Cedar Reader
Cedar Park Middle School - November 23, 2020
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Message from Dr. Anderson
We've all stumbled through a lot of change in 2020; I don't need to tell you that. However, there is a lot of change headed for Cedar Park and all the BSD middle schools, and we will weather it together.
First, we have new boundaries beginning next year. Cedar Park will shift from having seven feeder elementary schools to four: Ridgewood, West TV, William Walker, and Chehalem. We will also be welcoming the only middle school options program, Rachel Carson Program for Environmental Science, to the building. These changes will reduce our enrollment from 875 to about 775 total.
The boundary changes are a result of the new middle school opening in the Timberland neighborhood: the 9th BSD middle school. The new school is one of the main reasons for the boundary changes, and it will help alleviate the overcrowding at Stoller Middle School. Current 7th Grade students will have the option to move to their new "boundary" middle school or stay at their current school for 8th grade.
Finally, the Superintendent announced the new parameters for the Common Middle School Experience beginning next year. All the middle schools will follow the same bell schedule and offer the same electives.
Yes, Cedar Park will look different in years to come, but that's not a new thing. We have grown and changed a lot throughout the years - it's inevitable. What stays constant is our wonderful, supportive community, our engaged families, and our staff that will continue to be committed to excellence.
I'm sure you have a lot of questions, or you will in the months to come. The CP Admin Team is here for you, and we will be hosting many opportunities for you to hear about specific changes and ask questions specific to your student and her/his experience at Cedar Park. Please watch for event flyers and information in the coming Cedar Readers.
Be well, and have a wonderful holiday season.
Important Dates for November/December
Dec 1: CPMS Anti-racist Community Coalition @ 5:30 PM
Dec 21-Jan 1: Winter Break - No school
Ways to Support Cedar Park
Looking for a couple of ways to help give Cedar Park a little boost? Well, here ya go!
Staff Appreciation Starbucks Gift Card Drive, 12/9
This December, we are creating holiday goody bags for our AH-MAZING Cedar Park staff, but we need a little help from our community to really make these magical.Please sign-up to donate a physical $5 Starbucks gift card for our hard-working staff. They can be dropped off at the front of the school anytime between 11am-2pm on Wednesday, December 9th.
If this day/time doesn't work for you, please contact us and we can make alternate arrangements: volunteers@cedarparkptc.org. Thank you!
Cedar Park No Fuss Fundraising
One week into our No Fuss Fundraising campaign and 32 community donors have already donated over $2300 towards our effort.
OUR GOAL: 100 individual donors by December 16th. We are 17% there!
DONATE NOW: Use your PayPal account or any debit/credit card to support the CDL efforts of Cedar Park PTC in as little as 30 seconds.
NIKE/ COLUMBIA/ INTEL FAMILIES: Feel free to donate directly to the Cedar Park PTC via the Benevity portal. Forward the confirmation to president@cedarparkptc.org. And don't forget that Nike and many companies are DOUBLING their match on Giving Tuesday, 12/1! Let's work smarter, not harder!
Check out our No Fuss Fundraising newsletter to learn more about where the money goes,
sponsorship opportunities & matching funds info. Every donor is appreciated!
Immunization Reminder
New Book Bus Days and Hours
Starting December 2, 2020 the Cedar Park Book Bus will be every Wednesday, times and locations are the same. Happy Reading.
Locations Stops:
Timberland M.S. Driveway(lower parking lot) 1:38 PM
SW 125th Ave South of Colony Lane 2:10 PM
Kennedy St Just past 103rd 2:38 PM
SW 103rd in front of Cornerstone Church 3:03 PM
SW Knollcrest Dr Just after turn 3:33 PM
Translation for Everyone!
BSD has purchased Google Read&Write (with the pdf translator) for every student in the district. This Chrome extension allows students to view web pages (including Canvas) in languages of their choice, convert text to speech and speech to text, as well as making text more accessible. if you can, please make sure your students have this Chrome extension and please model how to use it.
Come visit the Outdoor Library On Wednesdays
A Note From Our Nurse
The Benefits of Slumber
Why you need a good night’s sleep
A Healthy Message from your nurse, Wendy Costanzo, RN
A good night of sleep can make the world look and feel brighter. But with our busy live – and our often busy minds – getting a full eight hours of peaceful rest is sometimes easier said than done.
We have so many demands on our time – jobs, school, family – not to mention finding some time to relax. To fit everything in, we often sacrifice sleep. But sleep affects both mental and physical health. It is vital to our well-being.
Of course, sleep helps you feel rested each day. But while you are sleeping, your brain and body do not just shut down. Your internal organs and brain are hard at work repairing and refreshing during the night.
When you are tired, you cannot function at your best. Sleep helps you think more clearly, have quicker reflexes and focus better. Tired people are less productive than well rested people. Lack of sleep also influences your mood, which can affect how you interact with others. A sleep deficit over time can even put you at greater risk for developing depression, along with many other physical risks such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, just to mention a few.
Although personal needs may vary, on average, adults need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Young children need at least 10 hours of sleep and teens need at least 9.
Try these tips to help you get restful sleep:
- Let electronics rest – Many devices emit blue light which suppresses melatonin (the hormone that regulates sleep). To promote restful sleep, avoid late nights on the laptop and put away gaming devices.
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol – Instead, sip calming tea before bed if you must have something
- Reduce stress – Stress affects sleep in a big way. Slow your racing mind. Practice deep breathing, meditation, read a good book, get some exercise, whatever means you have available to help cope with daily stressors.
- Establish a bedtime routine – A bedtime routine helps to encourage your body to fall asleep and helps provide restful sleep. Simple things such as cuddling together with a book, establishing a regular bedtime, and sticking to it, can help families get the rest they need to face each day.
Have a wonderful day and restful slumber…..