Robert Hunter Report
Nov. 9, 2024
Robert Hunter Elementary School
Mrs. Jessica Braynor, Principal
Mrs. Lindsay Shirvanian, Vice Principal
Website: https://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/Domain/381
Location: 8 Dayton Road Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone: (908) 284-7620
Dear Robert Hunter Families,
This upcoming Wednesday is World Kindness Day. We will continue to promote kindness every day at Robert Hunter through intentional teaching regarding the impact of our actions on others. Continue to have conversations with your child at home about kindness. Perhaps when you ask about their school day, ask them to share about something kind that they did or something kind that they saw someone else do.
We are looking forward to a full week of school this week, and we hope to see many families at our upcoming PTO meeting on Tuesday!
Have a great week!
Jessica Braynor and Lindsay Shirvanian
Pictures of the Week
Useful Links for Families
The Week Ahead
Monday, Nov 11, Day 2
After-school Clubs: I Can Draw Club, Games Club
Tuesday Nov. 12, Day 3
- PTO Meeting 6:00
Wednesday, Nov 13. Day 4
After-school Clubs: Gaga and Games, Busy Builders, Project Enrich -Wednesday Group
Thursday Nov.14, Day 5
BOE Meeting
After-school clubs: Project Enrich - Thursday Group
Friday, Nov. 15, Day 6
After-school Clubs: Maker Space, Robbie’s Runners
Spirit Day - Wear RH Spiritwear
Save the Date:
Nov. 21 - Picture Day Make-Up
Nov. 23 - Craft Fair
Nov. 21-26- Early Dismissal Days, Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 27 - Early Dismissal for Thanksgiving
Nov. 29-29 - School Closed for Thanksgiving
Enrichment Clubs
Please note Kick Quest has ended. There is no Kick Quest this week. The ending dates for all other clubs are as follows:
Games Club (K-2): Monday, November 18
I Can Draw Anything! (2-4): Monday, November 18
Stay and Play (K-2): Monday, November 18
Busy Builders (K-2): Wednesday, November 20
Gaga & Games (3-4): Wednesday, November 20
Maker Space (1-2): Friday, November 15
Robbie's Runners (1-4): Friday, November 15
Chess Club (1-4): Friday, November 15
STEM at Home
Please see the November at-home STEM challenge here!
Check out 2nd grader Kian’s piggy bank from the October STEM challenge below! Great job, Kian! We hope to feature another RH student’s work next month!
2nd Grade Canned Food Drive
2nd grade classes are collecting canned foods for the Flemington Food Pantry this month.Please see their flyer below!
Yearbook Picture Permission
All students’ fall pictures will be included in the yearbook. Additional pictures of the children are also included. If you would prefer that pictures of your child not be included in the yearbook, please email Mrs. Braynor at jessica.braynor@frsd.us.
From the PTO:
Fourth Grade Baby Pictures - Due February 12
Please submit a baby picture (0-24 months) of your fourth grader for our yearbook to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYVa35dzPnzmkKlWGJgCJWsgDOqaYIu47K5uTS_JFYP-sVeg/viewform. Please reach out to Laura DiStaulo at ladistaulo@gmail.com with any questions.
Fourth Grade Parent Volunteers Needed!!
The PTO is looking for chairpersons for a spaghetti dinner committee, end of year picnic committee, t-shirt design committee, yearbook baby picture committee and graduation yard sign committee to celebrate our fourth graders. Please reach out to RobertHunterPTO@gmail.com if you can lead one of these committees or assist in another way. Thanks in advance for your support!
PTO Meeting - November 12
Please join us at our next PTO meeting on November 12 at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria of Robert Hunter school. We will have special student speakers!!! Please RSVP HERE so that we have adequate pizza and snacks!!
Craft Fair - November 23
Attention All Crafters and Vendors! Robert Hunter PTO will be sponsoring a holiday craft market on November 23rd, 2024 at Robert Hunter Elementary School. 8' x 7' spaces are $30 with limited tables and chairs available to rent. Please complete the following application if you are interested!
Picture Day Makeups - November 21
Lifetouch will be at Robert Hunter on November 21 to take pictures of students who missed picture day or would like their photo retaken. Please reach out to Bethany Pacheco at roberthunteryb@gmail.com with any questions.
RH Family Day at the Ice Skating Rink - December 9
We're gearing up early for some winter fun at Flemington Ice Arena. Buy your tickets to skate with the Grinch at https://www.gomotionapp.com/.../page/class-registration...
Order your yearbook and custom pages. Login at https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=10160407073332
Please reach out to the yearbook committee at Roberthunteryb@gmail.com with any questions.
Spiritwear - Available Every Day!
Check out this year's new spirit wear designs HERE and order today at www.roberthunterspiritwear.com