Copeland Hoofbeat
Friday, September 6, 2024
From the Principal
Copeland families,
It has been an amazing start to the 2024-2025 school year. I always love when our Colts are back in the building. They bring me so much joy!
This is our monthly newsletter that will go out the first Friday of each month. Our PBIS team will share a monthly newsletter the second Friday of each month. PTO will share their newsletter, the Horseshoe Review, the third Friday of each month. We will utilize these newsletters, along with social media and school messenger, to communicate important information and upcoming dates. Each month a calendar of events is sent home in Thursday folders. This calendar will include important information about what is happening at Copeland.
Please be sure to save the dates below.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 PTO will host a Volunteer Breakfast at 9:00 in the cafeteria. We will hold our annual Title I Parent Meeting at that time.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 is picture day! Say cheese!
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 we will have a PTO General Meeting at 5:00 in the cafeteria. Immediately following the PTO Meeting, we will have our annual Title I Parent Meeting. Curriculum Night for Life Skills, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade will be from 5:30-6:30 that same evening. This is a fantastic chance to hear from the teachers about what your child will be learning this year and discover ways to support their progress at home. Unlike previous open houses, each grade level will have a presentation starting at 5:30.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 will be Curriculum Night for ECSE, PK, K, 2nd, and 4th grade. This evening will follow the exact same format as the September 24th Curriculum Night (above) beginning with a PTO General Meeting at 5:00 in the cafeteria.
We appreciate your cooperation and assistance in our daily arrival and dismissal procedures. It is very important to us that we get students to and from school in a quick, efficient, and safe manner. Your cooperation has significantly helped us accomplish this goal. Thank you!
Words truly can not express the love and pride I have in our Copeland community. Thank you all for your continued support!
Stefanie Berger
Email: copeland@cfisd.net
Website: Copeland.CFISD.net
Location: 18018 Forest Heights Drive, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-856-1400
Facebook: facebook.com/copelandcfisd
Twitter: @CopelandCFISD
Field Day Shirt Sale
V-Soft Registration Forms for Field Day 2024
Please return your form by October 7th in order to avoid the lines. V-Soft stickers will be sent home on Monday, October 21st. If you don't have a v-soft sticker, please check in through the front office before heading to the fields. Expect long lines.
Cafeteria Menu Includes Sweet Treats Beginning in September
Beginning Tuesday, September 3, 2024, cookies and ice cream will be available for purchase daily for 1st-5th grade students. PK and Kinder students will have the opportunity to purchase a cookie or ice cream on Fridays during lunch. Students may purchase a cookie for 50 cents or an ice cream for $1.00. Please talk with your students about your expectations for purchasing dessert. Parents, you may also set parameters within your child’s lunch account online through School Cafe. Ms. Popham, our cafeteria manager, still has cookies and ice cream available to sell for birthday treats. Please email her at rhonda.popham@cfisd.net to place an order. Thank you!
Thank you to our Community!
We are so grateful for everything our community does for Copeland!
- Thank you to Trent Durham & the Eagle Scouts of Troop 1296 for moving our garden over the summer! We are grateful that we can now have garden lessons within the gated playground area. They did an amazing job making our garden look neat and tidy. We can't wait to see what our Colts grow! 🌱
- Thank you to Vargas Landscaping for moving the dirt for our garden before our Colts came back! We are excited to see the fun our students have while they learn out there! 🌷
- Thank you, Martial Arts USA, for your generous donation to Copeland! We love being supported by businesses in our area! 💙
- Children's Lighthouse provided snacks for our staff on August 9th. We were absolutely over-the-moon!! 💛
- Our amazing and generous PTO served a Jason's Deli lunch to our staff on August 16, and it was such a welcome treat after a successful Meet the Teacher! Thank you!
- We are so grateful to Blooms from the Heart for bringing us two lovely bouquets to brighten our first week of school! 💜
- We have the sweetest Pre-K team! They brought us something truly special on the first day; Girl Scout cookies! There's nothing sweeter than friends with cookies!
- Mathnasium donated a cookie tray on August 29th for our staff to enjoy at the end of a very rewarding week 2! Thank you, Mathnasium! 🧡
Murals Donated by the PTO
We are so grateful to the PTO for their ongoing efforts to both beautify and enhance learning at our school. This August, our PTO hired muralist, Hannah Bull Nectar, to get some colors on our wall! These will be favorite photo spots for years to come. Thank you, PTO!
The Copeland Library - Our Colts Love Books!
Arrival & Dismissal Running Smoothly!
Our staff has worked hard with all of you to make arrival and dismissal a success this year. We are exceedingly grateful for your kindness, cooperation and 'can-do' attitudes that have made the start of the year much better than expected! We are proud of our whole community for coming together to get our Colts home safely! Thank you all!
Upcoming September Dates
Stay Connected to the PTO for the Latest Information
Join Copeland PTO. Go to the Copeland website here or return the form sent home with students with your payment.
Copeland PTO Facebook - @CopelandElementaryPTO
Copeland PTO Instagram - @CopelandElementaryPTO
Remind App Copeland PTO Volunteers – Text @2868g4 to 81010
Copeland PTO Events – Text @aeb664 to 81010
PTO Garden Shirts $15
Order your student a garden shirt by October 15th and help grow our Copeland PTO!
5th Grade Yard Signs
Yard signs are on sale now on the PTO's website for $15.
September Spirit Nights
Enjoy dinner while you support our school!
Box Tops Mobile App
Box Tops is changing to fit today's families. The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school's earnings online.
Download the app!
Copeland Counseling Department
Kaylee McArthur, Counselor
Students in grades K-5 will have four opportunities during the school year to use “credit-by-exam” to accelerate to another grade level. Students will only have one opportunity to test for each grade level considered.
To apply to take the test to skip kindergarten, a student must be 5 by September 1, and registered in a CFISD school. To apply to take the test to skip grade 1, a student must be 6 by September 1, and enrolled in a CFISD school.
Students who earn scores of 80% or better on each component of the credit-by-exam will qualify to advance one grade. Only one grade level may be “skipped” each year. No retests will be given.
If you are interested in getting more information about credit-by-exam, please contact the school counselor.
The Copeland Clinic
From Nurse Kane
Please do not send any medication, including cough drops, to school with your child. Per our district policy, all medication must be unopened, unexpired and brought by a parent to the clinic and signed in.
For Pre-K, Kinder & 1st grade students, please send a dry set of clothes daily in your child's backpack. The clinic needs donations of gently used pants in all sizes for girls/ boys and new, unopened underwear in all sizes.
Lisa Kane RN, BSN
Copeland Elementary School Nurse
18018 Forest Heights Dr.
Houston, TX 77095
clinic: (281) 856-1406
fax: (281) 463-5510
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