Cameron Family Newsletter
October 6, 2024
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Important Dates
10/9: Picture Day- See attached flyer!
10/10: Early Release Day 11:40 Dismissal No lunch served
10/14: No School- Indigenous Peoples' Day
11/5: No School- Voting Day
11/11: No School- Veterans Day
11/14: Early Release Day 11:40 Dismissal No lunch served
11/27- 11/29: No School- Thanksgiving Break
12/12: Early Release Day 11:40 Dismissal No lunch served
12/23- 12/31: No School Winter Break
Seeking School Council Members
School council members work closely with the principal and school staff members to provide guidance on the school vision and the School Improvement plan. We will review data and set goals as a committee. The school council meets once a month 6:00- 7:00 on the following dates: 10/24, 11/21, 12/19, 1/23, 2/13, 3/20, 4/17, 5/22, 6/12.
The committee must have equal representation from staff and parents. Please email me at if you are interested in serving on this committee. If we have more volunteers than seats available we will have a lottery to choose members.
Please read the following letter regarding SBIRT screening which will take place in November. Massachusetts school districts are required to use a verbal screening tool to screen students for substance use disorder. Framingham Public Schools will use the Screen, Brief Interview, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) process to screen all students in grades 7 and 9. SBIRT is a quick, easy way to screen, identify and intervene with students to prevent or delay the use of harmful substances such as alcohol and marijuana.
Picture Day is October 9th!
Please see the attached flyer for information on ordering photos.
Cameron Ski Club
Sign-ups for the Cameron Ski Club at Wachusett Mountain start on October 2nd. Skiing is after school for six consecutive Thursdays starting January 2nd, 2025 (with possibility of postponements due to weather or evening school events). Cost is $189 for the 6-week lift ticket if purchased by December 1st (then increases by $30). Equipment rentals and group lessons are also available. For more information, please complete the Ski Club Interest Form. If you have questions, please email John Reilly.
Drop Off and Pick up Procedure Reminders:
Students should be dropped off and picked up on Elm Street or Michael Road. Cars are not allowed on school property during arrival and dismissal. Students who are walkers or parent pick up are released from school after the buses have left. If we were to dismiss parent pick up and walkers prior to bus dismissal it would make it very difficult for our buses to get through the car traffic to pick up our bus students. We appreciate your patience during dismissal.
Every day I receive reports of cars making u-turns on Elm Street and Michael Road. Please protect the safety of our students and DO NOT make a u-turn on Elm Street or Michael Road.
Information from the Nurse
Please fill out this form to give permission to the nurse to give your child over the counter medication. If we don't have this form on file she can't give your child Tylenol or Ibuprofen
If your child did not receive a bus assignment please see below for resources.
1. Carpool to School - We have teamed up with GoTogether to help families find carpool options. This is an online tool where you can connect with other families to set up car rides or walks to school.
2. Bikes for Middle and High School Students - We have bikes available for free. If your child didn’t get a bus assignment and can safely bike to school, please contact me, and I can help you with the process.
3. Metrowest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA) - Older students can use the MWRTA bus to get to and from school. Please check the MWRTA website for the schedule and bus stop information, as not all schools are covered.
We apologize again for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
Universal Free Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast is available each morning in the cafeteria. Breakfast and Lunch are free for all students!
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phone use is not allowed at Cameron Middle School. Students are asked to put Cell Phones in their lockers or turned off and put in their book bag. Airpod/headphone use is also not allowed at Cameron Middle School. We encourage students to leave these items at home.
The Cell Phone Policy is in the Family Handbook and will be reviewed with all students over the first week of school.