
Sammy's Buddy Program - (Choi/SBP - Choi's Room)
Builder's Club (Maikranz/Kiwanis - Meet in the Cafeteria)
Dungeons and Dragons (Newell - Newell's Room)
Board Games (Van Woensel - STEM Room)
Track & Field (Coaches May & Trenc 7:30 - 8:45 am on field)
Fiber Arts -Knitting, Crocheting (Gallagher - Gallagher's Room)
Chess Club (Yankoviak - Yankoviak's Room)
Cheerleading (Pineda - Choir Room)
Earth Club (Burg - Burg's Room)
Strength and Conditioning (Bauer - Weight Room)
Yoga (Piane - Yoga Room 8:00 am)
GSA (Burt - Burt's Room)
Students are welcome to join clubs that are already in session.
Ash P. - During Wellness Day, Ash displayed his courage to lead a small group in a real life wilderness medical scenario to treat and evacuate a patient with a broken leg. He approached the scenario with focus applying the techniques we talked about and showed great care for the "patient." Awesome work! On top of all the other awesome stuff Ash does, he woke up EARLY to visit Sprouts with us and learn how to reduce food waste. When asked about what we learned, Ash shared some wisdom: if you order a meal at a restaurant and know you don't like tomatoes, just ask for no tomatoes! That way, it doesn't just get left on your plate and thrown away. Thank you for giving us food for thought! Ash was so busy with Matilda this semester (great job! :) ) but still participated in the Theatre Guild show of And Then There Was One. As the ethereal voice from the phone, Ash brought meaning to the show and was a fun castmate to everyone. :)
Zoey C. - Even though Zoey didn't have many lines in And Then There Was One, Zoey was vital to the show, with the physical comedy that was needed. From standing with a lampshade on, to being dragged across the floor so many times, Zoey was such a sport and was an important part of the Theatre Guild this semester. :)
Lily R. - During Wellness Day, Lily facilitated five sessions on mental health with a focus on resilience. She led these sessions in a seventh grade classroom in front of students from a different grade. She accepted this challenge and showed great courage talking about a difficult subject with a large class of students she didn't know. Great job stepping outside your comfort zone to positively contribute to your community!
Makayla Q. - During Wellness Day, Makayla facilitated a game that was played by multiple classes. I'm proud of her for stepping up to this challenge and helping her classmates improve their communication skills and team work. Nice job!
Liam H. - Liam is always willing to help other classmates out in science class.
Eli C. - Eli helped other students be successful in the weight room while also challenging himself to new exercises and pieces of equipment. He helped both himself and other classmates be successful! At the final track meet this week, Eli made the finals in both the 100 meters and 200 meters. In both of the finals, Eli placed 5th out of all the teams and 7th grade boys that were at the meet!
Mila J. - Mila stepped outside of her comfort zone and did a great job in the Theatre Guild's performance of And Then There Was One. Thank you for being resilient and adding so much to the show. :)
Tyler C. - Tyler showed outstanding sportsmanship and support at the Everitt track meet for both our team and other teams! He cheered for everyone and congratulated our team when they were done!
Henry P. - Henry set his mind to try and break the 7th grade boys record for the plank which stands at 19 minutes. Although he did not break the record, Henry still held a plank for over 11 minutes!
Henry pushed himself at the Everitt track meet to succeed and also supported all of his teammates! He cheered everyone on and congratulated them when they were done!
Will S. - Will showed unwavering support at the Everitt track meet for his teammates! He cheered them on in all their events and congratulated them as they were done!
James T. - James comes to class every day to learn. Even though many students are checked out at this time of the year James continues to do what he needs to during class to be successful.
Athena C. - Athena comes to class every day to learn. Even though many students are checked out at this time of the year Athena continues to do what she needs to during class to be successful.
Ali M. - Ali comes to class every day to learn. Even though many students are checked out at this time of the year, Ali continues to do what she needs to during class to be successful.
Kateley M. - Kateley comes to class every day to learn. Even though many students are checked out at this time of the year, Kateley continues to do what she needs to during class to be successful.
Zyah R. - Zyah comes to class every day to learn. Even though many students are checked out at this time of the year Zyah continues to do what she needs to during class to be successful.
Anakin S. - Anakin comes to class every day to learn. Even though many students are checked out at this time of the year Anakin continues to do what he needs to during class to be successful.
Erin H. - Erin totally crushed the pacer test and now holds the new record for 8th Grade girls! Erin ran 106 on the Pacer, beating the record by 11! Erin was singer Presley York in the Theatre Guild Spring performance of And Then There Was One. Thanks for being part of the show, Erin. :)
Finley M. - Finley did an outstanding job during the pacer test and beat the old record for 8th grade boys! Finley ran a total of 127 laps to beat the record!
Atticus S. - Atticus did an amazing job during the pacer test! He beat the old record of 110 and ran 112! He now holds the new record for 6th grade boys!
Noah D. - Noah, you have improved SO much in STEM and I am so proud of you! You and Dom have been excellent partners and have done such an amazing job on your projects! Thank you for being a positive member of our classroom community and being productive in class!
Emmy P. - Emmy saved our Theatre Guild show by joining this semester and acting in And Then There Was One. Her character was such a significant part of the show. She will be a great leader in Theatre Guild next year. :)
Dominik L. - Dom, you are such an incredible leader in our STEM class and it is so wonderful to have you! Thank you for being a positive community member and a reliable student! Your projects are fabulous, I can't wait to see what else you do!
Ayjah J. - Ayjah, you have been such a wonderful young lady to have in STEM! You are a hard worker, you are open minded, and a positive example! Thank you for being such a great leader for both semesters!
Nariah A. - Nariah, you have done an outstanding job of improving your tardies and working hard in STEM! You are very creative and your projects are unique!
Kaliyha H. - You have done a great job of improving your work and focusing on your projects! Thank you for trying to keep yourself on track and working hard!
Laura C. - Laura, no matter what project you do in STEM, you make it your own and do a fabulous job! You are such a hard worker and bring such a unique perspective you bring to your work! You are so creative and persistent, it is a joy to watch you work! I loved seeing you compete with the boys on the bridge!
Wiley M. - Wiley, it was so fun watching you push yourself on your bridge project to compete with a peer! You worked very hard and challenged your creative limits to try to get the best bridge for the lowest cost, and it was great! Keep pushing yourself!
Grady H. - Grady, it was so fun watching you push yourself on your bridge project to compete with a peer! You worked very hard and challenged your creative limits to try to get the best bridge for the lowest cost, and it was great! Keep pushing yourself!
Victoria H. - On your past two projects you have done such a fabulous job of getting all your work done and demonstrating your creativity and skill! It has been very fun seeing what you are capable of! Keep up the good work!
Jaxon E. - Jaxon, you are always so hardworking and creative! You think outside the box, you are willing to push yourself, and you are always willing to try something new! I love how engaged you are in every project and how you always want to try something new instead of 'being done' early! I can't wait to see what else you do!
Diego T. - Diego, the song you created for your last project was outstanding! I have never had a student create their Garage Band project in that way, and it was so fantastic! Your thinking was so unique and you did the project in a very challenging way - it turned out to be the best! Keep up this hard work!
Eduardo J. - Eduardo, you do such a wonderful job in STEM! You work so hard and carry the work load for your group without complaint! Thank you for always having a positive attitude and strong work ethic, and being willing to try your best!
Angelo P. - Angelo, your VexIQ project was so incredible and unique, it truly blew me away! For you to create that race car with no directions and make it work so successfully was unbelievable! You do such a great job of thinking outside of the box and working hard, I can't wait to see what else you do!
Kennedy C. - You are such an outstanding young lady! You are so positive, empathetic, kind, intelligent, and hard working! It has been so wonderful to have you in STEM all year! Thank you for always trying your hardest, taking risks, and being kind to everyone! I can't wait to see what else you do in the future!
Hadley G. - Hadley, you are such a unique and wonderful young lady! You are always willing to try new things, share your thinking, and work your hardest! You are so kind and intelligent and it has been wonderful to get to know you this year, I can't wait to see what else you do!
Lily R. - Lily, you are such an outstandingly fabulous young lady and I feel so lucky to have gotten to be your teacher all year! You are so hardworking, thoughtful, intelligent, and funny! Thank you for always brightening my day, having a positive attitude, and being genuinely amazing! I can't wait to see what else you do in the future, and I hope I get to have you again! I could go on and on about the amazing Lily. I am in awe of her kindness, responsibility, creativity, and very big heart. She is a true friend to many, taking time of her early morning to be with friends that she lifts up. She recognizes when a situation is not going well and steps up to lead. I am just so amazed by her ability to lead in a way that is kind and thoughtful. So very, very grateful to have Lily in my classroom! Lily was amazing during the Wellness Day soccer game. She was an incredible team leader, she gave 110% at every moment and she was a phenomenal goalie. She blocked dozen and dozens of shots with ease. She is talented and is a great leader!
Harper S. - Harper, you are such a wonderful young lady! You are so fun, kind, hardworking, smart, and silly! It has been such fun getting to know you this year and I really hope I get to have you again in the years to come!
Greta F. - There are not enough characters or words or space to share how amazed I am by the work of Greta. She is simply a phenomenal human being I have had the pleasure to meet and have in my classroom. Her heart of gold for others is inspiring. I know she takes time out of her mornings, when she could be sleeping, to be a true friend to all. She is a true friend and lifts many up. She also puts love, creativity, and higher level thinking into her projects. I watched as she went the extra mile to make her group project exceptional. She amazes me and I feel lucky to know this amazing human being!
JJ C. - JJ chooses to do the right thing in challenging situations. His choices have paid off as he sets a positive example for his classmates by balancing having fun with focusing on learning and getting his work done.
Sergio G. - Sergio has turned his work ethic around at the end of the semester, and it is paying off in his academic performance including his grades and MAP scores.
Yaretzi R. - Yaretzi always asks great questions to clarify her understanding or go beyond the surface. Her curiosity and her drive to do well will set her up to be successful in high school and beyond.
Nasir L. - It has been great to see Nas find his footing since 6th grade. As an 8th grader, he has worked hard all year, set a positive example for his classmates, and shown excellent academic achievement.
Victoria H. - In all of her interactions with classmates, Victoria brings the FUN. I am blown away by her imagination! During our field trip to Sprouts, Victoria led the way arm-in-arm with friends. Thank you for bringing your sense of adventure!
Daniel V. - Our Builder's Club field trip to Sprouts could not have been possible without Daniel. I am so deeply proud of the way he has led our community service work, and how well he brings other students into the fold! Thank you for inspiring everyone around you!
Han B. - Han is an absolute delight. On our field trip, they turned to one of our volunteer chaperones and said, "Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you!". That chaperone was totally shocked at how a teenager could be so well-behaved and friendly, but those of us at Everitt know that's just how Han is every day. Thank you for giving us a reason to smile each day!
Liam T. - Liam made amazing contributions during our field trip to Sprouts! He tried to document the whole thing on his phone, and was very engaged the whole time. I can only hope that Liam was as impressed with the trip as we were with his attitude! Thanks for putting your best foot forward!
Daisy B. - Daisy has such an infectious positivity that makes everyone else smile! I am very proud of how enthusiastically Daisy led our group on the field trip to Sprouts. We are beyond lucky to have her join the Everitt community. Thank you for inspiring joy! On your past two projects you have done such a fabulous job of getting all your work done and demonstrating your creativity and skill! It has been very fun seeing what you are capable of! Your song was haunting and beautiful! Keep up the good work!
Lily C. - Lily was one of our last-minute invitees to the Sprouts field trip, but was totally up for the adventure! It's always amazing to see Lily lead her classmates by the hand into the unknown. We learned so much that day! Thank you for always having a joke and a smile to share!
Teagan P. - We are beyond lucky to have Teagan in our community. Between making an ENTIRE slideshow with Olivia B. on all the books they would like to add to our library collection, and helping create a field trip for students to learn about food waste with our Builder's Club.... This girl is going to GO places! Thank you for always going above and beyond!
Adele V. - I am truly amazed by your creative strategy in turning this into a three-person conversation. Your use of "Yo también/Yo tampoco" took it to the next level and showed that you are willing to go above and beyond. Your dedication and passion for this project shines through brightly ❤️.
Sofia D. - I am truly amazed by your creative strategy in turning this into a three-person conversation. Your use of "Yo también/Yo tampoco" took it to the next level and showed that you are willing to go above and beyond. Your dedication and passion for this project shines through brightly ❤️.
Adleigh E. - I am truly amazed by your creative strategy in turning this into a three-person conversation. Your use of "Yo también/Yo tampoco" took it to the next level and showed that you are willing to go above and beyond. Your dedication and passion for this project shines through brightly ❤️.
Jackson D. - Jackson has put in the hard work to grow his skills in ELA this year. He was able to beat his goal scores on both his winter and spring MAP Reading assessments and achieve a total of 14 points of growth from fall to spring. He comes to class with a good attitude, tries his best each day, asks great questions, and has set himself up with great habits to be successful in high school and beyond.
Shylea R. - Shy experienced challenges in tech. ed. with all 3 projects. Instead of getting frustrated and quitting, she persevered and completed all 3 at a high level.
Ryker U. - Ryker politely asked the name of the person who outscored him on MAP Math so he could congratulate the individual. Outstanding!
Katarina Nauseda - Kai got the highest score I have ever seen on the MAP Math test! Kai has done double duty in Theatre Guild this year, as the costume designer and an actor. Kai was responsible for making everyone look good in And Then There Was One, along with our fall show. :)
May W. - May always takes a lead to help, share, advise, guide and contribute to whatever is going on in a classroom. Maye does this in a way that invites others to get involved and share their voices too. An incredible leader and helper, May makes our community stronger with these great qualities.
Fiona S. - Thank you for helping with the set for And Then There Was One. :)
Zoe R. - Thanks for helping with the set of And Then There Was One. :)
Eliza M. - Thank you for being a part of Theatre Guild this year. :)
Elliott H. - Thank you for being a part of Theatre Guild this year. :)
Dia Mae C. - Thank you for being a part of Theatre Guild this year. :)
Devanae N. - Devanae is always willing to share and show the knowledge she learned in tech. ed. to others when they need help with a tool or step in a project. Devanae is currently studying the affects pesticides have on human health and ecosystem health. They have completely immersed themselves in their research and always share their thinking with our class. We have learned so much from their efforts. Now, they are challenging themselves to come up with natural solutions to fight pests in order to maintain a healthy ecosystem structure. Keep up the great work for our environment!
Trayvon H. - Trayvon has some of the most solid push-ups I have seen in our school. Trayvon did great on all of the fitness tests, and the push up test, which is one of the hardest, he was able to do over 15 with solid form!
Kathryn B. - Thank you for being a part of Theatre Guild this year and making it more fun. :)
Kimmy F. - Thanks for helping with the sound at the Theatre Guild show of And Then There Was One. :)
Georgia M. - Once again, Georgia helped the Theatre Guild by being one of the only ones among us to know how to use tools. ;) Thanks for your help!
Isabella I. - Thank you for being a part of the Theatre Guild leadership team this year and working to keep things running smoothly behind stage. :)
Adleigh E. - Adleigh is a dedicated part of Theatre Guild and always steps up to do what is asked of her and to contribute in a meaningful way. She was great in And Then There Was One, and she's going to be a great Theatre Guild leader next year. :)
Aspen F. - Aspen did such a great job as the doctor in And Then There Was One. They created a role that stood out from the rest of the cast and added a lot of life to the show. :)
Wisdom D. - Wisdom not only ran the Pacer test once, but offered to come in and run with a student who missed it. In addition, Wisdom broke the 8th grade girls record for the plank, holding the plank for a total of 5:00 minutes! Well done helping others achieve as well as your achievement too!
Caroline B. - Caroline is so passionate about theatre, and it pays off in her performances and in her interactions with other cast and crew members. She brings so much joy to a show, including And Then There Was One. She is going to be a great leader of Theatre Guild.
Lucia R. - Lucia gets things done. :) - organized, driven, and communicative. The Theatre Guild owes a big debt to Lucia's leadership this year. This semester had several ups and downs, and you are a major reason why And Then There Was One happened at all.
Mollie W. - Mollie has a good leadership style in Theatre Guild. She encourages and gives advice while still making people feel positive. She is also a great actress and has been one of the key figures in all of our theatre shows this year, including And Then There Was One.
Joel Y. - Joel was very kind to a student who was struggling, and this is a student whom he doesn't always get along with! Joel gave him some advice and told him what he would do in the situation, all while being empathetic to the situation. Joel has made so much growth in these past two years! Joel always comes into PE with a positive attitude, and a smile on his face. He lifts other people up with his positivity and can-do attitude. Joel helps other students out and makes sure they are included!
Liam T. - Liam is one of the most dedicated Theatre Guild students. He brought the laughs in And Then There Was One, even though he was feeling really sick the night of the show. He has been such a great addition to the club this year, and he will be a great leader next year.
Marli C. - Marli has created an original piece of music for the ukulele that is absolutely stunning and beautiful. I am amazed by Marli and how she has become a remarkable musician. I am going to miss this amazing student deeply!
Caitlen S. - Caitlen is currently studying the affects pesticides have on human health and ecosystem health. They have completely immersed themselves in their research and always share their thinking with our class. We have learned so much from their efforts. Now, they are challenging themselves to come up with natural solutions to fight pests in order to maintain a healthy ecosystem structure. Keep up the great work for our environment!
Laura C. - When this group started their climate change project, they had high hopes and big dreams to get our school solar panels. They researched, collected evidence and discovered just how much renewable energy helps our environment. When challenged with writing a grant, they wanted to turn around and give up. However, they leaned in, built each other up, and believed they could make big, impactful change. And boy did they... They coordinated a solar company to speak to our classes and completed their grant. What perseverance! We are so so so proud of the effort, collaboration, and passion you put into your project to make a difference in our community. Truly inspiring! If you didn't see Laura during the last band song of the concert, you're missing out. Her joy with playing the last song was infectious. You could tell she was proud of her work.
Hazel B. - When this group started their climate change project, they had high hopes and big dreams to get our school solar panels. They researched, collected evidence and discovered just how much renewable energy helps our environment. When challenged with writing a grant, they wanted to turn around and give up. However, they leaned in, built each other up, and believed they could make big, impactful change. And boy did they... They coordinated a solar company to speak to our classes and completed their grant. What perseverance! We are so so so proud of the effort, collaboration, and passion you put into your project to make a difference in our community. Truly inspiring!
Adonijah F. - Adonijah was a leader in class today as we talked about gender stereotypes, thank you!
Khloe A. - Thank you for being respectful to me and always willing to do what is asked of you!
Jesiah M. - Jesiah worked especially hard on his reading comprehension assignment and exceeded his goal! I'm so proud of you Jesiah!
Andrew M. - Andrew has become a leader in class and he is finishing the year strong.
Hope A. - Hope was brave in science to ask a clarifying question that was beneficial to the entire class.
Jonas A. - Jonas saw that another student was struggling with a classroom assignment and voluntarily stepped in to help that student. He was positive and gave the student support that helped that student learn. Thank you for being a good friend, Joel!
Faye G. - Faye, you have been a joy to have in my classes over the past couple of years. You have made tremendous growth in yourself and I hope you always remember you are amazing and can do whatever you set your mind to. Do great things in high school!
Aiden A. - Aiden came to us mid-year and has done a great job on being respectful to adults and keeping up with his work. I am very proud of him!
Henry P. - Henry was a superstar on Wellness Day! He was my student leader during afternoon rotations and he led my class activity with remarkable leadership and infectious joy. I am very proud of him!
Nick H. - Nick came in recently with a list of missing assignments and began working immediately. Both asking reflective questions and working with peers to see a great change in work habits in my class.
Ozzy G. - During our discussion after watching Hotel Rwanda, Ozzy asked several thoughtful questions that led to a great classroom discussion and deepened the learning of everyone in class! I am very proud of him!
Annaleyah B. - Leyah has been working so hard in Social Studies lately! I have seen her take incredible strides to get caught up and to end the year strong. I am very proud of her!
Diana S. - Our first period class is no joke – it takes a lot of courage to handle the challenges we face. I have to say, Diana truly stands out as one of the most patient students I've had the privilege of working with at Everitt.
Marley W. - Marley possesses a quiet but unwavering perseverance that speaks volumes about the depth of her soul. Despite finding herself in a class that may not always align with her true self, she continues to soldier on with grace and determination. Her unwavering commitment to never giving up, paired with her genuine kindness and politeness, showcases the strength of her character. Even when faced with challenges in a subject like Spanish, she never loses her resolve.
Milo P. - Milo radiates such a positive energy that truly brings joy to the class. Since August, I have witnessed him blossom and mature right before my eyes. Not only does he grasp concepts much quicker now than at the beginning of the year, but his confidence is simply contagious.
Amelia V. - Amelia found herself feeling uncertain by the various languages around her. However, instead of backing away, she bravely pushed past her discomfort and fear, taking bold risks in order to overcome her challenges.
Henry H. - Henry has transformed before our very eyes in the past weeks. Once disinterested and grumpy in class, he now radiates passion and enthusiasm, especially when it comes to excelling in Spanish. His dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and it is truly inspiring to witness his growth and progress. We couldn't be more proud of him and the incredible strides he has made. Keep shining, Henry!
Cody C. - Cody was a great team player during our wellness day soccer game. He jumped in and gave 110% and showed great sportsmanship. He was a great part of the team!
Madelynn W. - Madelynn is always willing to step up, help and take a leadership roll. She is the first to offer and help check out books in the library. She is the first to offer and help with any community projects for the school. On Wellness Day, Madelynn was one of the first to jump in and help get a game of soccer started. Madelynn has strong initiative and leadership skills!
Indy E. - On Wellness Day, during our soccer game, Indy was a great team leader. Indy not only was enthusiastic about participating but helped others to participate in playing as well. Great Leadership and Sportsmanship skills!
Hutchison D. - On Wellness Day, our instructors did not show up. Hutch helped to get a game going and helped get many involved in play. Great Teamwork and Sportsmanship skills!
Northreyez M. - On Wellness Day, our instructors didn't show up. North jumped in and got a game going and helped to involve everyone in playing. Great Leadership and Communication Skills!
Kenny G. - On Wellness Day, our instructors did not show up. Kenny took the initiative to get a game going and gather everyone to get involved. Great Leadership and Sportsmanship Skills!
Lily R. - Lily is very empathetic and caring. She spoke up for someone else and showed deep care by asking for help.
Everitt Middle School
With foundations of equity and excellence, Everitt empowers and inspires our students as individuals, lifelong learners, and creative critical thinkers to engage in authentic learning and contribute meaningfully to their communities and their world.
Email: amanda.pouliot@jeffco.k12.co.us
Website: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/
Location: 3900 Kipling St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, USA
Phone: 303-982-1580