Husky Herald
November 9, 2023
Edition #13
Vintage Hills Elementary School
42240 Camino Romo
Temecula, Ca. 92592
951.695.4268 Fax
951.695.4265 Attendance line
Vintage Hills Families!
We enjoyed having our Veterans on campus at Wednesday Flag Salute and were proud to honor them. We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend. We have one more week until our Thanksgiving break....they say time flies when you are having fun! That is so true this school year!
April Zickefoose and Rebecca Mullen
Friday, November 10th Holiday
PTA Fun Run
The Fun Run Fundraiser has Begun!
This fundraiser is the most significant one of the year for our school’s PTA! Our goal is $25,000. The fundraiser runs from Wednesday, November 8th - Thursday, November 16th. Simply add your student to the fundraising website and start helping us reach our goal today! See flyer for prizes. Fundraiser Website:
The students will actually be running on Thursday, November 16th with their grade level.
PTA Membership--Only $10.00!
VHES Instagram is here! Follow us for updates and reminders!
Upcoming events
November 10, Friday
- Veterans Day school!
November 16, Thursday
- PTA Fun Run
November 17, Friday
- Mickey Mouse's Birthday....Wear Disney
November 20-24th Thanksgiving break! No School all week!
November 27, Monday
- School resumes from Thanksgiving break
November 29, Wednesday
- 9:00am BMX Assembly (rescheduled from Red Ribbon week)
Benefits and Discounts for Eligible Students
These applications allow eligible families to receive many benefits and discounts!
Parent Volunteer Application
Once the application process is complete, you may contact your teacher to set up a volunteer schedule.
If you have already completed this process last year, you do not have to do it again!
Attendance Matters
Attendance Matters! Missing just two days every month puts students at risk of falling behind. Attendance is the first way you can help your child succeed in school.
Please report all absences using one of the following:
Call the 24 hour absence line to leave a message: 951-695-4265
Call the front office during school hours: 951-695-4260
Email Kelly Page, Attendance Clerk:
Please give the date, name of your child, teacher name and reason for absence.