Monomoy Regional High School's Weekly Newsletter
Published: April 5, 2024
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Chatham Residents! Please take the Housing Production Plan Survey
This survey provides the opportunity for the Chatham community to provide feedback directly to questions on housing issues and challenges, and about the community’s needs and desires for affordable and attainable housing in Chatham. You can access the survey at or through the Housing webpage on the Town’s website, which also provides other housing information that may be of interest
Harwich Residents! Please take the Open Space and Recreation Plan Survey
The Town of Harwich is doing a much-needed update to its Open Space and Recreation Plan, and needs input from residents. Please fill out this survey to help better guide leaders on what you want to see in your town: Harwich OSRP Community Survey (
MRHS is hiring Instructional Assistants for Special Education
Autism Acceptance Month
Monomoy's Portrait of a Graduate
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Shark Shoutouts
- The Animal Welfare Club would like to send a huge shark shout-out to Lizzie Cronen for creating our educational poster for the Wellness Fair and for working at our table. -Beth Howe and Lisa Forte-Doyle
- Sandscript would like to thank Savannah Eldredge and Jason Elhilow for working at the journaling table at the Wellness Fair. -Lisa Forte-Doyle
Wellness Fair
Successful blood drive at MRHS
Congratulations to Hillevi Sergenson MRHS'25, a first-time blood donor, who also earned community service hours at the registration table at the American Red Cross Blood Drive last week! Great job! We collected a total of 35 pints, exceeding our goal. Thank you all!
Our final blood drive of the school year is on Thursday, May 23rd with Cape Cod Healthcare. Please see Ms. Freitas for more information.
2024 Senior Prom Grand March
Class of 2026 Fundraiser: Harlem Wizards TONIGHT Friday, April 5
The Class of 2026 is hosting the Harlem Wizards this year on April 5, 2024, at 6:30 PM. We will need a lot of parent and student support to make this a successful fundraising event. This event will play a significant role in raising funds for your child’s prom and senior trip. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete this Google Form. We have a variety of roles to fill for the event, so any help is greatly appreciated.
Please also consider asking local businesses to donate $100 for a Harlem Wizards sponsorship to offset our costs. Sponsors will be recognized during the event and in the game flyer. Businesses can write a donation check of $100 to MRSD and supply a business card. Please submit any sponsorships to Tara Lee or Michelina Oliver.
Get your tickets at:
MRHS is hosting the All Cape and Islands Jazz Festival: Thursday, April 11
Monomoy Regional High School will host The All Cape and Islands Jazz Festival on Thursday, April 11th. This event will feature a mass jazz band made up of musicians from Monomoy, DY, Nauset, Falmouth, Barnstable, Martha’s Vineyard, and Bourne, who will spend the day working with Wayne Naus on several pieces that he either wrote or arranged for this performance. The concert will be that evening at 7:00 pm in the Monomoy Regional High School Auditorium, 75 Oak Street, Harwich, MA, 02645. Tickets are $10 for all and will be sold at the door.
Chatham Reads Poetry: Saturday, April 20
April is National Poetry Month, and Sandscript is encouraging everyone to sign up to read a favorite published poem at Eldredge Library!! "Chatham Reads Poetry" is a special annual event at which people of all ages can share their love of poetry! Check out the flyer for info about registering. The Reading will be on Saturday, April 20 at 2:00. Hope to see you there!!
Class of 2026 Fundraiser: Beach Towels
Go to to order yours today!
FREE MRHS YOGA CLASS: April 9, April 30, and May 7
Is your teen struggling to regulate their emotions and behaviors? Encourage them to join the free yoga classes occurring this Spring after school in the MRHS Library. Yoga could help your young person:
- Engage in deep breathing promoting relaxation and stress reduction.
- Learn mindfulness practices that can help them become more aware of their thoughts and emotions. This self-awareness can lead to better emotional regulation and a reduction in stress and anxiety.
- Practice physical postures that promote physical relaxation and can alleviate tension and discomfort. They also improve physical health, aiding in overall well-being
Classes are taught by a certified yoga teacher from community partner Yoga Neighborhood and supervised by a school staff.
- Location: MRHS Library
- Time: 3:20-4:20
- Dates: March 26, April 9, April 30, May 7
20th Anniversary 'Through Young Eyes' featuring MRHS Artists
Student Volunteers needed for Family Fun Fair: Saturday, April 6
The Cape Cod Children's Place is holding its annual Family Fun Fair on Saturday, April 6, at Orleans Elementary School from 10am to 1pm. They are in need of student volunteers to help community partners set up activity stations and assist at stations. Volunteer hours certificates will be awarded. If you are interested, please email Lucy Gilmore at
Student volunteers needed for Toast of Harwich: Saturday, April 20
The Harwich Chamber of Commerce is looking for high school student volunteers to help with the Toast of Harwich on Saturday, April 20, from 5-9 p.m. at the Wequassett. Volunteers are needed to direct the attendees, help at silent auction tables, and other tasks. If you are interested, please email Cyndi Williams at
Student volunteer opportunity at Chatham Railroad Museum
The Chatham Railroad Museum is welcoming high school volunteers for regular weekly shifts throughout the summer. Volunteers would greet visitors and keep count of how many visitors the museum receives. If you are interested, please email Jeff Gordon at
2024 Senior Graduation & End-of-Year Newsletter
The 2024 Senior Newsletter includes:
- Senior Obligations Checklist
- Graduation Ceremony Information
- Schedule of Upcoming Senior Events
- Senior Final Exam Schedule
Please do not hesitate to contact the school with any questions. We look forward to celebrating the Class of 2024!
Senior Newsletter: Obligations & Graduation Ceremony Info
Senior Newsletter: Schedule of Events
Senior Newsletter: Senior Final Exam Schedule
Yearbooks for sale
There are still plenty of yearbooks left for sale! However, the online ordering portal for 2024 yearbooks is CLOSED so all purchases must be made via cash or check (made out to: MRSD).
- Yearbooks are $90 each.
- Please forward payment to the Main Office with attention to Katie Francesconi, Yearbook Advisor.
- Once payment is received, the order will be entered in our system manually and a receipt will be sent.
- Yearbooks arrive at the end of May/early June and students will pick yearbooks up in the Main Office once they have arrived.
Please reach out if you have any questions: Katie Francesconi ( or (
Ad Lucem Root Word of the Week
Student Newspaper: The Bite
The Bite student newspaper is proud to present our Website! Please peruse the articles written by our amazing student journalists, and check back frequently for updates! MRHS's Creative Writing Club, Sandscript is now featured on the site as well! Be sure to check out their poetry and creative writing pieces.
Parenting Solutions Library
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Course Selection
Course selection will be available for the 2024-2025 school year next week. Students will have an opportunity to choose priority courses for the next grade. All students will be assigned a time to meet with their counselor to review their selections.
Attending Cape Cod Community College next year?
CCCC admissions staff will be here April 12.
Upcoming SAT Dates
May 4, 2024 - Registration deadline is April 19
June 1, 2024 - Registration deadline is May 16
Please register through the college board - Click here to register
Upcoming MCAS Testing Dates
- Grade 8 - STE: April 23 & 24
- Grade 8 - Math: May 14 & 15
- Grade 10 - Math: May 21 & 22
- Grade 8 - Civics: May 28 & 29
- Grade 9 - STE: June 4 & 5
Creative Collaboration
This program is going to be run as a pilot program with the intent to run a larger version in the fall. It’s a partnership with several of the artists over at The 204 and is designed for high school students. Students will be able to choose which artist/project they would like to work with and will have the option of participating in an end of program Celebration with group gallery show that will be held at The 204. This group will meet for five weeks in April.
Service Academy Information Night
If you are interested in attending one of the nation’s service academies, this informational fair will be a great introduction for young people looking to get a quality education and to serve our country.
Follow us on Social Media!
TWITTER: @MonomoyGuidance
INSTAGRAM: @MonomoyGuidance
Wishing you health and safety,
The MRHS Counseling Team
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Athletic Schedule: Week of 4/8
Athletic Dismissals: Week of 4/8
Mon. 4/8
V/JV Softball @ 2:45
V Girls Tennis @ 2:15
Tues. 4/9
V Boys Lacrosse @ 2:15
V Boys and Girls Track @ 1:30
Wed. 4/10
V Baseball @ 1:45
V Boys Tennis @ 11:15
Unified Track @ 11:15
Thurs. 4/11
Freshman Baseball @ 12:15
V Girls Golf @ 2:15
V Sailing @ 2:30
Fri. 4/12
V/JV Softball @ 2:15
V/JV Boys Lacrosse @ 2:45
V/JV Girls Lacrosse @ 1:15
V Girls Tennis @ 3:00
V Boys and Girls Track @ 2:45
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MRHS Performing Arts Department Calendar 2023-2024
Please click the link to see the MRHS Performing Arts Department Calendar 2023-2024
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17th Annual April Fools Polar Plunge: Sunday, April 7
- 1pm at Hardings Beach in Chatham
Comedy Night: Thursday, April 18
- 5pm & 7pm showings
- Purchase tickets here:
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Skills Class for Parents
- Monday evenings from April 1-June 3
Parent Workshop Series: Thursday, April 25
- All chats held at The 204
- 6:00pm-7:00pm
Rec. Soccer Co-Ed: Apr. 25-Jun. 13
- For grades 8-12
- Thursday nights from 6-7:30pm
Teen Job Fair: Thursday, May 9
- For ages 15-18 to meet and connect with local employers
- Free event
Pihcintu Multinational Girl's Chorus: Saturday, April 6
- Brewster Baptist Church
- FREE - Donations Gratefully Accepted
Combatting Hate: Building Bridges Across the Cape: April 28 & May 19
Bloom to Benefit Fundraising Event: purchase by May 15
- Supports Cape & Islands Youth and Young Adults
Family Grief Groups
- 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, 5:30-7:30pm
- Hyannis, MA (Venue disclosed upon registration)
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
- 3rd Tuesday of the month from 4:30-6:30pm
- Dinner and childcare provided
Public Screening of "No Small Matter": Sunday, April 28
- FREE! @ Cape Cinema, 35 Hope Lane, Dennis
Wequassett Resort is hiring for summer 2024 positions
- Apply to
- For further information email:
Cape Cod Institute is hiring operations & AV staff for summer
- Email Sophie Tretiak at to learn more!
Barnstable Recreation Waterfront & Lifeguard Training
- April 15-19 @ HYCC, $200 Fee
- Registration in-person and online begins Monday, March 18
Harwich Recreation Softball (Grades 2-6): Registration Deadline April 17
- $50
- Volunteer coaches needed!
MRHS School Handbook
Click here to access the 2023-2024 School Handbook:
MRHS Attendance Form
To report your child's absence, tardy, or upcoming dismissal please use the following link:
Friday Focus Archive
Did you know? Past issues of the Friday Focus can be found on our website:
Contact Us!
Location: 75 Oak Street, Harwich, MA, USA
Phone: 508-430-7200
Monomoy News & Social Media
MRSD Latest News/Updates:
Official Monomoy Regional SD App: Download from App Store or Google Play.