Wednesday's Words
Dear Families,
We hope you enjoyed having the opportunity to meet with your children’s teachers during parent conferences last week. It is a great time for teachers and parents to be able to talk about children’s growth, share information and set goals. We are proud to have our families visit and see the rich classroom learning environments our teachers work so hard to create, as well as the incredible artwork and examples of student learning that adorn our hallways and classrooms!
As we approach the December break, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the many members of our community who regularly volunteer their time to strengthen and support our schools. A special thank you goes out to the Norfolk Parent Teachers Organization for all of their efforts to raise funds to support enrichment programs and special events in our district, as well as for coordinating volunteers for our library and lunchroom. Thank you to the Norfolk SEPAC for their ongoing efforts to provide resources and support to families of students with all types of needs and for their efforts to support district initiatives such as Unified Schools and the iCare Disability Awareness Programs. Thank you to the Norfolk School Committee for the time and dedication they put into developing and garnering support for our district budget, overseeing policy and ensuring that our schools have the resources they need to operate safely and efficiently. Thank you to the many, many parent volunteers who come in to help out in school, whether it is preparing materials, assisting with lunch or recess or helping with special classroom events.
Lastly I want to thank all of our teachers, paraprofessionals, office staff, support staff, maintenance staff, nurses, food service workers, bus drivers and administrators who work as a team each day to ensure that all of our students have safe, healthy and meaningful learning experiences here in our schools. Your hard work and dedication are appreciated!
I wish all of our families a wonderful December break and a very Happy New Year! We look forward to welcoming our students back in January!
Ingrid Allardi
Policies and Procedures for closing, delaying, or early closure of school
As we head into the colder winter months, I thought this was a good time to share some general information with you about our policies and procedures for closing school, calling for a delay or possible early closing. The following are some quick answers to your most frequently asked questions.
Who makes the decision?
As the Superintendent it is my responsibility to make the decision about whether or not it is safe to open the schools in the case of inclement weather. I take this responsibility seriously and base the decision on a variety of sources of information. Many factors are considered in making the decision including road conditions, snow accumulations, temperature and icing, parking lot and sidewalk conditions and weather predictions.
How are decisions made?
To begin with, like you, I follow current local forecasts to get the most up-to-date weather predictions. As we all know from experience, the weather in New England is not always predictable and forecasts sometimes are incorrect. At the same time, I have to rely on the predictions of the local experts to make the most informed decision possible.
In addition to monitoring forecasts, I also consult with a variety of individuals throughout the course of the night. I am in constant communication with the Norfolk DPW, who provides me with up-to-date information regarding road and driving conditions. In addition, I consult with area superintendents including Wrentham, Plainville and King Phillip. When necessary, the police department and fire department are consulted as well.
What time are decisions made?
In order to call for a school cancellation or delay, a decision must be made by 5:45 a.m. This allows us time to notify news stations and send out a ConnectEd message to families prior to parents leaving for work and staff starting their journey into school. After this time, it is difficult to delay school, as we cannot be assured that all families will get the message in time, and there is a safety concern about students waiting outside for buses that are not coming or students who are being dropped off at school when there is no supervision available.
How are families notified?
In the case of a school cancellation, delay or possible early release, all families will be notified via our ConnectEd system. Early release calls are very rare and are typically only made when families are notified in advance. We would not send students home early at this age without ensuring that a parent or family member was informed and home to meet them. Delayed openings are announced through ConnectEd and through the local radio and TV stations listed below. In the case of a one hour delay, parents can expect bus pick up times to run one hour later than usual. The school day will begin one hour later- although lunches and other specials will run at their regularly scheduled times.
Where can you find information about school cancellations or delays?
- WBZ Storm Center - TV 4 and News Radio 1030
- WBUR Radio Boston
- WCVB - TV 5
- WFXT - Fox 25
- WRKO Storm Force - TV 7
- Norfolk Cable Channel NCTV
- ConnectEd
In addition to getting the information on The, and individual network stations, you can also register directly with these individual sites to receive alerts on your preferred electronic device.
Please note that as a parent you always have the right to keep your child home from school if you are concerned about the weather or road conditions. While it is my responsibility to make the best decision I can on behalf of the schools and our community, I respect parents’ individual right to make a different decision if they feel it is in the best interest of their child.
Teacher Gifts
If you are considering giving a gift to your child’s teacher over the next few weeks, it is important to be aware that teachers, as public employees, are subject to the Conflict of Interest Law. The general guidelines of this law prohibit teachers from accepting a gift worth over $50.00 from any individual student. Teachers are able to accept a class gift of up to $150.00 or several smaller gifts over the course of the year totaling no more than $150.00 for the year, as long as the gift is given from the class as a whole and no individual students' names are attached. Teachers are not allowed to accept any individual gifts from students who contributed to the class gift. Teachers are also allowed to accept gifts intended to be used in the classroom (i.e. books, supplies) without being in violation of the law. Please remember, you have already given us the gift of sharing your children with us throughout the school year! I am providing this information strictly to help room parents or others plan and to prevent any uncomfortable situations from arising.
A Legacy of Excellence: Celebrating Our 2024 NCTA Grant Recipients
The Norfolk County Teachers Association, founded by the visionary educator Horace Mann in 1849, is proud to announce the recipients of the 2024 NCTA Grants. As the oldest teachers’ association in the nation, NCTA remains steadfast in its commitment to serving teachers and students.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Kirsten Baima, Kayla Netto, and Andrea Stafford, whose innovative projects have been selected for funding. Their dedication to enhancing student learning aligns perfectly with NCTA's mission.
We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to all applicants for their time, effort, and passion for education. Your contributions to our profession are invaluable.
District Curriculum Page
We invite all families to visit our District Curriculum Page, where you can access a wealth of valuable information, including the 2024 MCAS presentation from the December School Committee meeting. Additionally, explore our Curriculum Highlights for detailed insights into our academic programs, learn about our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs, and understand our reporting practices for student report cards. Your feedback is crucial to us! If you have suggestions for other helpful information that could be included on the page, or if there are any enhancements you think could improve your experience, please don’t hesitate to email us. Your input helps us better serve our community and support our students' educational journeys. Here's the link to view the District Curriculum Page.
iCare - Introducing Children to Acceptance through Reading and Education
Dear Families/Caregivers,
Welcome back and cheers to a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year! I hope you had a wonderful, connecting, restful holiday with family and friends and I hope you are feeling rested and ready to enter 2025 with hope, optimism, and a renewed commitment to goals.
Below please find a brief description and overview of our iCare initiative.
Happy New Year!
Dr. Anna Eberwein-Tupper/Director of Student Support Services
Entering the New Year kicks off our Disability Awareness Initiative called:
Introducing Children to Acceptance through Reading and Education or better known as “iCare.”
iCare helps to create an inclusive school community where kindness, acceptance, and inclusion are promoted. This is accomplished through classroom readings and discussion which foster a culture where every person, regardless of ability, is recognized for their strengths.
iCARE utilizes classroom readings to create a friendly, safe environment where family volunteers read a selected book and where thoughtful questions can be asked and answered by your student and other students in your child’s classroom. To facilitate classroom discussion, family volunteers participate in a training and are provided with questions and answers related to each book. Every family reader is supported by the classroom teacher and at times by the school adjustment counselors, Mr. Andrew Drogan and Ms. Liz Longley.
Both Mr. Drogan and Ms. Longley trained many Norfolk families during the month of November 2024 through training facilitated by your SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council).
Selected book titles include topics that may range from general differences to more specific disabilities (like autism, ADHD, or specific learning disabilities).
The following book titles were selected by our educators and administrators. They include:
Preschool: It’s OK To Be Different by Todd Parr
Kindergarten: Accept and Value Each Person by Cheryl Meiners
First Grade: A Rainbow of Friends by P.K. Hallinan
Second Grade: Uniquely Me by Tracey Wilson
Third Grade: Uniquely Brave by Tracey Wilson
Fourth Grade: Just Ask: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You by Sonia Sotomayor
Fifth Grade: Rick’s Story - The Story of Rick Hoyt by Sherrie Ninteau
Sixth Grade: I am not a Label by Cerrie Burnell
Your child will have a family reader scheduled once during the months of January or February. Additional book selections on Disability Awareness are available through the libraries at HOD and FK. The iCare books have been purchased to commemorate Mrs. Linda Balfour’s years of professional service to the Norfolk Public Schools as an inclusion pioneer.
We are excited to join the many schools in Massachusetts who promote a caring, kind, accepting community of learners through the iCare Program!
Feel free to contact Dr. Anna Eberwein-Tupper/Director of Student Support Services for more information on the iCare Disability Awareness Program (
Calendar Reminders
- Monday, December 23, 2024 - Wednesday, January 1, 2025
- Monday, January 20, 2025 - NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - Early Release - Noon Dismissal - PD Day
NPS Employment Opportunities
Please click on Employment Opportunities to join our team!
For more information contact Roxanne Verdeaux, Human Resources @
- Educational Support Personnel
- Instructional Assistants Special Education
- Extended Day Site Coordinator (SACC) - Grades 3-6
- Substitute Nurses (RN)
- Substitute Teachers
- Food Service Assistants
School Committee Meeting - November 19, 2024
School Committee Meeting - December 10, 2024
SEPAC is hosting a free virtual workshop - Basic Rights: Understanding the IEP
Wait Until 8th
Let kids be kids a little longer
Join Norfolk parents (and 82,000 other parents nationwide) who have decided to delay giving smartphones to their kids until “at least” 8th grade. Wait Until 8th is a national program helping parents address the reality that early exposure to social media, internet access, and smartphone addiction is taking a toll on childrens’ mental health. The pledge is only for smartphones. If you would like your child to have a basic “call and text only” phone/watch, you still can sign the pledge! No money is involved. This is a completely free program. So far we have 44 families signed up in Norfolk Public Schools! Once your grade has 10 or more pledges, the pledge is active and Wait Until 8th will notify you all. You will be updated weekly when more families join an active pledge. If interested, join local parents at Norfolk Public Schools and sign the pledge today! If you have multiple kids in different grades, make sure you complete one form for each child. Additional questions please contact Jennifer Svalbe at
Norfolk PTO
Norfolk PTO - Upcoming Events!
- PTO Meeting – Freeman-Kennedy Library (all are welcome!)
- Heritage Night – Freeman-Kennedy Cafeteria (see below for details)
- Save the date! 3rd and 4th grade movie outing at Patriots Place
- More details coming soon!
Minted Fundraiser through 12/31 | 15% from Purchases Donated to PTO
Order holiday cards and photo gifts this season through Minted and give back to the schools! When you use the code FUNDRAISENORFOLK, you’ll receive 20% off your Minted order and 15% from each purchase will be donated to the PTO to support the Norfolk schools.
Norfolk Merch Store Open 24/7
Norfolk Merch makes great holiday gifts! Check out our online shop which include t-shirts, sweatshirts, athletic shorts and pants and hats for adults and kids, as well as water bottles, bags and more! Customize the design on each item. Purchases are shipped directly to your home, and 15% of your order goes back to the Norfolk schools! Click here to shop: Norfolk Merch Store | Squadlocker
Heritage Night | Friday, January 24 – Sign up for a Station!
Heritage Night celebrates the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and histories that make our community special. It will take place Friday, January 24 at 6:00pm at Freeman-Kennedy. We invite families to participate in our Heritage stations and share your history and traditions with the school community. We've organized the sign-up process into several categories, however, we're also open to all suggestions you may have. If you believe there's an aspect of your heritage that deserves a spotlight, or if you have innovative ideas for formats and presentations, we encourage you to share them with us! Sign up for a heritage station today!
PTO Volunteer Opportunities & Lunch Sign-up
We welcome any parents and caregivers who are interested in volunteering for school events, lunch, recess, library, etc. to please complete our volunteer sign-up form. Interested in volunteering an hour for lunch and recess duty? Please make sure you have an updated CORI and have signed the Volunteer Agreement form. Click the following link details and to sign up: Volunteer! HOD & FK Lunch/Recess Duty
Norfolk Recreation
Norfolk Public Schools Calendar
Norfolk Public Schools
Location: 70 Boardman Street, Norfolk, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 528-1225