Prairieview Newsletter
October 4, 2024
NOTE: If you need this newsletter in another language, please click the link at the top.
Week Seven: October Is Here!!!
Week seven brought the arrival of October and we are here for it!!! October is a beautiful month at Prairieview as the playground takes on a beauty of its own. The morning air is crisp, the leaves are starting to change colors, and the students at Prairieview are finding their groove in the classroom. There is a lot of great learning going on here.
This week we had our evacuation drill and the students did a fantastic job. The PV staff was extremely proud of the way everyone listened and followed directions.
We have our second PTO meeting of the year this Tuesday, October 8 at 5:30 p.m. Please see the Zoom link below. We would love to see more parents get involved. Many hands make light work.
Do you have your conference time yet? If you need assistance with this please call the office and we will get you scheduled. Conferences are being held on Tuesday, October 15 and Tuesday, October 22.
Enjoy your weekend. The weather forecast looks absolutely beautiful :)
ππ Staff Spotlight-Meet Mr. Mawi ππ
Don't Forget: There Is No School On Friday, October 11 For Staff PD
Join Us Tuesday, October 8 at 5:30 p.m. For Our PTO Meeting!!!
The Homecoming Parade Was A Huge Success!!!
Last Friday was a beautiful night for a parade and the PV float had a cozy, fall feel. Thank you to everyone who participated and to those who donated candy. We had a ton of fun and we are already looking forward to next year!!!
π΅πΆπ΅ Our 2nd Graders Went To The Symphony π΅πΆπ΅
On Thursday our 2nd graders had the opportunity to go downtown and enjoy the Battle Creek Symphony Orchestra's production of "Fantastic Beats". This was a great opportunity for our 2nd grade classrooms and they thoroughly enjoyed it. They loved that they recognized some of the songs that were performed from popular movies like Pirates Of The Caribbean and How To Train A Dragon. A huge Sparty Shout-Out to our music teacher Mrs. Myall for organizing this wonderful experience for our 2nd graders.
Save The Date-Conferences: October 15 & 22
We will be hosting conferences on Tuesday, October 15 (12:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.) and Tuesday, October 22 (3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.).
Tuesday, October 15 will also be a half day with 11:50 a.m. dismissal. A sack lunch will be provided for all students.
Your student's teacher will be reaching out to you to schedule a time. If you need assistance with anything please call the office at 269.565.4600.
On Wednesday, October 23, teachers and students are going to have a Prairieview PINK OUT day in honor/support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please join us by wearing as many pink items as you can. Pink hats, pink shoes, pink hair....PINK EVERYTHING! We can't wait to see everyone at PV dressed in their pink :)
ππ Save The Date ππ
ππ The Greatest Gift Of Life Is Friendship ππ
Be In The Know (Upcoming Events!!!)
Tuesday, October 8 ~ PTO Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
Friday, October 11 ~ No School (Staff Professional Development)
Monday, October 14 ~ Chick-Fil-A Community Care Event (4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)
Tuesday, October 15 ~ 1/2 Day Of School (11:50 a.m. dismissal)
Tuesday, October 15 ~ Conferences (12:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.)
Tuesday, October 22 ~ School Picture Retake Day
Tuesday, October 22 ~ Conferences (3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, October 23 ~ Prairieview Pink Out (Wear pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month)
ππ A Note From Food Service ππ
All students at Prairieview Elementary receive free breakfast and lunch. If your child would like an extra entree (example: two slices of pizza on Friday) they can be purchased for $2.25. This needs to be communicated and paid for when they order lunch in the morning so the lunchroom can plan accordingly. Milk is also available for $0.70 for those that carry a cold lunch.
For Quick Referenceπ
Amber Miller-Principal
Kourtney Grooten-Secretary To The Principal
Autumn Homer-Building Secretary
2024-2025 School Day Start & End Times
Monday Early Release - 8:25 a.m. - 2:55 p.m.
Tuesday-Friday Schedule - 8:25 a.m. - 3:25 p.m.
Half Day Schedule - 8:25 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Prairieview Elementary
1675 Iroquois Avenue
Battle Creek, MI 49015
Phone: 269.565.4600
Fax: 269.565.4608
Report Student Absences: